Unintentional Attention

When Jun Kai raised his head, his heart skipped.

He had never imagined seeing her in a dress. As she walked, she was unfazed of the attention she was receiving and was aloof from everything.

Mi Rong had felt the eyes from everyone upon her; however, she was long used to it.

She pushed it to the back of her head and only focus on supporting grandma Feng up the stairs.

Back from where she came from, her father's officials would pay every attention to her moves, looking for any faults in her manners. The only good thing now is that the pressure was much lighter than being a princess of a nation.

Out of her habit, she would still be walking gracefully even though it was just her casually walking up the stairs.

On the other hand, Xia Yun's face slightly flushed from everyone's attention. Nevertheless, she was not a walking stick and her flushed face only made her look sweeter.

One had an air of elegance from a well-raised background and the other was as sweet as a summer flower, it was indeed pleasing to the eyes.

Although everyone was still questioning their backgrounds, they couldn't help but praise for their different charms.

The two were compatibly walking alongside grandma Feng who had long-established her poise and all the grace had been rooted to her every bone.

The two young ladies beside her looked like they were her long lost granddaughters as they seemed to have come from prestigious backgrounds like grandma Feng. However, where was the question?

Once, some of the young masters that had woken up from their dreaminess, their eyes became wolf-like. They were eyeing their pick between the two.

Xue Li could not hide her fury eyes. She remembered something and turned towards the man up the stairs whom she had been eyeing the whole time.

Looking at Jun Kai, she saw his stare fixed on that woman. Xue Li's heart began to become restless, what if he really fell for her? But that cannot be right, his heart is like the depths of chilliness only that Fei Ling was able to warm his heart.

How can he change that easily, there was no way.

Many thoughts ran inside Xue Li's mind in a short moment, some were her speculations and her self-encouragement out of desperation.

However, no matter how much this woman makes Jun Kai fall for her, she would still be no match to him. Her background is nothing and Jun Kai's father will not easily accept it. Hmph! She still had her last card left and she was sure that this fox will never be able to win over her.

She didn't think less and walked straight towards Jun Kai's direction; however, she was stopped by the Feng family's guards upon reaching closer. Xue Li tried to push her way towards Jun Kai but was unable to due to the sturdiness of the three bodyguards.

Grandma Feng smiled.

She didn't want a snake-like person to be beside her grandson at all cost. Only with a look from her eyes, the three bodyguards had heeded to her orders immediately.

On the other hand, Feng Min was stunned.

He could not believe his eyes. She could become this fairy-like? He then turned his gaze towards his cousin. Seeing Jun Kai's stare on her made him uneasy. Although Jun Kai's stare was not like those dreamy eyes of the other men around, it was hard for Jun Kai to even look at someone. Feng Min's brows furrowed.

Feng Min thought to himself, do not worry Fei Ling, I will definitely make him wake up from that woman's illusion.

Even though Fei Ling was not here anymore, but she would be over watching this scene from the heavens. Feng Min did not want any sorrow to come upon her.

As Mi Rong drew closer, she saw Xue Li at the sides.

Although Mi Rong was looking over to Xue Li's side indifferently, Xue Li felt sour. She felt like it was an insult to her.

However, she couldn't do anything to Mi Rong in the open and could only miserably stand there. Her nails were to the point of nearly going through her skin.

"Phew, these stairs aren't that too much, but my old legs are already giving away." Grandma Feng slightly complained.

Hearing grandma Feng's voice, Jun Kai changed his attention towards his grandmother. Qing Qing seeing Mi Rong coming closer ran up to Mi Rong, "Rong jie! Wow, you're very pretty today."

"Hm? Qing Qing, what about me?" Xia Yun acted like she was angry at Qing Qing for not seeing her.

"Aiyoo Yun Jie, I see you in pretty dresses all the time. It's my first for Rong jie, so I can't help but say it. Also, Cheng ge ge should be the one complimenting you not me!" Qing Qing cheekily looked at Lin Cheng and shoved all the responsibilities towards him.

Lin Cheng quickly woke up and smiled dryly as he was unable to say anything. His face was half awkward and half adoring at the same time.

For a big guy like him, it was his first time not knowing how to manage a situation given that he was Jun Kai's only manager and secretary.

On the other hand, seeing Lin Cheng only made Xia Yun annoyed. Hmph! She automatically turned her face away from him without any signs of turning back.

Mi Rong who had been looking at the entire scene smiled. When she smiled so naturally without any filters, it made everyone fazed with her genuine.

However, most of the young ladies that attended the event were all dissatisfied with Mi Rong and Xia Yun since they both had taken all of the attention away from them and how nice was it that they both came with grandma Feng. With such good backing, they couldn't do any harm to them unless they didn't fear their deaths.

By the time grandma Feng and her group walked inside the building, the event had already begun.

There were seats with names for every important people; grandma Feng and Jun Kai were both seated at the very front. Although the event was in the name of the Feng family, everyone knew clearly that it had been set up from the side of Madam Yun and Feng Min.

Some of the guests may look down at the pair, but they could not just bluntly dirty their names since they came from the same family as mother Feng.

When Mi Rong arrived at the hall and seeing all the seats with names on them, she knew clearly that there would not be her name on the seats or even if they were it may have been placed at the very back.

Even if she was the princess from where she had come from, but now she was just a nobody in this world.

It might be better off to just leave this dirt and take some time to enjoy the view. She slightly nudged Xia Yun, "Hey, let's go outside. They probably wouldn't have our names anyways."

Xia Yun softly whispered back, "How are you so sure? Grandma Feng wouldn't let that happen."

"Hmph, I know grandma Feng wouldn't, but I'm not sure of that man on the stage over there would." Mi Rong signalled towards Feng Min who was now hosting on the stage.

When Mi Rong drew closer towards the top of the stairs, she also observed the people around her. She happened to caught Feng Min's murderous gaze towards her before he quickly covered it up with a smile. She was not going to let any person bully her easily, so she would rather get out of it for the sake of not implicating grandma Feng.

Xia Yun also looked towards Feng Min's direction and gave a very dissatisfied face, "Although he looks nice, his attitude is way far from that hmph! Let's go."

Both of them notified grandma Feng that they were going to take some fresh air outside and giving an excuse of having a headache, grandma Feng naturally gave way.

"Don't forget to take some medicine and drink lots of water, okay?"

Even before the two could answer grandma Feng, Madam Yun squeezed into the picture with a very harmonious face, "Feng jie jie, please come this way. I'll take you to your seats."

With that, both Mi Rong smiled at Xia Yun giving her the look of, 'I told you' face. Seeing her friend showing off for just this small reason, Xia Yun rolled her eyes and pulled Mi Rong outside.

As the two figures walked outside, Jun Kai and Lin Cheng's gaze automatically followed them until their backs could not be seen.

From afar on the stage, Feng Min's eyes darkened and a small smirk came out.

However, there was another gaze that had been fixed on the young lady in blue from the very beginning. He too was faintly smiling as he watched them walk out.

The party had just begun.