Chapter 29: Project Lazarus

[PoV: Justbin]

At night a storm rages on when a single shuttle lands on a landing port attached to one lonely tower cast in clouds of darkness. Justbin and goldn armored troops clad leave the shuttle. One naked partly twitching dead body is carried along in a floating see through capsule. It's the body von Daniel Hase filled to the brim with black parasitic liquid that now is fighting its confinement. Marching into the tower troops and capsule following behind him Justbin is greeted by a lowerhalf spider upperhalf woman droid. ''Greetings Lord General. The Empress awaits you. Please follow me to the laboratory.'' Following after the droid wordlessly a door opens up to him. He walks into a sparsely lid room full of scientific instruments and mostly filled capsules neatly arranged on the walls. In the midst of all these tentacle like metal arms come down from the sealing seemingly multitasking. The capsule with Hases Body, is lifted onto a table that raises out of the floor in the center . Some droids come out of the walls to work on the dead. A light pumping sound starts when the fine needles of the droids plunge into the body. Withe the metal tentacles stopping all movement an open capsul lightens up showing the body of one empire toppling beauty. With a classy elend and perfectly proportioned body, long black hair and the face of an angel the slowly awakening female has the bearing and charisma of a goddess. The innocence of her sleeping face vanishes when she opens her evil looking black pupilles eyes that slowly transform into more natural ones with frosty arctic blue pupils with a sprincle of demonic red near the center. Wearing a red and black ballgown having her ancient elegance and darkness radiating all around her she says with a voice like caramel: ''Looking at your face you must have good and bad things to report.'' ''Yes my empress.'' ''Don't you ever listen to me? Gender is only the body. What I am is your God!'' ''Yes!'' ''Good now tell me what do you have to report to me that you come in person?'' ''Well first we where able to get the purest parasitic liquid fress from 117 for you...'' Reports Justbin timidly to the woman showing off the new still twitching body on the wall and continues nearly inaudible. ''... before I lost said district and the two users I stationed there.'' Saying this the General can feel his blood freezing and his mind blur after a golden coin like chip thrown out by the empress hits his head dead center. When his mind refocuses he can see him self staring down at his couched posture. ''I thought you where ready to give orders, fulfil your role and command authority on your own. Now I think I will have do do it my self...'' Says the Justbin before him with the autority of the empress. With a look to the side Justbin can see one robot come in. ''... Alpha Protokoll. Escort my body into the empresses chambers...'' Commands the evil looking Justbin the droid and the former General is taken by force. ''... Oh and please. Reade the files of the Lazarus Project. I wouldn't tolerate any more failures from you. You where the first that I created but you definitely wouldn't be the last.'' With these words the timid and submissive mind of Justbin is dragged another room.

After being pushed into the luxurious chamber Justbin relaxes by walking into the bathroom to take a relaxing bath. After removing the complicated to take of red and black ballgown he takes a firm look at his reflection on the water surface. Stairing back at him is his own soul reflected in a female body. Smooth body lines, his gentle smile and the delicate body frame of the empress make his refection a feast for the eye. Touching the empresses body and feeling its reaction Justbin gets intoxicated by the sensation alone. This isn't the first time for Justbin to take this kind of punishment but something this time was different. Now most likely deprived of his male body permanently Justbin is secretly happy about his punishment. He always loved being the empress. Abilities be thanked that from time to time he could live like he wanted to be. In the end he was only a soul without any gender like any body else. Still when he had to choose he would gladly give up his male body for a body like that of the empress. Having similar thoughts Justbin gets into the warm water self stimulating. Half an hour later Justbin in the empresses body dresses in a louse robe and sids down at a highly advanced table. ''Alpha Protokoll. Show project Lazarus.''

[Projekt: Lazarus (Recovery Program) Intro

With dwindeling interest from the population of district 9 regarding politics and their growing interest in consumption,it was desidet in a historical referendum 'democracy' and its valiues to be abolished and successfuly succeeded by the Pentachat. Composed of the 7 most influential conglomerates, the district is ruled. Result of this swift progress: Dolls, humans born with the error of brainlessness, these bodys are controlled by personalised KIs who do the low end jobs. For the regulation and protection of human life a new Stateinstruments was needed: Straners...]

Quickly scrolling through the massive folder, containing more than 5400 documents, Justbin is alerted of new incoming updates the project concerning. The latest testresults jusing symbiotic inc is show great potential but are highly instable. Reading the latest unsetteling securety reports of the resurchfacility he makes a vew key strokes on in the name of the Empress. With a look out of the he can alread see how only a handful of button pushes the set of the large machinery that is district 9 and the empire. The storm is gone and a gentle moring glow shows of the crowded streets. Thanks to the empresses highly evolved senses he sees humans and vehicles fight for every inch at a crosswalk, a small mobile shop is to be found in the middle of steaming drains of the metropolis. Less densely crowded than on the street or sidewalk, people of all imperial districts take their warm meals to themselves. Looking at the display projecting a dolls view pressing through the inhabitants.

One of them, an old veteran of the street, in his sixties wearing a well-worn black cloak and bald head, empties his ricewine dish frugally while he watches the skilful knife technique of the host infront of him. Just as he wants to fill his little bowl, a black-haired doll in her thirtys with blue eyes and fashionable brand clothing, taps him on the shoulder. ''Mr. Henry. You are hard to find. Quite peculiar a man of your income in such a ... '' She looks at him disapprovingly him not comforming to the KIs profile of him that unblinkingly stairs at the hard-working but greasy host. '' ... establishment. '' ''No interest. Lady. '' The veteran waves off the woman and drinks a generous amount while his block lingers with the landlord. '' Mr. Henry! I am here on behalf of the empress. She wants to remind you about your new debt that has not been eradicated. She expects your cooperation. '' Now grimly staring at the woman, the veteran nods almost imperceptibly before following the woman to the nearest transport.

After entering the destination, Henry walks straight into the Atlas Tower, research headquarters of the Empire and to the office of the Empress Sisi. Quickly, the doll of thirtytwo years says her goodbye to him after she has taken off his black coat. By stepping into the office of the Empress, through massive oak doors, the intense smell of various woods can be smelled, which remains almost as fresh sawdust in the air. Henry is greeted by a elven like face, with no signs of wrinkles, dark raven like hair and a sporty figure in tailored all business carerwoman suit. In a just bairly domineering voice Justbin still in the body of the Empress asks:

'' A Stranger with questionable morality and ethics is only for exceptional cases of need. You understand the seriousness of our position to hire you?'' ''I do my job. No more and no less than you pay. '' answers the Stranger Mr. Henry Justbin with an immobile and stiff voice, so that the Empress can see in his eyes for the first time. Henry now without coat wears a rough white shirt with high-sleeved sleeves, a sturdy dark blue vest, hard boots and an old customised gun strap on the thigh, from where the gunhandle protrudes. If not for the golden glow in his right eye and the visible metal from his left arm one could think that Mr Henry was a gunslinger from times long past.