To Go Back...

"Mi Rong," A voice called her from behind.

Subsequently, Mi Rong turned around to the source of the calling.

As she turned, her long hair glided in the wind and landed on her back softly. Mi Rong slowly turned around. 

What stood before her made her squint her eyes. 

She could see an outline of a figure but could not see properly for the person was so shining brightly underneath the moon. All Mi Rong could see was a porcelain white figure drawing closer to her.

As the figure grew nearer, Mi Rong could finally see the other person.

"Yue Lin?" Mi Rong blurted out softly.

Yue Lin, the Ice Queen, smiled a gentle but rather frigid smile, "We meet again, Mi Rong."

"En." Mi Rong nodded.

Yue Lin tilted her head slightly before taking a few steps closer to Mi Rong. She reached out her hand to touch Mi Rong's strand of white hair.