Ms Huan Jia

He slowly answered the phone indifferently, "Hello father." Jun Kai couldn't help but feel slightly nauseous as he spoke the word father.

What was his father to him? Well, the question should be, what was he to his father. Nevertheless, Jun Kai kept those thoughts behind. It had long passed that time.

The middle-aged man on the phone spoke just as cool as his son had to him, "Did you make the deal with the Xuan leader?"

Hmph, never out of his expectation. The only thing that connected him and his father would probably be this Feng business. Else, he wouldn't be surprised if they weren't together. Without the Feng family's business connecting them together, he would have left long ago.

Jun Kai, "Sorry, but there were no deals...chairman."

"What do you mean no deals!?" The voice through the phone turned harsh.