
In actuality, although it was called a bath, it looked much more similar to a swimming pool or a pond. The steam slowly rising from the emerald colored pristine water as it covered the whole area. Her back resting against the outer walls of the bath, her skin resting against the cooper wooden outer square ring as the water overflowed and lightly splashed onto the marble-like floors. She soaked within this gigantic and highly decorated 'bath' with her knight just in front of her, doing much the same.

The maids of the mansion stood not far from the pool in an orderly manner. They had already cleaned her body from top to bottom, and washed every inch of it, now, she was just slowly resting and taking a break amidst her life.

Sitting on the lower copper steps of the 'bath', Maria took a deep breath, accepting the fragrance that danced within the air, and rested herself. She looked towards her knight, Ais, who also seemed to be comfortable within the waters.

"Magic cannot beat a real bath," Maria commented in leisure.

She could see a small motion of a nod through the steam.

Staring at the heated steam, her eyes turned a faint golden color amidst its pinkish nature.

[Name: Maria Springfield

Strength: A

Speed: A

Mana: A

Skills: Ruler's Soul (U) Swordsmanship (F-)

Overall: S-]

Although, having not trained that long; she was glad to see a new skill added to her list. Although the F rank of the Swordsmanship showed she was no better than a rookie, she was content.

"I suppose it's about time."

Lightly breathing out, she stood as the tea-colored water splashed about.


She wore the same set of clothing, already cleaned with the magic she had used earlier, and stepped into the allure of the city.

Having volunteered to guide her around the city, Rain took the led with Ais following behind Maria.

As they walked through the busy streets, the young boy continued to narrate and introduce the layout of the city.

"Over there is the adventure guild," He pointed towards a building composed of tanned wood.

A cuboidal building which, thanks to its construction material, looked every bit as delicate as a butterfly's wings. Its tanned white figure glimmered under the afternoon sun, and Maria could see the occasional figures in battle gear leaving and entering. From ax-wielding jocks to bow-wielding nimble men.

"Adventure Guild?" She asked in curiousness.

She didn't know what it was, but she could make guesses based on the attire the people wore and the name of the building. However, confirmation was best.

"A place where adventurers and the like can accept commissions or quests-ranging from killing demonic beasts, escorting merchants, to finding specific items." Ais was the one who answered.

"You know what it is?" Maria asked.

"Yes, I worked as an adventurer for a few months before."

Amidst that statement, Maria had heard a slight shift in her voice. It had trailed off a bit, slightly so, at the end. Such a minuscule amount that one wouldn't have noticed if they didn't have the same physique as her's.

She concluded that Ais must have had some sort of important or significant memory amidst the guild.

Maria nodded and looked towards the boy before her, "where are we going?"

The boys head cocked around as he looked behind his shoulder, "you were interested in Magic Circuits right?"

Maria gave a small, "hmm."

Although it wasn't interest that drew her, but just plain curiosity. Having been only within the castle walls, for the most part, she hadn't seen much of this world. She had only wondered how something made entirely of wood could be made to move around, so much so, that it could spar against a young man(kid).

"I'm taking you to the Circuit Mages Association. They study Magic Circuits and were also the one to build the puppets. They should be able to answer any question you need." He explained.

They finally reached the edge of the city, just before the gates.

Rain turned towards a building, a light smile on his face as he revealed a slightly proud aura.

"Here it is." He called out.

A single building of black seemed to glister under the sun. Although Maria could tell it wasn't made of marble, instead wood, it did shine just as so. Even still, she could feel a massive amount of mana surrounding the complex.

Not waiting, the boy immediately waltzed through the door and opened it. Not far behind, the two companions followed.

The interior of the complex, for its magnificence, was plainly decorated. It held nothing more than a single counter, a sitting area to both the left and right walls, and stairs on both sides; both leading upwards and downwards.

Rain immediately walked to the counter and asked the man at the other end, "Is the vice director here today?"

"Yes, she's currently in her study." The man nodded and answered politely, it seemed the boy held a bit of status here.

Rain looked backwards and signaled the two to follow as he took the stairs leading upwards on the left side.

"This place, this organization, is funded by my father. An investment, so when it grows large enough, we would already have a piece of the cake." He explained lightly as they ascended the stairs with small creaks.

"If you want to learn the most about Magic Circuits, the best way to do so is to meet the founder of Magic Circuits and the director of the whole association. However, he is always almost bust with his experiments."

"So, we can only meet his granddaughter, the vice director." He commented as the walked through the halls lined with rooms on both sides.

Eventually, reaching the last room at the end, he stopped and knocked.

"What is it? Is it another report of wasted resources?" There was the voice of a woman which drifted out with a bit of tiredness.

"No," Rain smiled bitterly "it's me, Rain Clover."

There was a small and slightly inaudible yelp of surprise, however, it was quickly blotted out by the next words.

"Come in."

Rain pushed open the door as the two followed him in.

They all glanced over the shelves of books on both sides and looked towards the end. A desk filled with disorderly piles of documents. Behind that, if you squinted enough, you would see the brunette hair of a woman lightly sway as she shifted the paper's aside to reveal her face.

"Sorry for the bit," She fitted her brown oak wood glasses cleaning atop her hazel eyes.

'Please, have a seat." She pointed at the three seats at her front.

"You're tired." Rain said as he sat down.

"No I'm not, I just wish that old man would do his job instead of spending all day in his basement doing research," She denied with a small glare before shifting her gaze onto Maria and showing a small smile "you're princess Maria Springfield, I assume."

"Excuse my courtesy. I am the vice director of the MCA, Mash Fraught."

"No problem, we are the ones intruding on your time." Maria shook her head.

"So, how may I help you three?" Mash finally asked after a small nod.

"She," Rain pointed towards Maria "would like to know how those sparring puppets work."

She looked at the princess.

"Are you sure you want to know? This could take a while to explain." And asked.

Maria nodded, preparing to listen.

"Fine, where should I begin?" She relaxed into the fluffy chair at her back, that was most likely made of some sort of demonic beast fur, and let lose a breath of air.


"To understand Magic Circuits, we first have to understand mana."

"Each person's mana has an element, and the magic a person can learn is also dependent on the element."

"However, it is also possible to wield mana without the use of magic by drawing mana lines. Although it's not as effective, it could do simple things like moving objects."

"Using mana lines to affect the subtlety of the world around us, that's what a Magic Circuit is." She seemed to be proud of this fact as she briefly stopped for Maria to take it in before continuing.

In a simple definition, it was a way to give a command to an item or group of things through the use of faint lines of mana running through it.

In a more complex definition, it was controlling something through mana lines by feeding it a set of instructions. Likewise, it faintly applies mana on something to get the desired effect.

You draw lines of mana on an object and inject it with an order that could be activated due to a set of command. It could be something simple like If whistle, then start and If whistle, then stop.

To something more complex like: If sees 'sword coming towards' vessel, then control area codename ARM to move area codename HAND to move object SWORD and intercept attack. Which is highly similar to the instructions given to a training puppet.

Essentially, a series of ifs and thens. A series of cause and effect. A series of detailed instructions.

In broader terms, a magic circuit could be used to control inanimate objects.

However, that's only in wishful thinking.

As magic circuits are not all powerful, they still need an energy source like Monster Cores to activate the circuits within and also need extremely detailed instructions to even get a basic movement done.

Not only that, they need talented individuals who learn the art of 'drawing' mana lines on an object.

So, even making a single progress in the field takes years of research, money and extremely talented individuals who understand it's workings.

And those who endeavor to pursue this field, are called Circuit Mages; A subdivision of mages.