A Talk

Inside Qing Qing's room

Qing Qing was inside the bathroom changing her clothes into pyjamas. It did not take long before she was fully changed. "Jie, I'm done!"

"Where? Let me see." Mi Rong knelt on one knee and inspected Qing Qing from head to toe. Her hair was still left like how it was and there were traces of grape juice on her lips and some on her cheeks.


"I'm truly done; can you please tell me the continued part?" Qing Qing spoke with her ultimate adorable voice.

"Well, it looks like you still need to brush your teeth and wipe your face young lady." Mi Rong gave a look that she knew better that Qing Qing was fast to change into her nightgown because the rest was left behind.

This lovely girl was indeed unladylike sometimes. Maybe because she had been with her father for too long, sigh.

Mi Rong then got up and took Qing Qing inside the bathroom once again. She took the brush and put some strawberry toothpaste onto the purple brush.

"Say cheese and open wide."

Qing Qing did as she was told and showed her small baby teeth. "Hm, now, hold onto your brush like this and brush it up and down. " Mi Rong spoke while showing the actions to Qing Qing.

Since it was her first time doing by herself, it was done slightly awkwardly. Nevertheless, her teeth were finally brushed.

"Very good, now, take this towel and wipe your face…"

From afar, Jun Kai watched as Mi Rong took care of his daughter. She taught Qing Qing what he had yet to do.

It was such a scene that he had not seen for a long time. His eyes then began to get wet, but before they teared up, he had pushed them back behind.

With his long legs, he took a few steps forward. Although his steps were soft, Mi Rong had heard them when he was closer. She looked up. When she knew who the other person was; she turned to focus on Qing Qing and ignored him entirely.

Jun Kai was lost with words.

Only she would ignore him. Great.

Qing Qing who had finally washed her face was getting her braids untied. She had to turn around and showed her back to Mi Rong. Once she did, she finally saw her father coming inside.

"Papa! I actually brushed my teeth and washed my face on my own! Jie taught me." She called out to her father with joy.

"Wow, you did everything yourself? Such a smart girl you are."

Jun Kai walked closer and knelt down to his daughter's level. Even that he was still taller than Mi Rong who was also kneeling to untie Qing Qing's hair.

"You're done." Mi Rong spoke once she was finished.

"Now, who's ready to go bed, hm?" It was Jun Kai's turn to speak. He opened his arms wide, so he could take his daughter to bed. Qing Qing did not wait and went straight into her father's arms.

Both Mi Rong and Jun Kai made eye contact, but it did not last long before Jun Kai stood up. As he spoke to Qing Qing, his tone was soothing and gentle. He did not fake his voice, but only spoke lovingly to his daughter.

Sometimes, it's easy to forget that there's another part of someone. This was the other side of Jun Kai that was indeed rare.

Jun Kai took his daughter outside the bathroom towards her bed. He patted Qing Qing's back while he walked.

Due to her tiredness, Qing Qing's eyes began to slowly close. The little girl tried to fight the sleepiness, but she just couldn't resist the heaviness in her eyes.

While Jun Kai walked in front, Mi Rong was walking behind him slowly. Her footsteps were oddly silent; it felt like there was no one walking behind him.

Once he arrived in front of the comfy bed; he slowly and gently placed Qing Qing who was fast asleep onto her bed. He covered her with a blanket and gave a good night kiss on her forehead.

"Good night, my princess."

Mi Rong's footsteps froze slightly. Oh well, maybe people these days just like to say this word to their daughters. She was about to go out since Qing Qing was already asleep, but was stopped by the other person.

"Wait." His voice wasn't too loud but was still audible.

Mi Rong was just a few steps away from the door but turned around and raised her eyebrows as to ask 'What do you want to say?'

"Let's talk." Jun Kai's words were short and simple, but Mi Rong did not believe her ears. Without realizing, he had used the same tone as to how he had spoken to Qing Qing to her. With his deep voice, it was even more majestic.

Mi Rong thought to herself that there was nothing to lose since it was only to talk. Besides, she wanted to hear what he had to say, "Fine, but where to?"

"Follow me." Jun Kai first led the way.

The pair were both still in their same outfits from the party. Jun Kai's wide shoulders were even more visible when he was wearing this suit. He walked formidably and each step was firm.

On the other hand, Mi Rong's steps were hardly noticeable. Her face seemed like she was carefree, but the princess identity that had formed inside had never left her. Mi Rong's navy blue dress was gliding gracefully as she walked.

One was formidable and aloof while the other was elegant and even more aloof.

A string that was tied between them could be chosen to be cut if one's heart turned cold.