Chapter 12: Rebirth

[PoV: Hell/ Lith]

[PoV: Hell]

''Oh. You idiot. How kan there be empty pages when life is only a story...'' Helena says that her life in an endless limbo in mind. Her daughter and lover a distant memory of happiness. Like a distant dream she vews her memorys like a geek tragedy. Her life till her death arranged into five parts. -Act 1. Charakter introduction, a bright jung student learns all about long gone civilizations only to fall for the young attractive study partner. Act 2. Arrival of the best friend that confesses her his undying love and she is very tempted. Act 3. The heroin stays with the study partner bacause she is pregnant. Her friend confronts her and the friend vanishes. Act 4. Years gone by the heroine gave birth to her daughter without the study partner or her best friend. The child get ill with a deadly disease. Act 5. Return of the friend, curing of the daughters disease and the heroine rides into the evening sun with daughter and lover.- Thinks Hellena while revisiting her fond moments whiteout the bitterness of the reality. ''If life is only a story does that mean that it has to be so dam serious and tragic?'' Asks Lith her while fixating on Hellenas face serious. -I wish it wouldn't have to be.- ''I don't know. There are two theories about time. One says every thing is pedetermined from the very start because you are at this very moment only a part of your beeing. That theory says that your are only hole when all your timely parts are are united as one like a worm you are spread out through time. The other theory says that nothing is presented because you are only a thing that is pushed trough time as a hole, like boat floating down the river of time with all its drifts and turns. The existance of this book here suggests that the first theory to be true. Life has to be taken seriously because it was predestined to be so.'' Hellena explains the to great theories of time, hoping that Lith would not end like her, bitter and devoid of all human emotions. Lith could find a bitter smile on Helenas face if she weren't deeply contemplating the two theories. ''This is to deep of a thought processes for me. Are there any video games I could play like space invaders or packman?'' Lith asks her pushing deep thoughts away. ''I have a cupple of them in the study. I like to collect them not to actually play them. Have fun playing.'' She answers Lith who fully smiles at her having heard her answer. Seeing Liths departing back Helena is reminded of her little one. Her daughter had the same kind of smile that lit her hole face and was irresistible to anyone to not be happy too. The burning sensation of losing her daughter over shadows her every grievance even dying. Looking out of the window she is reminded that nothing here is truly real. When she said that life is only a story she ment it.

When first arriving in this dark desert of endless nothingness she used her NPC gifts to see in the darkness. After some time of aimless travel she had found her mome in this world. The mirror image of the villa she Gaukler and her daughter had lived in from than on became her home. Looking back now all her actions seem to be made to welcome Liths arrivel. Everything in this vault from the books to the table to the furniture was been carefully excavated by her. Under the sand she had found ruins of many civilisations from crude to Hightech it all was ready for the taking. -This excavation project must have saved my sanity.- Thinks Helena thinking back to her time of loneliness when suddenly her body begins to turn translucent and the sun in the sky begins to dim. An insane fear spreads insinde her brain an Helena trys to fight against this vortex of time. More and more bitter memorys of her time here vanish into nothingness and are replaced with long lost memories of happier times. In the end all of her struggling comes to no avail because minutes later Helena is gone from this endless desert...


Blissfully unawere of what happened to Helena Lith finds a black videogame console, a controller and a tv in a corner of the study. Happy to see the start screen Lith beginns to browse the compatible games that are separated into two kinds one market with an X and one with a P. To Liths dismay only the ones with an X work on the console. The first game she choses to play is named ''Bio-Infinite''. The games story is of redemption following the protagonist to a city in the sky called colambus where he has to safe a girl from the eval mayor. With unice twists and turns as well as a mind bending revelation the game hocks Lith ride in. The games graphics are phenomenal and remind Lith of Helenas earlyer words. -If life is only a story mine should be a story in a video game.- And so Lith beginns to play all kinds of game and unknowingly learns from them. The biggest influencers by fare on her learning progress are her to favourite game series one called 'Devil's Row', that follows a group of friends from street gang to superstars full of insane logic and style, the other is a 'Call to Arms', that follows multiple Characters through various action packed historice wars. Through the experiences Lith comes across in these games her character and look on life steady change. In this strage world she doesn't fell hunger, thirst nore sleepiness, so when she isn't playing games she is watching movies, learning all about the pop culture these movies come from. Some seem to be badly made documentarys, like 'Avengers', some seem like science fiction apocalypse movies like 'Before the flood'.Lifing like this Lith lifes an eternity in the study until she remembers Helena one day.

Going back to the lifting room she previously left Helena she finds it empty. Searching the every corner vault for traices of her hostess she finds her way into Helenas luxurious dress room. Packed from floor to sealing full with all kinds of clothes Lith reasons that she could borrow some stuff from Helena. The more she sorts through the stuff the more she finds her self in clothing haven. Lith at first finds all kinds of traditional kimonos and eutopean princess dresses, followed by by all kinds of multicoloured dresses and lastly she finds clothing stuff to her own liking. She finds classic plue jeans, single coloured t-shirts, short skirts, dresshirts and sporty underwear. After trying to ware most of the clothes Lith desides to go for the sexy schoolgirl look, because it encompasses bouth her previous and her new clithing styles. Classic dark blue cheerleader skirt with white streaks here and there and a classic white tight fitting dresshirt only buttoned up to her cleavage accentuates her bodys beauty while showing her nerdy character. -Hey I look a lot like Beatro from unimeko.- Lith thinks while looking into the dress rooms mirror. Finding white stockings, a light blue tie, a dark blue vest and putting them on Lith indeed gives of the same feeling that the anime character gives of, dispite choosing different colours. ''Jep. Exactly the same feeling.'' Notes Lith smugly to her self but losens the tie and unbuttens a few buttes on her dress shirt but keeping the vest on. Dressed like this Lith forgets her search for Helena and returns to the study.

There she wants to fangirlout by watching 'Unimeko' but all of a sudden her body begins to translucen and she is suddenly unable to even touch the DVD Box that rests insinde the book shelf. ''WTF? What is going on? Am I transported or reincarnated? I demand an explanation!'' Screams Lith out loud while struggling with the unavoidable progress of translucening. Just like Helena befor her Lith too vanishes from the endless desert returning back to life...