She Acquires a Magic Teacher

"Do sit down." Magi Jasmine motioned towards the chair across from her. Robin did so and observed the figure seated across from her.

She was dressed in a simple white gown, and her head and face were obscured by a veil which flowed down from the large woven hat upon her head. As the top was flat, it resembled the traditional bamboo hat that traveling women wore back in ancient China.

Another thing that Robin noticed was that the room interior far exceeded the size of the exterior building. Moreover, it appeared that there were more rooms besides the one they were currently in.

Magic? Or is it that ever popular British technology from that popular tv show...Doctor-wait, now's not the time for this! Robin realized as she brought her attention back to the present time.

"Before I begin, can I ask you a question?" Robin queried.

"It appears you just have." Magi Jasmine noted. "But it seems this question of yours has another one behind it. So why don't you simply ask and get it over with."

Robin nodded her head. "Thank you. I was wondering why you wanted to know what I thought of the Prince? Don't you hate him?"

"I could very well ask you to expand upon your response." She replied. " 'He's completely tactless, clueless, and most of the time acts like a buffoon as he delves into things he is not familiar with.' 'Even merchants sons are better at calculations than he is.' 'Someone who cannot be trusted to the point where whenever he leaves, he has to be escorted by a small army of soldiers.'" Magi Jasmine's eyes glanced up, measuring Robin through the cloth veil obscuring her features.

"'But, he is not without hope, if one can drive the lesson home with him. It is unfortunate that you saw the Prince at his worst, when he could be so much better.'" Jasmine finished, and looked up once more at Robin.

"Tell me, Hero: what kind of man can you see such a foolish man becoming when he is 'at his best'?" Jasmine asked.

"Someone who prizes honesty over background, who judges not by appearances, who fits the punishment to the crime, and who is not easily fooled." Robin replied.

"Hah! You could more easily say he'll be a blunt, meticulous, exacting, and clever person who is comfortable no matter who he is surrounded by. Do you honestly think that he can become half of what his father is!?" Jasmine shook her head.

"I do." Robin replied evenly.


"He is already half of what his father is, including his brain. How he will find the other half, though...that is the real crux of the problem." Robin shrugged.

"Pfft! Hahaha!" Jasmine's laughter echoed throughout the somewhat large room. "You hit the center of the bullseye! That man is certainly closer to a halfwit than a whole one!"


Sitting at his desk, Prince Christian suddenly let out an explosively loud sneeze, tearing the page he was working on.

"No! My work!" He exclaimed in despair. That page had almost been filled.


Magi Jasmine then dispensed with the formality and lifted the veil from her face. A youthful face framed by wirey auburn curls looked back at Robin, her golden brown eyes twinkling with mirth.

Robin was surprised at how young she appeared. Her eyes also slightly resembled Prince Christian's in shape. Perhaps they were related?

"What? Were you expecting a country-toppling beauty?" She snickered.

"Quite frankly, it doesn't matter to me if you look like Munch's Scream, as long as you can teach me magic." Robin replied with a shrug.

"Since you look far better than that, I should be relieved, instead. I was just surprised at how the most powerful magician in the kingdom happens to look so young."

"You imagined the expert to be someone much older?" Jasmine asked.

"There is a saying where I come from. 'With age comes wisdom'. It means that those who know more are usually older than you are." Robin replied.

"And? How old do you think I am?" The question came with a mischievous glint in Jasmine's eyes.

"...No older than I am." Robin replied, dodging the question. "I guess I shouldn't be so surprised after all. I too am a specialist of sorts."

Is this how others feel when they hear of what I am good at? She wondered.

"A specialist? Ah, I see." Jasmine glanced down at the sheathed sword placed across Robin's lap. "Swordsman? Or is it Hero?"

"...Both? I didn't think that I was an incompetent swordsman before or after I took up the Hero's role." Robin answered.

"Then, as the Hero, do you know what Christian said to me?" She asked.

"I have a general idea." Robin leaned back in her seat.

"What kind of punishment would you propose to offset his offense?" Jasmine inclined her head and asked, examining Robin's face.

"I wouldn't do anything to him." Robin replied. Jasmine's face fell as she felt disappointed by her answer. But what Robin said next made her sit forward, her eyes shining.

"I would simply stay close by, and let him know you are looking for the perfect opportunity. More than likely, he'll work himself up worrying about what you're going to do to him. But I would just sit there and watch him as he feels more and more uncomfortable. And then, when He's almost forgotten, I'd do something to remind him that I'm still displeased with him. After a few weeks of that, he'll probably apologize on his own."

"But what if it doesn't work?" Jasmine asked.

"Then do something to remind him that you are a powerful magician that should never be crossed. If he doesn't get the hint at that point, then he truly does have only half a brain."

Robin shrugged, then threw out her bait. Her whole conversation to this point had been calculated as soon as she saw that questionnaire.

"Me? I'm just looking for someone good to teach me magic…. But Christian and I are going to be traveling around on a diplomatic mission in a few days to retain the trust of the demon king so that she doesn't get spooked by news of me. That is why I need the best magic teacher in the kingdom."

"Leaving with Christian, huh?" Jasmine mused to herself. "All right, then! I agree to become your magic teacher! However, I have a condition…." Jasmine warned.

"What is it?" Robin asked. The fish has taken the bait. She thought to herself with a smile.

"I get to come along with you!" She proclaimed. Robin raised her eyes to show surprise.

"You want to come along? Why, I don't see why not. My orders include my companions, so there shouldn't be any problems with that…" Robin nodded. "All right, then! Welcome to the team, teacher!"

They both shook hands amicably while concealing behind candid smiles their foxy schemes. Jasmine was in it to get back st Christian, in a non-murdering sort of way. Robin was in it to learn magic, and to use Jasmine's reputation to drive a few important lessons home for Christian.

"I think we'll get along splendidly." Robin chuckled.