
A strange scene descended upon Kent early morning; as the people settled to start their day, they were quite perplexed to see a group moving about. The people were quite curious to see this group, as would anyone be. They recognized the leader as the young lord and greeted him as he passed, but they couldn't recognize the girl. However, looking at the guards behind the girl, wearing the royal colors of the royal guards-blue and silver-and with an imprint of a blue phoenix: the people knew, this lady was definitely amongst the royal family, and if not so, then she was at least a high ranking individual within the kingdom, enough to get the royal guards to protect her wherever she walked.

Maria could hear the whispers of curiousness, and as she wondered if these people had anything better to do with their time, she asked the boy that was leading the way.

"Where are we going?"

Without looking back, and continually leading, he answered "The Adventure Guild."

She raised her eyebrow by a bit. She didn't have much information on the guild, but she did now know it was a place to accept and likewise place requests ranging from killing beasts to gathering materials. However, how could that help them in their search for that elusive organization known as Crow's Nest?

"How would it help us?" She asked as she kept pace with the boy, she could visibly hear the small clanking of iron armor behind as her guards followed her every step.

"The adventure guild is not only a place to accept and complete requests, one can also put up a request, say a request for the location of a certain hidden place. However, that would draw too much attention so there's an even simpler way." The boy finally swerved his head as he commented with a mysterious smile.

"Oh? What way?" Arthur jumped into the conversation.

"We use the information network of the guild."

"The adventure guild is one of, if not, the best organization at the collection and distribution of information. With a branch in every major city and some in even minor villages, they know more secrets about this world than anyone else."

And indeed he was right to say so, with so much adventure guild branches around the human realm, it would be a shame if they couldn't even do this much. And another has to wonder just how powerful it was to be able to stay afloat in every human kingdom without drawing the strife of that same kingdom. THere was one simple reason really, the current strongest human was at the helm of the guild. No kingdom could battle against that person, and no sane kingdom would choose to do so.

"It was said that she was born into a duke's household as the youngest lady. No when knows when, but later, she had grown so powerful that nothing could stop her. To the point where it was legend that she had conquered one of the five great dungeons on her own and slew the dragon at its top. However, amongst all that, no one really knows what she looks like and no one knows if she is a she to begin with; as all the people that had ever seen her had long passed away with time. But it is certain, she has continued to live on till this day."

"Anyway, the main point is that the reason the guild can remain standing in all the kingdoms is because of that legend." He finished.

Listening to all this rant coming from the boy's mouth, Maria wondered, just how strong was the leader of the entire adventure guild? More so, just how did he or she become so powerful and where did the idea of the guild come from?


The adventure guild was much more peaceful than she had expected. With a place where literally anyone could come and go, accepting requests, and with all manners of people gathered, she thought it would be like a rowdy show. However; there was no unnecessary noises, no loud banter, no clashes of opinionated people fighting against one another, and certainly no food flying around the great hall.

In this hall, everyone was either preparing to take a quest, taking a quest, or sitting at one of the various tables that lined both sides. It was all like an orderly workplace and she realized, this was a job to this people, and no one had the time to busy themselves with yelling. And with a job that could literally cost you your life at any moment, they had every right to cherish their time.

Another fact that became more apparent as they entered was the sheer size of the guild.

The walls of spotless bleached white enclosed a large area. Black wooden tables orderly lined both sides in a row as they pierced ahead, and a long counter with various personnel was at the helm of this enclosure.

"This is the adventure guild?" She inadvertently asked.

"Yeah, it was strange when I first entered here too," Rain commented "the guild is nothing like most people believe, its nothing like the stereotype of a house of rowdy bandits and uneducated people. For the most part, people here either behave themselves or keep to themselves."

"Of course, from time to time, there have been a few accidents of conflicts. But it had never grown into something more than a small exchange of fists." Ais added her own comment from her own experience as an adventurer.

As they walked through the large gaping aisle in the middle of the guild, they did, in fact, draw a few glances their way. But after most checked them out, they went back towards their earlier business and continued on to their daily job.

'Such a mystifying place.' Maria thought to herself as she looked at such a workplace.

Some were busy preparing as they stared at the bulletin board filled with sheets of paper, just right of the counter. Some sat at the tables and enjoyed mugs of beer and various foods in relaxation, brought by the attendants that scurried about. And others were at the helm of the counter to either turn in their quests, request a quest, or request something else entirely.

There were various adventurers of all shapes and sizes, from burly men to slender females. From robe wearing mages, with the crest of the mages association on their chest, to figures with greatswords or bows strapped to the back of their leather armor. It was simply a splendor to behold and Maria couldn't help but think, 'just how was all this possible?'

The group eventually made their way through the middle and arrived at the counter. Here, Maria could get a better glimpse of the personals.

Five in total. Three young females that seemed to be in their early twenties and two males. They all had one thing in common, however, and that was the official uniform they wore. A spotless white uniform with an engraving of the adventure guild's emblem-A upright sword radiating golden flames-etched at their chest. The only difference was their looks, and that the females wore long skirts that reached just below their knees instead of pants.

As they reached the counter, Rain spoke up to one of the males "We would like to request information."

The personal nodded and spoke a few words to his coworkers.

"I can only bring three people at the maximum, decide amongst yourself who will go." He finally turned towards them and spoke as he left his post to guide them.

Well, there wasn't much debate to begin with. Maria, Arthur, and Rain all followed the man while Ais and the guards stayed in the hall.

They were led up the left stairs and through the corridor of doors, before finally arriving at a room just at the end.

"Here." He touched the door as a trace of mana left his hand.

The door briefly shuddered, before slowly sliding and entering into the side of the now rectangular shaped hole.

'Magic Circuit?' Maria quickly deduced based on the slight vibration of mana she felt.

"Guild Master, they wish to receive information." The man spoke into the room before beginning his departure back.

Maria looked and saw a man sitting behind the desk. He had a head of brown, slightly ruffled, hair and his overall build were of a burly man. He was in simple wear of a plain white shirt, which outlined his toned muscles, and a plain brown pants. Looking towards Maria with his hazel eyes, he smiled, "You're princess Maria Springfield, right?"

Her eyes wallowed into a faint gold as she observed his 'Sacred Text'. Shockingly he was right at the edge of S rank, being of an overall rank of A+.

"You're the guild leader of this branch?" Maria asked as her eyes returned to its pinkish color. She hadn't bothered to ask why he knew her, instead choosing to answer a question with a question.

"Of course, only the guild leader of a branch is allowed access to the information network. Imagine if ordinary personals were to have the same level of access." He seemed to scoff at her naive thinking.

"They would be able to sell any information to anyone they wish," Maria commented.

"Exactly!" He nodded.

"You know why we're here don't you?" Rain finally asked as he jumped into the conversation.

"Of course," he nodded as he pointed at the three sits in front of him "why don't you three take a sit?"


The guild master of the adventure guild branch of Kent, O'Brien Lockhart, lightly coughed as he began to delve into the myste--actually, no, he instead spread out his right hand and spoke with seriousness.

"The Information will be 1,000 Gold Coins."

"What!? You're charging us!?" Arthur asked in slight shock.

O'Brien looked at him as if he were stupid, "The Adventure Guild is a business after all, and the Information Network is also part of that same business."

"But That Much?" Rain asked, not in the least bit willing to fork out that amount of money, he was equally unwilling.

"Any information comes with risk, not only that, where do you think this information comes from? Do you think we just wish it be and instantly know everything there is to know about the world?" The guild leader scoffed at their simple minded thoughts.

Maria smiled bitterly.

They all held a reason for unwillingness to pay the price. As should be the case when an Information was worth more money than a commoner would ever see in their life. Although Arthur and Maria were of royalty, they had no monetary funds on them, seeing as everything they ever needed was directly given to them.

And as for Rain....he was in much the same boat being a duke's son, he had never needed to carry any amount of money on himself.

"If none of you have the money, how about doing something for me and I'll tell you the info just the same." O'Brien crossed his arm as he spoke up.

"What is it?" The three turned to face him as Maria asked with a raised brow.

"Help me re-educate a few of the guild's members."

The three were left contemplating; Just what did re-educating guild members entail? Coming from this man's mouth, it didn't sound as simple as just teaching them a few things or two.

"Or, we could return home and come back later with the money." Maria finally spoke up with sound reasoning as Arthur and Rain both nodded just the same, what was the point of doing extra work when they already had a path laid out?


"Then I won't take your money or tell you the Info." O'Brien had already expected this and instantly countered with a smile.

'look's like we have to re-educate guild members then.' The three's thoughts were in sync.

A moment passed before someone continued the conversation.

"What is this 're-education' anyway?" Maria finally asked, she wasn't stupid enough to accept something with so little information as she has.

And neither were Arthur and Rain, they both followed her lead and looked towards the man in questioning gazes.

The guild master chuckled to himself for a moment before finally faking a cough.

"In simplicity, I want you to beat up a few guys." O'Brien grinned.

"That's it?" Arthur didn't think that was all "what's the catch?"

"There's no catch." The guild master shook his head.

"I don't believe it."

"No, he isn't lying." Rain finally spoke up on the right side of Maria as his eyes glazed over the man in front.

"How do you know?" Arthur crooked his head.

"His expression didn't fluctuate, his heart was calm throughout, and his muscle tension didn't suddenly shift. Overall, he was calm and composed without any doubt towards his own words," Rain smiled "and the biggest reason he wouldn't lie to us is that he simply has no reason to."

"Your eyes," O'Brien nodded "I see."

Of course, he already knew the power's the boy possessed, but he had never thought of him to use it in such a situation. In such a case, he was quite surprised to find the boy deriving an ability from the one he already possesses. However, he was only quite surprised, nothing more. Being a guild master of a branch of the Adventure Guild, he had experienced far more and had seen just as much. To the point where it could be said that he had already had his fill of adventure and there was not much he was interested in anymore. Having retired from his earlier days of battles and adventure, he was content with a simple position in office work.

Just the same, Arthur was surprised, but he wasn't too surprised. In this world, there were many mystical abilities born into people as . It wouldn't be all too surprising for this boy to possess a skill that could help him tell if someone was telling the truth or not. After all, he himself had a skill that could disregard chanting scriptures to activate magic.

"Anyway, can you get back to telling us about the job?" Maria finally spoke to rid the silence.

"Oh," O'Brien coughed lightly

"Well, you see how well behaved and well ordered the adventure guild is right?" He asked.

"Yeah, I was quite surprised." Maria

"Indeed," he nodded "this, however, still comes at a significant hardship. Afterall, the guild is still just a collection of people with all sorts of personalities and opinions. So it is still a pretty taxing work to keep it as orderly as it is, but we usually do our best in doing so, and for most of the time, we usually succeed."

"One of the ways we implement order is the ranking system. Almost entirely based on the overall ranking displayed on a person's Sacred Text, the adventure guild decides which tasks they can or can't do and which task fits them best." O'Brien stated with a sigh "Then we have the case of the few small groups who seem to think the adventure guild's rules are beyond them. The small group who seem to think that they know their own strength better than their Sacred Text does."

"You see, the guild has a reputation to uphold and a clean slate to keep clean. If we were to begin to fail requests left and right, the people would likewise begin to lose fate in our work. That's also one of the vital reasons the Ranking System was first implemented. From the lowest F rank to the highest rank of U-If you can even go beyond SSS+ rank that is-there is virtually a place for everyone and a job that fits that person. So it is a shame when we see people failing a request due to their disregard of the system already set in place, and also being unable to fully compensate the requestee. Leaving the guild to take the full brunt of the outcry from the requestee and compensate them back."

"So the people you want us to 'beat up' went against the guild's ranking system and chose a job they could neither finish or had enough resources to compensate back with?" Maria asked after a brief contemplation.

"The rumors of your intellect seem true." O'Brien smiled.

"Of course," Arthur nodded proudly "she is This Prince's sister after all. It would be a shame if she couldn't do this much."

"Why are you boasting?" Rain asked back.

"It's only right, after all, I practically taught her all she knows!" Arthur stated in seriousness.

"Oh? Is that true Maria?" Rain looked towards the princess.

"No." Maria

"...." Arthur

"...." Rain

"..." O'Brien