Chapter 5: Castle in the sky

[POV Richard]

-Cuddle?! On the couch?! - I repeat Lith's last words before she sets off and trying to understand her subliminal meaning. - Do you mean sex or real cuddling?! - While I'm so brooding in my head, I look up into the clouds.

5h, 59min and 34sec remain until district protection shield expires. It is recommended to set up a base to protect residents, resources and NPCs.

Build base?


If the warning appears in front of me, -yes- I think and a new options window will appear and I'll get to work.

Base: District 117

Status: _____-->custom

Altitude: 1.000m -> 35.786m

Ground: Glaß -> rock

Vegetation: None -> grass

Stationed troops: -> 3 Apachies; 4 Uh-1 slicks; 7 pilots; 4 teams

I decide to set up my base at a height of about 35,786 km to the surface of the upper level, as it should remain easily accessible by means of the space stone. In the design of the base, I attach great importance to build well-fortified positions and flack positions and at the same time preserve some aesthetics. The result of my efforts is immediately displayed to me on the screen of the gauntlet, an over several levels extending flooting island.

-Move- I think and appear so immediately on one of the helicopter landings, I just now created. Now that refuge from this strange new world is built, I begin with the interior expansion. In the massive rock that is the island on which everything is built, I can make deposits for ammunition and weapons, emergency bunkers, workshops, laboratories, a command center and my personal vault. On the ground floor I set up satellite dishes, radio towers, transport routes, hangars and barracks for my troops. As I walk through the halls, levels and rooms step by step, mechanics, technicians and the hands of other civilian members of the military keep coming back to work. It is only when I reach the second level of my base that I first realize how well structured the structure of all these people is. I never instruced any of them on what, when , where or how to run my base.

-The gauntlets power?- With energy, precision, speed and quality, all the commands given by me on the glove are executed. Helicopters, warehouses and positions are being built and pilots, units and officers trained.

Satisfied, I observe the progress that has taken place within a few hours. When it finally comes to the establishment of the military barracks, I change my mind and put them on the first floor, where I secure them by lifts, stairs, flak cannon and anti-aircraft cannons. On the second level I build my residence. Promt as the decision pops down, a new options window pops up and more feinarbrit is required.

Residence built.

Style: 20th century -> Eggeskyscraper

Matetial: wood / ceramic -> steel / stone / armored glass

Floors: 2 -> 6

Other: 10 rooms, 1 bath -> X rooms, X bath



I confirm with -Y - and admire my magnificent skyscrapers in egg form.

But before I can get into the interior equipment, I learn that the training of the troops is over and I have to decide on arming my units and my own.

Units: 7 pilots, 4 teams

[Total 49: 21 Pilots 4 Captains 4 Medics 6 Special 4 Sniper 10 Soldiers]

Era: 20Jh. [Locked]

Pilots: Unarmed -> Colt 1911A + Combat Knife

Medics: Unarmed -> 500 Miles

Captain: Unarmed -> M16 Reflex + Colt 1911A

Special: unarmed -> Browning M2 + M1911A

Sniper: unarmed -> M40A + M1911A

Soldier: Unarmed -> M16 + Colt 1911 A + M67 Grenade

Richard 'Silencer' Hills:

Arming Status: Custom

Era: 20th century -> 21Jh.



Satisfied, I confirm my information and go to my skyscraper. With the elevator I pass the first 4 floors, because I will make them my provisional command center. Spartan, I set my flat just as preliminary, before I enter my personal armory to arm myself. With a hiss, the door opens to the folliest room of my heaven fortress. And equip me.

User equipment:

-M4 with Reddot, Laser and M204 [Mortar]

-M110 with x32 Scope

-M17 with laser and e-shocker

-M67 Splittergrenade -M18 Smokegrenade

-M84 Stungrenade -C4 with remote detonator

Custom User Outfit?


-Yes- I click on ith and a sub-menu-list with thousends of Outfits is shown to me. I house a vaguely familiar uniform in Woodland patern with sewn in ,knee-, elbow-pads and a helmet with tactical night vision, that I think will come in handy.

The minute I click -Yes- jet again, I get an alert:

Shield omitted. District 117 is being attacked by District 9.