Tearing down

"Now, let's cause some distraction shall we?" Mi Rong's eyes turned some hidden intentions towards the culprit. Mi Rong thought to herself full of sarcasm towards the other; they'll make sure he finds the right Xuan headquarters, hmph!

"Gladly accepted." Xiao Bai was glad with Mi Rong suggestions.

"Xiao Bai, let's do that move again, the one we did on the other river behind us." Mi Rong cheerfully requested. It was not their first time to roam around chasing people or getting chased in Shang Hai. Both Mi Rong and Xiao Bai had specially made up a move for driving away their pursuer.

However, Xiao Bai's face seemed to have turned pale and his pace staggered slightly. This girl could truly find ways to tease him. If it was the move she was talking about, then he would have to jump over this bridge and into the river. He had just gotten his fur combed and gloomed. Why did it have to be THE move?