
As large and expansive as the royal castle was, it was almost an obvious observation to recognize that a vibrant garden would surely supplement in its design.

Located at the centric back of the castle grounds, and shaped off into a perfectly angular squared space, it shined in luxury. A fountain stood erect at the dead center of the garden; a sculptured figure of a luxurious bird spewed glistering water from its beak. Surrounding the edge, and making the overall layout, was the multicolored flowers that bloomed in a majestic air. Finally, the rest of the innards of the space was layered with clear jaded emerald grass that was duly maintained by the gardeners on a day to day basis.

It was this very garden, that would usually be used for certain events and parties, that the two sat face to face; each with their legs crossed in an orderly manner.

"The first step to learning magic is to know your elemental affinity." The boy spoke with the aura of a teacher.

"Stretch out your arm, and slowly guard your mana into the palm of your hand. In the end, your elemental affinity will depend on the color of the particles that gather."

Maria nodded and did as told, reaching out with her right hand and revealing her palm. She then concentrated on moving that faint energy that beat within her body.

However, contrary to what she expected, her mana did not faintly glow onto her palm. Instead, it fanned out and began to gently dance around her vicinity.

"Right...I forgot not everyone is a genius like me, you also need to be able to control your mana." Arthur laughed lightly as he joked.

For a short boy, his ego was surely developing.

However, Maria had already blocked off her attention from the brother of her's and focused on the particles that surrounded her in slight amazement.

'If this had been under the night sky, it would have been an even more surreal and beautiful scene.' She thought.

Her mana had begun to gather the sprinkles of golden ball of light or golden particles as they blossomed into the air. Like a dance of fairies, they twinkled amidst the day.

'Stars.' That was what she thought they looked like the most.

Like twinkling stars under the halo of the sun.

Her eyes couldn't help but grow brighter as she muttered, "it's beautiful."

Arthur stared at his sister, the one currently swirling her head left and right, as he allowed her to take in the moment. The first time anyone was to release their mana was a special moment, as they could come to recognize the beauty of their own element. So, patiently so, and unlike his usual self, he waited.

However...a whole minute had passed and she was still engrossed.

"Are you satisfied yet?" He asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

Finally, the girl seemed to come to and forcefully removed herself from her own thoughts as she stared back at him in waiting.

"Anyway; red is fire, blue is water, brown is earth, green is wind, black is dark. Finally, your element, gold is light." He explained in simplicity.

"Congratulations...you have begun your first step in the arts of magic." Arthur nodded.

Maria thought for a moment, then asked, "Which element is the strongest?"

Arthur shook his head "No element is stronger or weaker than another. The power of magic is not necessarily dependant on an element and, although certain elements counter each other, no one is above another."

"Your element, if I remember, it's flames right?" Maria asked as she remembered the boy a few years back that used to smile brightly even as burns covered his arms while proudly raising his chin and chest sky-high.

Arthur nodded as he extended his hand.

Instantly, with a thought on his part, a twinkling dance of red began to form above his palm.

If this had been within the night, it would have surely looked like the crackling of a fire, and Maria could even feel the semblance of heat radiating from the clusters of particles.

Finally, the dancing red light dissipated as Arthur returned to his mentorship.

"Magic lays in visualization, mana capacity, mana control, intellect, and finally chant speed. Just lacking in any area would result in a person being unable to fully bring out their potential, or worse, unable to cast magic."

"Of course, your big brother is not only a royal prince of a kingdom but also a genius! So I will properly teach you!" He raised his chin up with great pride and gusto as he forcefully commented.

Maria, wondering where this boy got his prideful arrogance, decided to tactfully stray from commenting and waited for him to continue.

"Tch," Arthur lamented as he shook his head "you have no flavor."

Finally, he brought fort an item from within his sleeve. The jeweled looking orb of jade green, about the size of an orange, was carefully passed towards Maria as she received it.

"The first lesson, mana control."

"Your mission is to guide your mana into the orb until it blooms in light, then keep it within without any excess leakage. When you can do this as easily as breathing, then you would be ready to actually learn magic."

"Until then," Arthur stood up as he began his departure "don't talk about magic."

Maria nodded as she too began her departure before returning to her room.

Holding the ball in her hand as she sat on the king sized bed, she began to channel her mana into it.

Focusing her mind, she could easily see as the orb began to fill with the golden glow of her mana. Although it was minuscule and as small as a marble, the glow was definitely visible.

However, as she tried to transfer more mana, the orb began to leak as the glow escaped its shell and reverted to golden particles.

Maria briefly sighed as she lamented 'Why was it so hard to control mana, why couldn't I just swing around a sword instead?'

It was rather obvious she knew how to transfer mana from one point to another, but containing it was a bit of challenge to her.

In the end, placing the orb at her desk, she fancied to sleep and rest her mind.

Maria stood amidst a purgatory of bloodshed. The brown floor had been long stained by the crimson liquid.

The buildings of wood had already been crushed to smithereens on both sides of the street and she heard the screams of agony ringing in her ears.

Maria looked in front and her eyes immediately widened in horror.

She saw the beast, the dragon of hideous black. It's desolate eyes staring at her as the blood leaked from its opened mouth.

Maria looked down towards its jaws as she began to back away in fear.

Two dead bodies were currently being crunched within its teeth's. The two people that sacrificed their lives to push her away from its path.

Those were her...

Maria awoke with a bit of splitting pain within her head.

'Again?' She thought to herself as she grabbed at her head.

That same dream she had had countless time since being born into this world.

She knew and recognized that that was definitely a memory from her past life, and knew it was a very important memory at that. Yet, she truly couldn't piece it all together

"Milady, are you alright?" A figure asked as she stared at the princess.

Maria looked up to see that usual stoic expression and emotionless voice from her personal guard.

"I'm alright Ais. Why are you in my room?" She asked.

"The king sent me to bring you...but if..." That same emotionless voice briefly struggled to find the right words.

"It's fine." Maria stood as she prepared to walk.

Staring at this girl with golden hair and eyes of the same color, who wore the blue armor that belonged to the royal guards, she sighed.

"Let's go." See headed towards the door.

The royal guard, the personal guard the belonged to the princess alone, Ais stared deeply at her departing back before following the slightly eccentric girl. Her job was to protect the princess, taking the place of her predecessor who had had this job when the princess was younger, she was the only female with the royal guards and the only one fit for the job.

Ordered by the king, that was her formal job.