Chapter 10: Life is only a story

[PoV: Lith]

Lith awakens well rested in the study and finds a washing pot and a note from Helena right next to it. -Meet me in the kitchen on the first floor.- She reads and climbs out of the comfortable bed sofa. Without any other clothes at hand she puts on her old one that now feel cleaned. -Must have been Helenas doing.- She tinks while going upstairs.

At the stove she finds Helena making pancakes for the both of them.

''Good morning. You must have watched a good movie last night or you wouldn't be up so late. Feel better?'' Is Lith greeted by her hostess and they begin having their breakfast.

''Most definitely but this place is weird. Nothing but endless sand in all directions. What did you do all day before I came here?''

''Well, this and that. There is allway something to do even without company.''Helena answers me in a havy scottish accent, what makes Lith laugh.

''Please be serious. There is only so much tolerance in me to watch movies or read books.''

''I often search for ruins in the desert with no success or I spy on my User or daughter.'' Helena guilty confesses to me with a healthy dose of red in her face when talking aubout her User.

''That I want to do. How can I spy on Richard?'' Lith eagerly asks.

''That is a little complicate. You already know I call this world the Antithesisrealm. Antithesis because in the world of the lifing you realy know nothing about the past, present and future. In this world that is different.'' With a wave of her hand Helena let's a big in dark letaher bound book manifest on the kitchentable. Skeptical Lith opens the book on the first page and begins reading in the middle of the page:

- Silencer feels a stinging pain on his left hand suspend and encompassing his whole left forearm. With a flicker black tatoow lines manifest. The flicker ends and an impressive black Tatoow with 6 colored dots. As he stare at his arm, the lines on his arm go from simple lines to a physical silver gauntlet. Before he knows it has the black tatoo disappeared and is replaced by a silver glove with the 6 different coloured stones have become massive crystals in the middle...-

Shocked from the detailed discription of Richards tatoo she is the most familiar with she loudly slams the book close. With big eyes and totaly creept out she asks Helena who smiles smugly at her. ''How do you know all this?''

''I know nothing. It's that persons story you reade you chose when opening the book.''

''How can a book know a persons lifes story? Imean if the person is dead that is kind of possible but Richard musst be still a life!?'' Panic spreads in Lith and anxiety for her titan take over.

''Relax. He is sourly still alive. Otherwise you wouldn't be here with me. It's just that we are out of time here with our Users.'' Assures Helena Lith with an easy smile that contains a motherly assurance.

''How can you be so dam optimistic?!'' Lith shouts agressiv at her hostess.

''I can be optimistic because I know that I will be reunited with my family and forget alll about this endless desert. User brings me back to life. End of story for me. Open the book again and read your Users story up to a point. He too will find a way bring you back to life. Here let me show you the passage.'' Says Helena carefully opening the book on a page in the middle and markes a passage with her finger.

-...hopefull and full of happyness Gaukler sees how the visible wounds on his beloved wifes body heal at a rapid pace under the inflluence of his friends half fixed green timestone. After a minute of reversing time His Helenas eyes opened...-

Lith reads this passage a cupple of times but can't believe what she read. ''How are you still here if that is true?'' Asks Lith still questioning the validity of the words.

''Easy. My rebirth hasn't happened jet in the realm of the lifing. Don't this letters look different to the ones you just read about your User?''

-They do look different as Helenas rebirth is described in cursive and Richards tatoo had been described regular.- Lith thinks but doesn't want to give up all her distrust.

''Can you lend me this book? I would like to catch up to my rebirth, too.''

''I can led it to you until this afternoon. I like to spy on my daughter and Odin before going to sleep.''

''No worry. I give it back until then. Can I still use the study or do you want to use it?'' Lith asks before leaving the kitchen.

''Feel free to use it. I can also watch TV shows in the lifing room. I still hope that Grey gets together with McDreamy. I mean...'' Lith can only hear Helenas mumbling when she goes down to the study.

The old study now feels like Liths own privat sanctuary in this world of the dead. In one corner dwarf between two high bookshelves she finds a desk and chair. Reluctantly she again opens the old lether book and beginns to reade. Shortly after starten from the beginning she skips the parts that are known to her and reads the later regular parts that are unknown to her but have already happend to Richard. Studiously taking notes she summarises the contents of only one chapter.

- Richard sacrificed his life and User power in the believe Justbin would safe my life.

-He and all the dead victims of the district war where discarded like trash and thrown onto the lower level or planets surface.

-He crawled out of the pile of corpses only to burry my body.

-He meets Helenas User Odin and makes a deal with him to heal himself.

-Richard and Odin will make a deal to revive Helena and by proxy me but they will finaly give up because the Timestone of Richards gauntlet is broken.

-Richard an Odin both end up being trapt in a time vortex.

These are the notes Lith has taken from the book chapters. Turning onto the next page Lith can only be shockt by what she sees. Snow white pages greet her vew. -Wtf?! What happeneds next?- Lith asks herself and gets deeply annoyed with herself to belief this crazy idear of a magice book that contains the story of a persons life. Wanting to proof this consept wrong, Lith changes simple lines of text in the chapter.

-... but the Timestone was broken and instead of returning Helena Fischer Richard and Odin get trapped in a vortext of time.. -->... but the Timestones infinite power not only revived Helena Fischers dead body it also reconstructed all the other broken Acestones back to their former glory.-

Happy with her changes with the chapter Lith closes the book and goes looking for Helena in the lifing room so that they could watch tv together. All while not knowing that her simple changes would effect herself, the people around her and the destiny of all districts on a very permanent and irreversible level. So blissfully unaware of the huge uproar this simple change would cause in the distant and not so distant future lith returns the simple dark leather bound book to Helena. ''Here your book. I don't think it works proberly there were many empty pages in Richards story.''

''Can't be. Show me.'' Says Helena half mocking so that Lith can't do anything but proof her wrong by showing her the empty pages. - Should be at the end of chapter 11.- Thinks Lith when finding the pages but being only greeted with her own words at the end of said page and the next chapter beginning on the next page.

''How can that be?'' Questions Lith Helena while looking up from the pages.

''Oh. You idiot. How can there be empty pages when life is only a story...''