Chapter 1: Life in a brave new world

[POV: Richard]

...Link of Platonissystems and designated governor established...

..Rendering User ID..

.Entering Planolis.

With these words in my brain I take a deep, paniced breath and wake up and find my self in a dirty, filled with litter, excrement and filth site roade under the evening sky. I wakely remember the feeling of fire and explosions ripping my body apart while roasting me alife. I try to remenber more about my self and the circumstances of my early death.

...Opening User-Interface...

..Richard 'Silencer' Hill

-?Y; 1,95m; 124kg; Titan [Governor]


- Spec. Ops training

-Silver Gauntlet with six Acestones [User Locked]


-Wtf?- I think to my self and try to stand up, while listening to my own voice in my head.

...Creating distrikt 117...

..Linking Acesystem to User..

-What ever...-Are my thougts while suddenly puking my guts out of my body and fully naked standing in the middle of the street. With my guts finaly resting again I feel a burning on my left arm, from my fingertips to nearly my elbow my flesh is burning in angry red flames forming black lines. Like the fire of hell my pink and purpel flesh vanishes befor the flames. After several minutes the black lines come together to form an impessive tribal tattoo. The finishing of the tatoo is not the end of my torture but only the beginning. In the moment that I think the pain can't get any worse I learn my lesson, when my left hand is caut up in 6 waves of entles pain, as if six nails are driven into my hand. I nearly collaps back into the dirt of the street, when I see six circles of differend collor forming on my left hand. With a sudden fliker of the lines and circles on my arm are gon and in their place I find my self wearing a silver gauntlet, with a flashy mirror on the inside of the forearm part and six in differend colort stones embeded into the back of the Hand part.

...District control: Enabled...

..Starting controlsystem via Silver-Gauntlet..

.Please, wait.

-Wtf is happening to me?!- Even bevor I get an answer from my self I see a police car without wheels driving, into my little filthy street straight at me. In the dim neonlights I can see two officers, one male one female, jumping out of either side of the car, aiming their guns at me. -I have a very bad feeling...-

"HANDS IN THE AIR AN DON'T YOU HAVE ANY STANGE IDEARS!" Is the male officer shouting at me, while the female officers is putting her gun down and blinding me with a bright white light.

...Ace Stones unlocked...

Stone Skills available [Creation-,Time-, Room-,Reality-,Soul- and Mind- Contol]

-Her- I think , raising my hands and using the Mindstone. Directly after using it, the female officer lets the light, blinding me, slip through her fingers and is so illuminating the two officers perfectly for me to see. He is definetly in his late 50es- early 60es with a over worked face but a strong body, while she is a faisty red head in her early to late 20es with a slim, fit and compact body type and strong facial features.

"DON'T MOVE!! I WILL SHOOT IF I HAVE TO!..." Shouts the officer adressing me befor silenty adressing the female officer. "...Lith what in gods name is going on with you?"

...Custom Ace-System?...


..Enable manuel comands?..


The men must have seen my double node, when I was answering the voice in my head with -Yes-, because in the next second two shots are sounding out in the formely relatively quiet street, grazing both sides of my head. Unfortunetly in a fit of rage I activate the Soulstone and Timestone simultaneously and focus on the male officer. -Him- Befor my very eyes I witness the manifestation of death, a men devouret by time, becoming particles blown away by a sudden wind, only leaving his uniform behind. Happy about this unexpectand gift of closes from the officer I put on the uniform and take my sweet time fewing the petit, slender and still paralyzed female officer from head to toe.

...Custom Lilian 'Lith' Rice?...


-Yes- I think but now have to click the Yes-Icon on the mirrow embedet in the underarm section of my gauntlet.

...Lilian 'Lith' Rice [NPC]

-28Y; 1,82m; 75kg; Human

-Loyality to user: -35% ---> 100% [sync. enabled]

-Former analyst


-Total Recall

-Modifiable Bodyparts

I change her loyality to me at max level, to ensure her absolute obedience and submission, because in the heat of the moment I think about her as my futur maidservant and temporary guide in this brave new world.

...Modifiable Bodyshape enabled because of special skill...

-Height: 1,64m-->1,82kg


-Eye color: green-->blue

-Hairlenght: short--> long

-Haircolor: red--> blonde/brown

-Physice: Sporty--> Pinup Girl

-Sexappeal: 3-->10-->8

I play around a bit with the female officers body shape and form my abolute dream woman, strait out of the latest playboy magazine, but I settel her sexappeal at 8 because I measure her breasts with my open palmes as measurement for a half natural size. Gone is so Lith the ugly lolie duckling and come has Lith the playmate of my dreams. Full lips, arctice eyes, a killer body, full breasts, sensual kurves and longe blonde hair are vew of the many unice features that make her new, alluring, sophisticated and sexy charm.

...Save changes?...


-Yes- I save her new apperance and the former lifeless eyes of Lilian Rice radiate a new kind of brilliance.

"Hi. I'm Lith. You have to be my husband. Nice to meet you." I hear her alluring siren voice while being stunlocked by her words. -Is this realy my beginning in this brave new world?!-