She Meets Fest

"Hmm?" Robin glanced back to see a figure behind her.

"...Another person! Ah- ouch!" She jumped a bit, wincing as the muscle pain became more apparent. As it was dangerous holding an unsheathed blade, she sheathed Hikaru for the time being.

But...She examined the man who was still catching his breath. This person did seem to be somewhat familiar... Robin hit her fist into her open palm as she remembered.

"Ah! I remember now! You're Bastian's butler, right?" She declared.

"Hah- in-indeed. Among other things, I am considered his butler." The man replied, standing up straighter as he seemed to catch his breath again. Dark Hair and eyes, if it weren't for how tall he was, Robin might have placed him as a transmigrated Japanese person from earth. But, something in his eyes flashed golden for a moment.

'Hmm, that's some recovery. Is this perhaps the kind of talent true professional butlers cultivate?' Robin noted. The man who had to lean against the wall was now acting perfectly fine, as if he had not become winded from his obviously long sprint.

He adjusted his glasses and glanced down at the sheathed blade on Robin's belt."Indeed, now that I see it, it certainly is the Hero's blade. It has been a while, Claíomh Solais." The man said.

"Please, no one can properly pronounce that archaic name. Call me Hikaru." Hikaru said.

"Hikaru, huh. very well." the old man said.

"Um, I believe I am not mistaken, but just in case, Hikaru, you know him?" Robin interjected to ask.


"Christian, what are you doing spacing out again?" Jasmine smacked him on the shoulder, bringing him out of his daze.

"Hmm? Ah! Uh, sorry. I can't seem to concentrate right now." Christian honestly admitted.

"I can see that! You've got something on your mind, don't you? Well out with it!" Jasmine ordered.

"Ah, it's not-" Christian began to deny.

"What. Did. I. Say?" Jasmine narrowed her eyes at Christian. "Spill everything before I pour a truth serum down your throat again."

Christian shuddered, and relented.

"I can't stop thinking about yesterday's event." He admitted. "Robin ran himself ragged right in front of my eyes. And I couldn't do anything..."

"Would you have preferred to stay back in the dwarf kingdom?" Jasmine asked.

"What-no! Absolutely not! " Christian immediately denied.

"We were all there, Christian. I, as well, could do nothing but watch." Jasmine pointed out, then added a jab at the end. "So don't think that you're special just because you couldn't do anything."

"I wasn't saying that." Christian shook his head. "It's just....why did Robin have to go and do that?"

"Do what?" Jasmine asked.

"Why did he have to save me?" Christian asked with a bitter expression. "We had already pre-established that I was going to be the bait, so then why-"

"Did Robin ever say he agreed to that?" Jasmine asked, cutting him off.

"Heeh?" Christian tilted his head in confusion.

"I said did Robin ever agree that you would be the bait" Jasmine asked again. Christian thought back for a moment.

"Well, no, but I thought that it was implied that I was allowed to come along because I offered to-" Christian was cut off.

"Robin specifically said: 'Do as you like', didn't he?" Jasmine said. "While I'm not sure what made him change his mind, he had also said that he wouldn't take you anywhere where you would die."

"So he...why would he do that?" Christian asked, even more confused at this point.

"Thinking of it from his perspective, yesterday could very well have been the day of his death." Jasmine said, pouring herself and Christian a cup of tea.

"Here is what I think." She said, handing Christian a cup. "I think that Robin had already prepared for the occasion, in case he were to die."

"What?" Christian asked, dumbfounded.

"As someone who might very well die, Robin allowed you to come along, not because you'd make a good bait. But, because, no matter what cost, he had decided to ensure that you would live through it."

Christian stared into his cup of tea, with a somewhat lost expression. Robin had already decided it back then?

"That is why he said, 'do as you like.' He had already made up his mind to shoulder all of the consequences." Jasmine finished, sipping her tea.

"But, why? Why would he go so far?" Christian asked.

"Do you not consider yourself one of his friends?" Jasmine asked.

"Why, of course I do-" he began.

"Then what is the problem?" Jasmine asked, with a scowl. "Perhaps, he thought that dying while saving one of his dear friends wasn't a bad way to end things. At the very least, if Robin died then, he would not have to worry about you dying by his own hands were the Trader to take over."


'That's too sad.' Christian's jaw clenched, and his voice grew hoarse as he tried to get past the lump in his throat.

"Does he think so little of himself?" Christian finally spoke, "Didn't he take us seriously, when we told him to rely on us? Didn't he think we'd be sad if he were to die as well?"

Why else do you think Robin is still alive?" Jasmine asked. "Robin is a person well-grounded in reality. He doesn't think little of himself. But because we are probably the only friends he has, we are much more dear to him."

Jasmine glanced over at Christian. "Back in Ekkinshire, your parents and I gathered that he did not have an easy life growing up. In his perspective, he could only trust his older brother. Yet, he's still struggling to make the world before his eyes an even slightly better place, despite all that." Christian had fallen silent in contemplation.

"That's why it is probably very difficult for him to have friends that he can open up to, and place his trust upon." Jasmine stood up and stretched her arms. "Perhaps I am overthinking things, but that's my take on it. You don't need to spend brainpower to figure out why he did it. It's not as if he doesn't know you now that we've been together for this long." She walked to the door. "But I think that Robin...when he blocked that blow for you, he showed just how much he treasures even the least of his friends."

And she left the room, congratulating herself for jabbing at all of Christian's sore spots, and labelling him the least of Robin's friends. But, she didn't realize that Christian had taken her talk very differently.

"I that's what it was." Christian closed his eyes and sighed. "Robin, why is it that only I can't seem to understand you?" Even Jasmine had been able to figure it out.

"I guess I'll have to thank her later." Christian muttered as he attacked the stack of paperwork before him, with a renewed energy. If Robin did not want to tell him yet, it was fine. Christian would wait no matter how long it took...


"Yes, I know him. Allow me to introduce him to you. This is Phaestu, originator of traps, trapping magic, games and entertainment, who, for some reason, is working as a butler for Lave Mercantiles' family." Hikaru said.

"Please, call me Fest." the butler asked.

"Oh? So is he live some sort of deity?" Robin asked, thinking of the greek gods.

"I am no such thing!" Fest instantly denied. "Please, don't even insinuate that sort of idea. I am not worthy of being even God's shoe-shiner."

" you've met him, then?" Robin asked.

"Indeed I have. He is fully deserving of his title. And I am fully aware of my place." Fest nodded. "Are you trying to meet him?"

"Hmm...not right now." Robin said. "But, if our current business doesn't end well, I may indeed wish to seek him out. I am curious though...if you are not a god, then what are you?"

"It seems nothing can escape you. Indeed, I cam be considered a being of a higher soul than you." Fest replied.

"Higher soul?" Robin asked.

"Have you ever heard of the term, 'mind over matter'?" Fest asked. "As a reward for my contributions to this world, I was raised to this state. Thus, I cannot die of poisons, or illness, My life span is greatly increased, and my soul cannot be taken over by the likes of lesser beings such as the Trader."

"Oh, so you were aware." Robin replied.

"I had caught as much in an information trap." Fest indicated.