She Makes Egg Sandwiches

Finally, they got to the end of the hallway, where there was a ladder leading to a manhole cover up above. At this point, Robin got fed up with her skirts and tied them to one side. Underneath the skirt, she was still wearing the pants from her hero's outfit.

"Why are you wearing pants?" Christian asked.

Robin rolled her eyes at Christian. "Tell me then, should I show my manly legs to the public? It's too breezy just wearing a dress. Besides, only perverts would look under a woman's skirt for no good reason."

"Ah. Right." Christian agreed sheepishly.

Robin went up the ladder first and lifted the manhole cover a bit. Then she completely opened it, climbing out of the manhole. They were in a secluded alleyway just out of sight of the town square.

"Hurry up, no one's here." She called down to Christian, who quickly climbed out as well.

After that, Robin quickly pulled her long hair extensions and cat ears off, which then fused together and created the fox mask she had worn earlier. Placing it over her face, she draped the oversized cloak about her body again, completely enshrouding her figure.

"Follow me." She told Christian. The walk back was strangely quiet. Each one lost in their thoughts.

When they returned to the inn, Robin immediately pushed Christian over to Keith and hurried Jasmine into her room. Removing the mask, she had Jasmine hand it back to Quinn, who re-absorbed it into himself.

"So, how did you enjoy Robin's disguise?" Quinn grinned cheerfully.

"Makeup is a scary thing." Christian replied. "It almost made me forget Robin is a man."

"Isn't that right? But, I'd like to correct one misconception." Quinn grinned wickedly as he whispered to Christian.

"I didn't help Robin with the chest area."

Christian's eyes widened as Quinn cheerfully headed to the pub part of the inn. Quinn had somehow heard their entire conversation.

"How-of course, the ears!" Christian realized. But then he became confused. If Quinn hadn't helped Robin then who?

"...Jasmine. It must have been Jasmine " He decided to have a talk with Jasmine in the near future, concerning where she got her disguising skills.

At that point, the company gathered around him, relieved that Christian was back safe and sound. Keith unreservedly punched him in the side of the head.

"That's for not bringing me along!" He said, genuinely angry.

"Ow! You don't have to treat me like a child. I'm a grown man, Keith. Doesn't that count for something?" Christian asked.

"Yeah. Your body is that of a grown man, I'll admit. But, when will your mental growth catch up with your physical one, I wonder?" Keith said seriously.

The whole company laughed.


While Jasmine was helping her take off the dress, she had a conversation with Robin.

"So, does he know about you now?" Jasmine asked first.

"I don't think so. I didn't say anything about it."Robin said, as Jasmine helped her pull the dress over her head.

"That's probably a blessing in itself." Jasmine sighed, putting the dress in her storage item. "Thank goodness that he's dense as a rock."

"He also asked if I was in love with you, so I'm pretty sure he still thinks I'm a guy." Robin added.

"Pfft! That rockhead! That's completely ridiculous!" Jasmine chuckled, as she took out the makeup remover.

"Right? I told him that you're like a sister to me." Robin nodded.

"Am I really?" Jasmine asked, her eyes lighting up. "Then it's settled! From now on, we're sisters!" Jasmine rubbed the makeup remover gently around Robin's eyes.

"Don't slip up and talk about it in front of the others, now." Robin chuckled.

"Not a single word!" Jasmine agreed.


Quinn sat down at the bar, and ordered a drink, grinning to himself. He had already known that Robin was a female. As a slime, he had the ability to analyze anything that he consumed without breaking it down. Of course, he thought everyone already knew until this evening.

A veiled woman sat down next to him. It was Chelsea. She had silently slipped away from the crowd around Christian.

"That's as far as you are allowed to hint, sir Quinn." Chelsea said.

"Hint? Oh, about Robin, huh. Did she send you after me?" Quinn asked.

"No, but I have a vested interest in protecting her identity." Chelsea smiled. "An entire sushi course shouldn't be taken lightly."

"Oh, so you were bribed with food, huh?" Quinn muttered before taking lifting his mug to drink.

"More or less, but, think of it this way: if Christian finds out Robin is a female, do you think he would give up the opportunity to make her his?" Chelsea asked.

Chelsea was definitely looking forward to the moment when all the misunderstandings were cleared up. But, now was not the right time. Even she could understand that much.

Quinn flinched. He had always been a loner back on earth, and his existence in this world was so unique that it was highly doubtful that he would ever find anything like a mate. Thus, this word triggered a long-unprovoked reflex.

"I see what your point is." Quinn nodded. "All right. You have my word. My lips are sealed."


Five minutes later, when Robin emerged dressed in green as usual, Christian looked closely at Robin's face. It was definitely back to normal. He sighed in relief.

Jasmine snickered. "What? Do you prefer the disguise to the genuine article?"

"No, but you and I need to have a talk later on." Christian said, uncharacteristically stern.

"Anytime~ But not before lunch!" Jasmine chirruped. Right after that, Christian's stomach growled.

"Come to think of it, I haven't had breakfast either." Robin noted. "Hey, Ponzu, did you save any breakfast for us?"

At that, Ponzu's face paled a bit. "Er...I'm sorry, I forgot. By the time I remembered, everything had been eaten, and I couldn't use the kitchens again."

"Oh, that's fine. I'll see if I can make something quick for a brunch." Robin replied, heading off to the kitchens.

After acquiring the use of the kitchen, Robin took out English muffins, eggs, butter, and cheddar cheese. That was all that was needed to make egg sandwiches. Robin began by preheating the pan and slicing the english muffins in half then toasting them in the oven.

She could have used any kind of cheese, but she preferred cheddar. Unlike in America, the cheddar here was not the noticeably bright orange hue she was familiar with. Instead, it was a nice creamy white, like mozzarella. She sliced it thinly while waiting for the pan to warm.

When the pan was heated to where the butter smoothly melted without sizzling, Robin made sure the pan was fully greased, then cracked the eggs into the pan. She also sprinkled a pinch of salt and pepper over the eggs before checking on the muffin toast.

By this point, the toast was a lovely golden brown. She removed them from the oven, distributing two halves per serving, and liberally applied butter to them. she also added a slice of cheese to the top half-muffins.

She checked the eggs, which were done on one side. The key to avoiding crispy eggs was to flip them easy over right after the egg white solid turns from clear to white throughout the whole egg. She flipped them over and fried them on their top half for about a minute or two before using a spatula to transfer them to the bottom muffin-halves.

Finally, she took the top muffin-halves and placed them atop the egg. The cheese would melt from the residual heat into a gooey delicious topping for the egg. She placed them in her storage bracer to retain deliciousness.

Before Robin left the kitchen, she cleaned up the knife, spatula, cutting board, and frying pan that she used, dried them, and put them away. The egg shell fragments were discarded, and any spillage was wiped up from the counters. Only after that did she leave the kitchen.

Even though everyone else had already eaten breakfast, the smell of melted cheese, butter, and cooked eggs was particularly mouth-watering today. But Robin had only made enough for her and Christian. Thus, she ignored the stares of those around her. After all, Ponzu knew the recipe now, too, so they could just ask him.

She bit into her sandwich with relish, enjoying the crunch of the toast, which wasn't dry at all, due to the butter. The cheese was warmed enough to stretch like mozzarella sticks The eggs were oozing yolk out into the sandwich after her first bite. But, that was intended. The thick yolk added flavor to the sandwich as well, like a mild warm dipping sauce. Everything was perfect. With the good food, Robin's earlier bad mood almost disappeared.

She laughed at Christian's surprised, and flustered face when the yolk started to ooze out. As she held her sandwich vertically, instead of horizontally. This way, the yolk oozed back into the sandwich, instead of dripping out onto the plate, or clothing.

Robin had made this comfort food to calm her nerves. But, like most comfort foods, a butter-saturated dish like this was not suitable for everyday consumption, otherwise one was in danger of growing fat.

Just after they finished brunch, a fox-kin came in with a letter for Robin.

"Who is it from?" Gerard asked.

"Who else? The Strategist." Robin said, without even needing to glance at it. "Might as well see what he's up to now." She took the letter and read it.