Closer Without Knowing

"Your necklace, where did you get it from?"

Mi Rong gently pulled the necklace that had been lying on her neck. Her eyes were focused on it for a moment, thinking. She then looked up to Jun Kai and opened her lips, "I don't know."

Jun Kai looked at her confusingly.

"I don't know where I got it from. When I woke up it was already on my neck."

Then, there was silence in the air.

Jun Kai's brows furrowed slightly and continued to asked "What do you mean by you don't remember? Do you mean you lost your memories?"

"Yeah, I woke up in the woods and then a person from the orphanage took me in. She said I went missing when they went camping and I must have fallen off a small cliff."

True by what Mi Rong said, because when he asked his men to search for her background; they also found the same information.

"Then, do you have an older sister? Like around the same age as me?" Jun Kai carefully asked.

What does this boy want to actually know from her, "Sigh, like I told you before; I don't know. However, I don't think I have one because if I did, she would have probably been in the orphanage like me."

Why would her sister be the same age as him? And by what she knew, she only had one brother from her place. Nevertheless, nothing in this world has been clear to her since the beginning.

Jun Kai became silent.

He had thought that it could be possible that Mi Rong was Fei Ling's sister, but now he's in the dark once again. It's like when he's near to concluding everything; it would all crumble and he would have to start again.

On the other hand, Mi Rong had let Jun Kai think about all things again. It was also what she only knew since coming here and no more.

Ever since she came to this world, she had no memories of the girl she had appeared into. She came into a teenager who had looked similar to how she looked when she was younger. There were no memories from the young girl and there was only just her memory that she had from the past.

She had also searched for answers in how this could happen, but it was of no use.

Mi Rong sipped her hot chocolate as she let the warmth from the drink inside.

Then, a distant howl was heard from afar. It seemed like any other dog's howl but to Mi Rong; she recognized this voice.

Finally, he's back.

She got up and spoke, "Well, I must leave now; tomorrow's a big day for me."

"Big day?"

Mi Rong's eyes wondered off slightly before answering, "I have to help Xia Yun bake the traditional Chinese desert tomorrow. She needs my help because, you know, it's quite hard to make it perfect."

"Oh." Jun Kai's thought that had wandered off returned. It was also a big day for him too. Different from hers, but he had to attend the Xuan's auction and hope for the best.

Mi Rong smiled it off and turned around. She hoped she didn't give it away keke.

She walked her way back the same way she came. On the other hand, Jun Kai watched her go back until she was gone from his sight.

He was now left alone once again. His eyes wandered and looked out to the scene outside. Sigh, his last hope is in the Xuan group. Hopefully, his answers will be answered, even just a bit.

Jun Kai sat outside to who knew how long, but the night sky was already prepared to be lightened by the rising sun. It was nearly 3 am and he had been staying there for a very long time, thinking and thinking things through.

He finally decided to get up from his seat and return to his room. Mi Rong didn't leave the house yet and must have slept in her room tonight.

Sigh. Why is he even thinking about her?

However, as the night went by, the two had spent a period of time knowing more of each other. Getting close to one another, not too close, but still closer than before.

A rope that had been tied a little tighter.

7 am

Jun Kai could not sleep the entire night and was just sitting in his office chair with a coffee on his desk. The sun shone through the windows as he reviewed some of his leftover work.

Then, there was a sound of engines from outside. He was curious and got up from his chair with the coffee in his hand.

Outside, it was Mi Rong who was getting on the car. She was leaving again?

However, was she that excited with baking? Or was she excited to leave? She seems to anticipate it very much since she was smiling brightly this morning.

Brighter than any other days, strange.