Mister Ye

"Shoot them." The voice from the phone gave out an order without haste.

"Yes, sir!" Once the order was given, the men proceeded to complete their order. A sniper was then instructed to be positioned on another tall building close but had quite a distance from the hotel.

It didn't take long before he had finished assembling his rifle.

At the head of the rifle, he had installed a silent muzzle to prevent any noise coming from him. The sniper made a call check through his radio to his boss before shooting. When all was cleared and his instruction was confirmed, he pointed his rifle directly to the people on the balcony.

His rifle was raised and aimed towards the woman in the blue dress. It would only take him a split second to put pressure on his finger and the bullet would be released.

However, right before he could fire, he felt a cold metal placed on his neck.

"I wouldn't fire if I were you." A woman's husky voice whispered above his head.

The sniper slowly put down his rifle and slowly raised his hands up, "Who are you?" This person must be some kind of master since she was able to sneak up on him without knowing.

"Tut tut, my leader likes to keep things secretive and so do we." When the voice behind him had said the word we, he finally realized that there were actually two people behind him and there was not one but two swords behind him.

"Hehe, sister, you gave away so many secrets to him. He shouldn't know too much about us or else…." Another voice that was slightly higher pitched than the other person cheerfully spoke.

"Aiyoo, my dear sister, don't scare him. Hand over that bottle." The first voice that was slightly more matured softly lectured her other partner.

"Tsk, fine. Here you go. You always get to do the fun part." The youngster reluctantly handed 'bottle' over.

"You ready?"


Then, the bottle that had looked like a medicine bottle was opened; however, only smoke was released from it. At first, it was still fairly faint, but somehow the smoke became denser and the sniper began choking from the smoke.

The two girls that had arrived were both unaffected since they had already taken the antidote. The smoke was a cloud of smoke to forget recent activities and anyone who took in the smoke would fight against reality and illusion whenever they tried to recall.

The sniper was completely defenceless and laid on the floor as if he had fainted.

"Now, let's go back to protect the leader shall we?" The pair seeing the sniper was already down and weak decided to head back to their original positions.

"I wonder what the leader will have to say when she finds who's behind this, hmph! Someone would really dare to harm our leader! They haven't lived long enough."

The two figures in black took the radio from the sniper that was down and flew back out from the building.

Their movements were both swift and light as a feather as they flew across buildings. They used a specific move from their own organization that would make them look like they were flying.

The guy on the rooftop dropped his phone, "Huh! The Xuan group!?"

However, from his slightest movements, he had attracted the two girl's attention. Their new target was made.

The guy on the other side of the phone was momentarily confused, a moment ago he heard his men say the Xuan group!?

But how would the Xuan group appear at this time, or maybe because of their auction tomorrow? Well, he only hoped that nobody would ever dare to step on their tail, or else his event would fall without an excuse.

Before Feng Min could try to get in contact with his men on the phone, another voice had interrupted, "Sir, it's time to cut the ribbons. Mother Feng has already stood up."

Feng Min rolled his eyes, "Fine."

He walked out from behind the stage and walked full of smiles. It was as if nothing had happened and it wasn't him who had just ordered to kill someone.

As everyone inside was buzzing with the opening of the ceremony, Mi Rong was calmly watching as the trio were fighting with each other. Xia Yun could not help but cross her arms as she watched them quarrel.

What a pathetic bunch of boys.

Clap, clap

From the balcony above a person lazily clapped his hand. Then in just a speck of time, he had already jumped off from where he stood and was now standing in front of Mi Rong.

The man in front of Mi Rong was dressed up in a peerless white suit. He looked like he had just come out of a novel, like when a hero in white comes to save the day.

What made him even more intriguing to one's eyes was the mask that was the pearl white mask that was covering his eyes and his tall bridge nose. Only his pinkish-red lips were exposed for others to see.

He was smiling devilishly at the woman in front. However, he seemed to be surprised by the woman's indifference towards him as he covered his mouth with his white gloves.

Nevertheless, his eyes only showed that he was putting an act of being surprised, as there was a hint of chilliness in them.

He cheerfully chuckled, "Oh, what a good job my dear. May I know your name?" His voice was not too deep but was slightly husky.

Mi Rong made a slight bow to her head and distantly smiled, "Good evening, mister Ye."

Hearing Mi Rong had called his name, made him full of smiles.

What a clever girl.