Chapter 27: War Preparations

[PoV: Hill]

I wake up when I hear the silent klick of the bedroom door when Lith sneaks nearly inaudible through it. -It's nice to be back home.- I think when listening in on Arts and Liths conversation. ''...its a good thing that Arthur and I can both disconnect ourselfes from this bodys senses other wise we would have ended up like Red sleeping some where oud there.'' ''Don't be so grumpy little king. Don't you have something to do?'' ''Yes I have and no thank you for your concern. Now take these construction plans down to the reconstruction workers. With all the recourses available at the moment we have to push the Projekts David, Goliath and Olympus to their completions as soon as possible the Reclamation war is near.'' ''Yea I know. My titan told me last night between round 3 or 4. So I will make it quick aan dcome back with breakfast. What do you want?'' ''I would like a bit fish filet and black caviar if available. Otherwise bread and raw meed could also make do.'' ''I will keep my eyes open.'' I hear Lith finish their conversation before using the elevator down. Knowing that I have to get up I walk to my near by bathroom and begin cleaning. The first thing I get rid of is my grown beard that is kind of messy. Being clean shaven I walk into the shower. Only now by losing all the collected dirt from my body I discover that my former pink or purpel colouring has changed into a bluish greyish kind of coloring. -Mutch has changed.- I think to my self looking out into the open watery landscape around my personal sanctuary that has become a public one.

... District administration offline available informations:

+ District 117 NEW Parameters:

-Population: -no staus availabl-

Security Status: Red [Party taken over]

-Police personnel: 34 [12 cops / 11 detectives / 7 analysts / 4 captains

Infrastructure Status: -no staus available-

-District Size per level: 789 km²

+Base: District 117

Status: established --> -no staus available-

Altitude: 35.786m --> - 57m

-Boden: rock--> Sea

Vegetation: Grass--> Seagrass

- Stationed troops: 3 Apachies; 4 Uh-1 slicks; 7 pilots; 4 teams

--> 2 pilotes 3 teams

These are the only informations I'm being given from the Ace-System when unconsciously activating it. Coming out of the shower I tap a towel arround my waist and create the -casual titan clothes- from my gauntlet creation list. The set consist of heavy silbery metal boots going up to my knees, a soft deep blue leather trousers, a simmilar leathered t shirt with delicate silver embroidery work on my chest and silvery plaits on my shoulders and arround my neck. After getting dressed I hear voices from below me and see Arthur/Art talking to Captain John Hill. ''... so I will need you help with two projects for Mr Hill. Projekt David and Project Goliath both vastly improve our military many times over.'' I hear the bear say when comming downstairs finding the two of them. ''Comander!'' I hear Johns greeting and the cup grumble. ''Finaly a sign of life.'' Ignoring both greeting and grumbling I walk into the kitchen in search of food only to come up emty. Being in a foul mood without food I check my available stats further.

...Accessing available Data...

Armed Forces:

[Total: -nostaus available-]

Era: 20Jh. [Locked]

Pilots: Colt 1911A + Combat Knife

Medics: 500 Miles--> -no staus available-

Captain: M16 Reflex + Colt 1911A

Special: Browning M2 + M1911A--> -no staus available-

Sniper: M40A + M1911A--> -no staus available-

Soldier: M16 + Colt 1911 A + M67 Grenade

Richard 'Silencer' Hill:

Arming Status: Custom

Era: 21th century--> -no staus available-

User equipment:

-M4 with Reddot, Laser and M204 [Mortar]--> -no staus available-

-M110 with x32 Scope--> no staus available-

-M17 with laser and e-shocker

Partly depressed I look up my available abilities provided by the not so silver any more gauntlet. With my bad mood becoming worse by the second I excuse myself from John and Art. Going back upstairs I don't turn right to the masterbedroom but turn left to my armory and fitness center, while looking into my last available informations.

User Combat abilities:

+Ace-Gauntlet available in Combat:

-Timecontrol [locked]

-Roomcontrol [unlocked]

-Realitycontrol [locked]

-Lifecontrol [locked]

-Creationcontrol [locked]

-Mindcontrol [locked]

+Gauntlet Combo's:

- currently not available- [1/2 Stones unlocked]

-Fuck that!- I think hitting the nearest sandbag that to my rising aggression level is instantly bursting open. -Again!- I angrily think using the Timecontrol to return the bag back into its former undamaged self.

Many beg bursts later I hear Lith coming in. ''I thought you would be still sleeping. I have breakfast for all of us...'' She gently says while taking a nearby towel freeing me from the accumulated sweat on my face. ''...there all better.'' ''Better.'' I answer her and am lead by her to the kitcher where Arthur is already sitting and munching on a fish filet. So Lith and I join him for breakfast. Having something in my tummy my mood is back to pleased levels, when Art asks me if I would look at a small Armament Upgrade he had worked on this morning.

An hour later I finde my self together with Lith, Art and John in a water free hangar infront of something big covered with white fabric.

''This is the Goliath* prototype. The unarmed base variant, can be fielded in a variety of roles such as agriculture, logistics, shipping and salvage, search and rescue, cargo transport and construction. The armored base variant model is to be fitted with improvised equipment, while it can be upgraded with a "Emergency Responder" paintjob that can make it usefull in Firefighting roles, due to its fire-resistantce.

However, the main application for the Goliath and the role that made it famous in the past was that of combat, providing heavy fire support equivalent to that of a stage two battlemage...'' Explains Art showing of the massiv exo skeleton with a height of 4.4 m and approximately 25 tons in raw weight.

Looking at it I'm sceptical about this machine without any practical weapons so I ask. ''What kinde of weaponry have you planed this Goliath to have?'' ''At the moment I have two weapons in minde. One is an inbuilt short blade in either the left or right forarm. It can kill all infantry units with a single strike and deals heavy damage to Wyern and Drakes.

With a greater range, a long sword may be even more effective at killing infantry but the cost/effect ratio is just to poor.

The other one is a heavy chaingun...'' Removing another white fabric from a near by work bench now Arthur shows us a weapon looking quite similar to a weapon I seem to vaguely to remember. ''...This Chaingun is a fully automatic ballistic weapon that fires 1.6 inch blasts with high precision at considerable range. It...''

Even before he can say any more I stop him. ''I can see its advantages but answer me one question. How do you want to power all this? I mean I can get the mechanisms of a gun, but this Goliath?!'' ''Yes that is something I wanted to talk to you about at the end after I would have shown you Project David but if you insist...''

Being annoyed by me Art/Arthur leads us to floor 38 right below the councils floor. ''Now there we are and what now?'' I ask him seeing the floor being made up by six sections of one big empty pool. With a serious look in his eys the bear says. ''Now I would like for you to fill these pools with parts of your ability stones.'' ''Traitor do you want to cripple him?!''I hear Lith behind me angrily explaims. With a pleading in his voice the bear tells me. ''No. I don't. As far as I have experienced User abilities are infinite. So storing part of it in these pools will hardly cripple your powers Hill.'' Being a bit confused I ask him. ''What does splitting my abilities have to do with you powering the Goliath?'' ''Oh what I have in mind will not only power an army of Goliaths but also all of Olympus when its construction is completed.'' ''How so?'' Asks Lith now. ''By creating a spacetime reactor. You see space and time are the strongest forces in the Universe. Using your powers I can make this force avilabel and create small STRs (Spacetimereactors) for every Goliath.'' Art explains and convinces me to split my powers.

-split- I think and six tiny stars come forth from my gauntlet, each setteling in one of the pools by doing that sudden quake goes through the fortress. ''It's done.'' I tell him and satisfied the Bear nods saying. ''With that the war preperations can begin!''