
"Now, for the last item of tonight, we have an ancient manual of ancient arts. We will start with…." The man behind the podium spoke out loud and clear.

Although he had such a small body, his voice echoed across the hall powerfully. His eyes were sharp and his face was very cunning. Indeed he knew how to play with the game and many have been losing their money more than they had thought. It was all because of this man behind it.

"Boss, this…"

When Lin Cheng stopped talking, Jun Kai calmly asked, "What is it, Lin Cheng?"

On the other hand, Lin Cheng's face had some signs of worry. He leaned forward to Jun Kai's back and spoke, "Sir, the leader has not arrived yet. Perhaps the Xuan group might have given the out wrong announcement?"

Jun Kai was still indifferent. "Let's wait some more."

"Yes, sir." Lin Cheng then went back to his place. If his boss was firm about something, then he could not be easily persuaded.

The Xuan group never made any mistakes, so their announcement was no joke either. He had some faith in them, but deep inside, he was starting to become uneasy as well. Only when he saw this event ended with his own eyes, he would not go anywhere.

Not long, a final price was settled, "And it is sold! Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for attending…"

Some of the guests began protesting as they did not see the Xuan leader like they had been notified. Some had paid for the entry just to see the leader and in hopes to create connections. It began to become slightly messy and loud.

There was some disappointment in his eyes. Sigh, he really wasted his time. Jun Kai got up from his seat and turned around, but before he could leave his seat…

Suddenly, the main hall's door opened. The door was large and made a low opening sound. After the door was opened, there stood a lady in a dark red dress.

However, nobody could see her face as her hat had covered her face and a red veil drooped down along the sides. Only her long fair neck and her collar bone were exposed. The hall was quiet than ever.

All the people that were complaining were in complete silence. Who was this person?

Out of the silence, the auctioneer announced cheerfully, "Honoured guests please welcome our one and only Leader of the Xuan group!"

Jun Kai's movement halted instantly. He turned around slowly and was surprised by what he saw. A woman?

Mister Ye, Feng Min, Xue Li, and the rest of the guests were all bewildered. The Xuan Leader was actually a woman? Unbelievable! Many had prejudice aroused in the place.

Xue Li stood up from her seat with fire in her heart. This woman dare take the limelight from her! Nevertheless, her face only had a cold and indifference face unrevealing her true emotions.

Xue Li kept her attention on Jun Kai and the newcomer. She could not keep her mind in peace after seeing him staring at that woman. Just the other girl at grandma Feng's house was enough; she did not want anymore. However, he was not the type of person to fall in love easily, so this woman can forget if she wanted to catch his attention, humph.

Mister Ye on the other side was also surprised. Deep down he was sceptical, this person alone can singlehandedly lead the great Xuan group? It was less likely. He would have to investigate further whether this person was the actual leader.

On the other hand, Jun Kai was amazed. This person could handle the whole Xuan group by herself, then she must not be normal or she could be a fake.

However, if she really was the one, then he could not help but give respect to her. He did not look down on whether it was a woman leading or a man leading. If that person was able and could take the whole group to another level, then why not?

The lady in the dark red oriental styled walked along the centre pathway that was laid. Behind her were two female ladies in a fiery red dress that looked like an adaptation from a ninja's clothes.

They had a red mask around their face and left their eyes exposed. There were only three of them walking down the red carpet, but the aura around them was intense. Their walking pace was not too fast nor too slow. Every step they took was matching.

In front, the Xuan leader was holding a small wooden box in front of her. Her walk was elegant and each step showed grace. The presence excluding from her was extraordinary; unlike other young ladies, she had a sense of superiority to her without trying hard. It was as if she was a royal walking down the hall.

With every step she took, everyone's heart raced faster and faster. Some even forgot to move and were all stayed put. When the leader walked past some male guests, they were quite surprised by her height. She could be at least 170 centimetres and was even taller than some men. How some envied the height and shook their head gently.

Mister Ye's eyes were narrowing closer to the Xuan leader as she was walking opposite from where he was sitting. This person seemed to have come from the past or something and was unlike a person from modern day. If she said she was an ancient royal princess, he would have believed because of the nobility coming from her.

Very strange but also very similar. She seemed to have some similarity to someone, but he could not fathom the other like her. Why were they so alike or was he now out of his mind. His mind started to wander off.

Same like the other person, Jun Kai was seeing shadows of someone else in front of him and not the Xuan leader. If the other person was beside the leader, their height would have been around the same or even exactly the same. He couldn't help but think of another person who was back at her friend's home. How come they were very alike?

Behind the cover, Mi Rong's red lips were smiling softly, "Finally, it has begun."