
"MARIA!!!" A deranged yell echoed across the outer area of the walled city.

Clearly, this was a yell of anger and frustration on the part of Mash. Her raised voice bled with rage as she looked squeezed tightly onto the card in her hand. The group had utterly left while giving this item to one of the workers at the inn.

Staring at the area of people walking to and fro, she had already lost them and served nothing more but to be stared at in a bid of a circus clown.

She stomped her feet in excess bitter rage and yelled once more at the top of her lungs, "You dare lie to me!!!"

However, this yell of hers only served to make the group walk faster and blend in amidst the awakening pedestrians.

However, at that moment, Adam walked out of the inn and towards her side.

"If I know Maria, she most likely has her reasons." He patted her shoulder.

"Reasons!?" Mash glared towards him.

"The next time I see her, I will bite her to death!!!" She raged and made a show of gritting her teeth together.

At this moment, one of the city guards walked towards the commotion, sliding through the crowds, he finally arrived at Mash's location. Wearing an outfit of armored black and holding a sheathed sword at his waist, his blackened pupils gazed at her.

"Hmm, mam?" He asked calmly, his hands outstretched in a pacifying manner.

"What!?" Mash asked, turning to face him, her eyes crisp in glares.

"Do you mind-" He suddenly stopped when he noticed the man standing next to her.

Wasn't that Adam Colt? The person directly awarded a heroic title for his actions in saving the prince and princess?

And, more importantly, why was he exuding such a fierce and strong aura with a glare plastered on his face? Even more so, was he perhaps holding his wife tightly by the waist?

He was perplexed for a moment and confused as all could be before realization dawned in.

"Never mind mam," The guard directly turned around.

"Carry on."

Quite so, he had long come to believe, this might be a strange city. This here was a man with a heroic title in hold, yet, he simply lived an ordinary life as a husband and an innkeeper when he could pretty much do anything he wanted with that title and walk away fine and dandy.

However, this was still far from as strange as the royal family itself.


Ah, the city had become a bustle of activity when morning rose. Manners of people crossed the roads. From the nobles that rode their carriages across the lengthy center going through and fro ever which way to the 'normal' people that took the sidewalks of sorts that stretched just the same in the entirety of the city limits as the road itself did.

Yet, here we had; a prince, a princess, a royal guard, and a half-blood walking calmly, while also drawing slight but unhindered gazes from the crowds.

After all, although these people did not ride in a carriage, who would be stupid enough to not see them as having some form of relationship with the royal family when there was a perfectly stoic royal guard escorting them?

Furthermore, they all looked way too elegant to simply be regular citizens.

Holding a slight smile, Maria walked onwards in her newly changed clothing. She was dressed in a simple blouse dress of white that held frills running down it's middle length and a pair of shorts that reached down to just above her knees, finishing off in black stockings that slipped into her flat bleached shoes. Her peach blonde hair flayed behind her and took in the rays of the sun.




Ashe arched her head to get a full gleam of the castle.

The first and most glaringly obvious statement to it's magnificent would be the huge smooth wall surrounding it in its entirety from it's circular outstretch. Bleached like the color of dry bone, it was impossible to tell it's composition nor how it was built, however, a faint trace of mana could be seen lingering circularly on certain locations of its surface. It was massive, but not over towering, probably not more than the stacks of five to six averaged height adult males. A blackened gate was etched in it's middle, guarded by two pairs of knights in armor of white and blue at the two lengthy sides.

And for the 'handles' of the gate rested a clear image of a phoenix in the midst of takeoff; its wings clearly defined with lines that created the definence of feathers and the shape of its face and beak detailed into fiery glares. It looked almost surreal, as if it could awaken at any moment and burn the world to ash. Yet, above all, it was in the color of the faintest light blue-almost white to an extreme. In sight, this was the symbol of the kingdom of Albion, The Azure Phoenix.

After all, this was the kingdom that always took the brunt of the demonic invasion and stood back up. As if an undying phoenix of rebirth, it had withstood the test of time. Both thanks to the innate magical talent of its citizens and circumstances deciding its fate. Even more so, Albion was recognized by most as the kingdom with the fastest growing technological development.

Quite naturally, the next segment would be the castle itself.

Let's see, how should she describe it?

[It's massive.] Ain commented plainly, his voice neither sounding full of himself nor impressed. He was a demonic beast, he couldn't really care for a big house in the least. Though, his curiosity about the human world still left him to comment.

In simplicity, it was basically one gigantic cube with a cylinder stuck in the middle back. However, quite obviously, it was so much more than that.

The actual base of the castle, the cuboidal segment, was made from a seemingly smooth and seamless white material that glistered under the rays of the sun. Looking at the lines of window's that raced up and across its surface, it would seem that it held three floors and more than 20 rooms in total. Yet, it still didn't seem enough for the owner's liking.

Then there was the long pole-like structure; though, not in a literal sense, it was much more along the lines of a single towering cylindrical white smooth stone that tipped off into pointed tips. Now, quite literally, this sky-high building of sorts could be considered the tallest point within the kingdom if one was to overlook mountains. And atop its full length waved a flying flag of white, lined with blue along its edges, and with the imprint of an azure phoenix amidst take off.

Just these two buildings alone would surely already make this cut off area quite mystifying to the outside world. However, still, it wasn't enough.

If one were to look through the gates, they would surely be able to see the smaller buildings within its interior. Four in total, each taking over a segmented area around the castle; back left, back right, frontal left, and frontal right. The two at the back peaking slightly from the left and right of the main castle naturally and the frontal ones only visible to tilted heads.

As to what each building was for, Ashe currently held no idea while she followed this two royal members and walked towards the guards.

The guards stared at them in vigilance. They could clearly recognize three of the member's of this group before them. The only question in their head would be where the carriage and other guards landed towards.

Yet, as much as they didn't want to waste the time of the royal family, they had to follow procedure.

"Gate Card?" One of the guards asked.

A white flash of light coved Maria's hand as a card appeared. It was seamlessly white and glistered of luster, on it was the imprint of a blue phoenix dead center--and, of course, in the midst of take off.

As Ashe watched in questioning, she walked calmly towards the gate and waved the card at the statue inscribed upon it. While, at the same time, channeling a bit of her mana.

Seamless, surreal, that was it.

The gate just simply opened with the low sound of creaking iron, swinging enmass and revealing the wide land within.

This card in hand was the only thing in the kingdom that could open the gates to this segment of the land. Very few people were in hold of this simple item; The Royal Family, The Royal Guard Commander, The Army Chief, The Capital Guard Chief, The Keepers of the Halls, and finally The Gate Keeper. All in all, only twelve people within the kingdom could freely open and enter at will. Anyone else would be in the need of basically kissing up to the asses of this group of personals in order to even take a step into the compound.

And why would many want to do so? Well, you would have to see the nature of what is held within to truly understand. And, even more so, what benefits it brings to carry this card at hand. Yet, it was mana bonded to the person gifted with it. To activate it needed the mana of the person.

"Sorry for wasting your time, princess." The guards all spoke and gave a small bow.

"No harm done," Maria smiled lightly and walked forwards, kept her card, as the rest naturally followed.

"Have a good day!"

And just like that, the group was allowed in, to the nod of the guards.


Ashe couldn't help but take in the scenery. A paved road stretching down the middle, and trees growing along its edges and casting spaced shadows onto it. She felt almost like she was walking through a small forest.

"Hmm, what are the other building's for?" She asked, towards the boy that currently walked with his hands folded behind his head. Relaxingly strutting along.

"Oh? Those?" Arthur raised a brow and naturally began his narration.

"The frontal left one is the 'Royal Guards Headquarters'; having both their loggings and assignments details. The frontal right is the 'Expedition Hall'; there was something about a spatial orb that had been passed down through generations--apparently, once coming from the legendary magus Merlin himself and could be used to simulate any environment and beast with the right person in charge. Not as an illusion, but directly pulling the person into a segregated dimension. Technically, it is a 'National Treasure' that shouldn't even be allowed to be used."

"On most times, the Expedition Hall is usually used for practice for the Royal Guards and specially invited guests. Yet, it still has a limitation; it has to be recharged." Maria joined in.

"Though, the good thing is; If you die in the spatial realm, you do not actually die for real. After all, Merlin wasn't only a space Mage but was also the leading expert in the workings of souls, so, naturally, only your soul would be sucked within at its use."


"Useful." Ashe finished.

Arthur waved her away with a laugh, "Don't get your hopes up."

"The item can only be used after every charge. And to charge it, it has to literally swallow the mana within the world. Try to guess how long that takes?" He asked, smirking.

"A day?" She furrowed her brows, slightly, slightly hoping.

"A month." Maria bluntly replied.

"Yes, indeed, a month." Arthur nodded.

"Each season is held every last day of every month, and in which all royal guards participating and invited guests must be present at the time. A total of 50 spots and only the royal family may invite anyone." He finished.

'Hmm..' Ashe briefly thought.

[Don't tell me?]

'Finding a way to grow our strength is always hard. And if it has demonic beasts within, it would be easier to kill them and harvest their demonic cores to engulf and make it our own strength. After all, although dungeons are good, unless we go to the higher and more dangerous floors, the demonic beasts there are not helpful.'

'After all, I'm still not keen on the idea of eating the soul of a human.'

[That's how demonic beasts grow, and since you are half now, you should learn to live with it.]

'That's one of the ways they grow.'

[...] There was a low growl before silence descended.

"You are the prince and princess right?" She finally asked, directly ignoring Ain.

"If you are asking whether we are allowed to invite guests or not; the answer is yes, we are," Maria said plainly.

"Each of us holds 10 slots, including my mother, and our father himself holding 20 slots."

"Though, usually, we never use our slots and simply let the 'House Keeper' decide who goes in based on a certain famous monthly tournament." Arthur ended.

"I see," Ashe replied,

"What about the other two?" She inquired.

"Oh, those? They are not anything fancy. Just a 'Workers Residence' and an 'Invited Guests Residence'." He answered for her.

"Simply for that purpose, they build two buildings?" She asked.

"Yup." He nodded calmly.

'I don't understand this lifestyle of theirs.' Ashe shook her head slightly and paid her attention back towards the cobblestoned paved road.

They had been walking for a minute or so already and...they still hadn't reached the doors of the castle, but, they were close. As close as needing about another two minutes to reach it. Yup...definitely close.

Though, she could already see the castle itself in sight. And, she admitted, it looked grandeur up close. And, naturally, she couldn't help a question from arousing within herself looking at the towering structure.

"How many rooms?"

"Huh?" The boy glanced at her.

"How many rooms?" She asked once more.

"Oh, that," He gave a slight smile.

Honestly, she felt like kicking him. No, she wanted to kick him.

"Hmm, let's see here; A swimming pool, A Magic Training Hall, A mini indoor Garden for mom, A Fight room with Multiple Arenas, A mini Survival Room, A obstacle course room, A Throne Room, A Ball Hall, A reception Hall, A strategy and meeting room, Two Offices for king and queen, and finally, Five Bedrooms." He replied nonchalantly.

"A paradise, but after living in it for so long, you grow bored of it," Maria said, finally enriching upon the half circle that led to the stairs.

"Indeed." Arthur nodded.

'Are this two sane?' Ashe couldn't help but arch a brow or two.


Walking into the building, as the maid closed the door behind, the first noticeable feature would be nothing more than the so-called 'reception hall'. It was simply nothing more than the entrance, yet, already so grand.

Two wide curved doors swung down on both sides and reached the floors covered in rugs of blue, in obvious lead to the upper floors. The 'room' was wide above all, and could easily fit at least fifty people with space left to move. And, although not fifty people, they were currently a good amount held there.

"Welcome home! Prince! Princess!"

The array of personals shouted in unison. Maids on the left, and butler's on the right. Five of each, making a total of ten workers.

However, Arthur wasn't smiling. Currently, he was perspiring in nervousness.

"Good morning mom," He gave an awkward laugh.

Yes, indeed, she had obviously been waiting for his arrival.

Maria smiled, "good morning mom."

Ais gave a slight bow, "good morning your majesty."

[Should you?]


Dressed in a light green one-piece dress, her blonde hair falling to her waist, and her emerald eyes looking over the group, she was smiling slightly-slightly.

However, the next moment, the room chilled a bit.

"And, tell me, why did it take you so long to come back, my dear son?" She smiled brightly, the maids and butler's where already scrambling away while wishing the prince good luck.


"We asked you to check on your sister, not to stay. Did we not?" She tilted her head with a finger on her chin. Clearly, acting as if she could hardly understand.

Finally, she began to walk closer.

"You see..." Arthur was lost for words.

However, before he could begin, Martha had already grabbed both his shoulder's and stared at him.

"It's time to return to your training to become king, after all, the throne will be yours sooner or later."

Quite literally, these parents were truly strange. Weren't they as young as can be, why were they in talks of retiring the throne? Though, Martha was older than Abraham by a year.

Yet, her expression became a bit calmer as the same thought she always had struck her, 'The demonic war is coming soon, and if I know anything, that husband of mine won't sit around at the back lines.'

She momentarily paused, smiled slightly, and looked towards Ashe--the first girl her son ever brought home.

"Maybe even find a queen by your side?"

[Why is she looking at you?]


For a moment, Maria couldn't help but mentally hold back a facepalm. Especially so when she realized her older brother was in the midst of being dragged away by her mother.

However, amidst that, she remembered something of importance.

"Wait, mom! I need money." Maria finally spoke up.

Yes, she was beginning to grow tired of never having money at hand. Surely, even she realized she sounded a bit like a whining kid-although she was indeed a kid in all the rules of the world.



There was quite a bit of pause.

"You need money? Just go to the royal vault, doesn't your Gate Card allow you to do so?" And like that, Martha turned back to dragging Arthur away.

[Are you certain that is the only thing you wish to speak with her?]

'I am quite interested in entering a dungeon, before she knows anything and drags me back too, I would like to at least see that through.'

Maria looked towards Ais, "You said you were an adventurer, and although you have never entered a dungeon yet, do you perhaps know what we might need?"

"I only know one needs an adventure card." Ais explained, "after all, a base of your strength is needed or else a person might walk in, weak, and die before realization even dawns."

'Looks like we have to go to the adventure guild within the capital then.'

"Maria! Make sure you get me an adventure card too! At least a temporary one!" Being dragged at both arms, he still managed to blurt out his words.

"What for?" She asked in return, her brow raised.

"For when I escape obviously!"

"Why you!!!" Martha pulled him faster.

"You're not escaping!"

'Oh, I am going to escape,' Arthur was already planning his escape within his head. After all, didn't he know this 'castle' like the back of his hand? Surely, he had to thank his younger self for hopping around the place.

'There is no way I'm going to miss a chance to enter a dungeon for the first time.'


"Hmm, how did we find ourselves here again?"

[You walked in, they said they were expecting you, and lead you here.] Mar responded.

'Yes, yes, I know that....but...' Maria couldn't help but stare at this figure before her.

Even with her eyes in a glimmer of gold, her had failed to work on this figure. Resting atop the crimson chair with silver hinges, this person was truly breathtaking in a way.

Silky smooth black hair fell from her head and slid down her short stature. Emerald eyes that seemed to be in constant stares, as if in a bad mood. A tight one-piece dress of black that looked like the glimmer of the night sky thanks in part to the small crystal-like gems that enrouched upon it and shined in luster as if they were stars. She relaxed onto the armrest of the chair, her smooth legs crossed, revealing her ample thigh and black boots. Holding the smoke pipe, a brown handle and a golden storage area that wallowed in ashy smoke, she blew out a breath as smog lingered in the air for a moment.

Her legs somewhat rested upon the brown work desk between them, she stayed like that for a moment, before finally speaking.

"You may call me Celte, I'm the guild master of this branch within Alcoa. Though everyone already knows this, I can be considered once a fairy of the forgotten forest." Even as she talked as if a familiar friend, her lips seemed almost a frown.

Maria did not have a hard time believing what she said. This person was simply too surreal. Her emerald eyes literally held within them blackened shapes of diamonds. And, most importantly, there was a white tail swinging from beneath the wavy skirt of her dress.

"A Cait to be exact." She ended with a small nod.

Maria stared for a moment before also nodding, "I see."

"Though, why did you call us here?"

Indeed, currently, Maria, Ais, and Ashe were sitting right in front of this new prospect. They had come to the adventure guild to finally get adventure cards, though, here they were, facing another guild master once again.

She took another puff from the smoke pipe and blew it into the air.

This act of her's affected no one in particular since everyone within the room had quite a high strength rank. And strength rank was in proportion to a person's constitution and tolerance to various effects; smoke being one of them.

After a moment, she finally answered.

"Well, actually, O'Brien wanted me to give you all temporary adventure guilds. Though, I am almost certain he simply wants to see how high you would climb the dungeon before giving up."

Taking her legs away from the desk, she sat upright a bit more.

"So, here you are." Her right hand flashed.

"Based on the information given to me by that man, this should be the right strengths for your group."

She placed the items onto the table.

"Usually, your faces would be etched within using a mixture of light and dark magic, but these are only temporary adventure cards after all."

Maria took a look as so did everyone else.

Five cards in total, black and seamless in all their glory, as if they were made from perfect gemstones that shone in luster within the gleam of light. Picking it up for view, she held a closer look. It was as smooth as it looked and felt as if it could slip out of her hand at any moment, yet, her grip still maintained.

At the forefront of this particular card was a simple letter S in white with a silver, almost ash like gray, edge. At the back, nothing.

"Temporary cards display almost no information; nothing but the overall rank of the owner."

Maria nodded and took the card into her space ring. However, while in the midst of taking the rest, she saw something quite...strange to her.

"Another S rank card?" She looked towards Celte.

"The crimson eyed girl there, he said, should at least be rated an S ranker."

Maria looked towards the calmly sitting Ashe and handed her the card.

"This would be yours then." She smiled.

Ashe nodded, took the card, and hummed a, "hmm."

Maria collected the rest of the cards and gave Ais the A rank card since she had long stopped being an adventurer long ago and still needed the temporary card. And the remaining two cards, one of which was supposed to be for Rain and the other her brother, where kept.

She smiled lightly, "Thanks Ms. Celte."

"Just Celte is enough."

Maria nodded, preparing to depart, "Well then, It would seem time t-."

However, her words stopped short as she looked just behind the guild master Celte.

A lean and fit build of the same height as Ais, sapphire blue eyes like the sky, slightly tanned skin tone. Tanned white hair that looked almost cream colored, like vanilla, with a singular ponytail and two bangs at either side of her face. Her figure in a full suit of black leather and looked almost like the attire one would wear to an important meeting of sorts. Except, it all stuck to her in a weirdly tight-fitting manner, and the length of her boots seemed to stretch upwards and reach to her hips as if they were pants-in fact, a silver edge of zippers traced down both lengths of the 'pants'. And finally, there was the azure bow tie wrapped around her neck that gleamed in the same colors as her eyes.

She appeared from nothingness, without a single sound, her face radiating a grinning smile of slight cheekiness.

She immediately lunged forwards and hugged Celte from behind the chair.

"Miss me?" She asked, blowing slight wind into the ear of the guild master.

Grumbling in slight annoyance, Celte responded, "Get off of me Weiss."

The newcomer laughed brightly and removed herself, "You're always so unfeeling."

Maria felt as if she shouldn't interfere with this two, yet, her curiosity was growing stronger with every passing second.

"Excuse me, but, who might she be?" She finally couldn't help but ask, pointing at the white-haired girl that had just appeared from nothing.

"Oh, she?" Celte replied in a slight frown, "she's the real guild master of this branch."

The girl smiled brightly as her azure eyes stared over the group, "Even though I'm an adventure guild master, you can all just call me Weiss."

"Hmm?" Maria glanced at her.

"Yes?" Weiss tilted her head, still smiling.

"Why is there blood on your collar?"

"Oh? This?" She finally realized her collar was drenched in a bit of crimson hue.

She scratched her cheek with her finger and gave an awkward smile mixed with a hollow chuckle, "I was within the fifth floor of Albion's dungeon and couldn't help myself from going all out a bit."

"As you can see," Celte proclaimed, cocking her head slightly to signify the person behind her.

"This master of mine is no use at the art of managing a business, so I have taken over for her a bit." She took a puff of the smoke pipe and blew out another smog, "and over the years, it has come to be widely believed that I am the true guild master while she is but my apprentice when it's actually the other way around."

"That's a bit cold ya know?" Weiss walked over to her side and shooed with her hand, "Why don't you turn back and let me snuggle with you for a bit?"

Celte rolled her eyes momentarily but complied either way. A flash and the smoke pipe disappeared, another flash and...

"There we go," Weiss placed Celte on her lap as she sat down.

...she became a pure white cat.

As Weiss softly petted the back of the 'pet' within her lap. There was a slight meow of enjoyment.

"This..." Whether to say she was speechless would be a bit of an understatement.

[The Cait race is a fairy race with the ability to morph into cats, though, of course, they have way more prowess than simply becoming a cat.] Mar's voice resounded at that moment.

"What are you guy's here for again?" Weiss finally asked, still gently stroking the back of Celte as her tail swung back and forth in enjoyment. She laid there in content, her legs and paws folded in resting comfort and her eyes closed in relaxation.

"We already came for what we were looking for, now it's time for the dungeon," Maria responded.

"Oh, you guy's are gonna need some 'Healing Spring Pills' and some 'Mana Spring Pills' then."

Maria raised a brow, and asked, "some what?"

At this moment, Ais's voice drifted over, "HS and MS pills, one recovering and healing injuries while the other quickly recovers your mana. Both made from the spring within Albion's dungeon's first floor. However, taking them in excess and in close proximity could result in death due to their nature of accessing the vitality within a person."

Weiss nodded with, "Though called pills, they are more along the lines of flavorless edible shells rolled into shape with the spring water inside them. Color-coded, red for HS and blue for MS."

[Oh, we didn't have this in my time. However, it is safe to say we did not have the 'Magic Circuits' either.] Mar piqued an interest.

"I see," Maria responded to the two, "and how much do they cost?"

"Eh, I bought a lot but didn't get to use em all when I had finished earlier than expected. You might as well have em." Weiss replied, taking off the white ring on her left hand.

"You don't need your ring anymore?" Maria raised a brow.

To this, Weiss laughed lightly, "I have many more, in fact,"

She brought up her right hand, which had two rings settled upon.

"That one was just for HS and MS pills, you can have it if you want."

Maria nodded and turned to Ashe, "Hmm? Ashe, you said you didn't have a space ring right?"

To which, the crimson eyes of the figure stared with an arched brow before providing a slight nod.

"Good," Maria smiled, "once we see the amount inside, you can have it."

Finally, she glanced at Weiss, "Thank you."

To which, she received a small smile in return.

"Anyway, It's time to depart." Maria stood up.

However, Weiss stopped her.

"Catch," she threw out an item.

Maria's hand moved to do just that, and caught it within the air.

"Hmm..." she stared at it for a moment.

It was a small spherical iron ball, shining in a black luster, there was nothing special about it in anyway other than that.

"What is this?" She asked.

Weiss smiled and pointed to her right ear, where five small azure earrings were etched there. Minicircles to put it bluntly.

"If you input your mana into the ball, I'll be able to jump to your location at any point in time and help you out. Though, I can't cross dimensional or realm barriers; which means helping you out within the dungeon would be a no go."

Maria arched a brow and was about to inquire further when...

"If you give her one while I also have one, wouldn't that mean there's only three left for you to use?" The cat on her lap

She had to say, it was surreal seeing a cat speaking out.

"Eh, it's fine, three is enough for fighting." Weiss brought the cat up to her face as it dangled, she shrugged her shoulders.

"Anyway," She turned towards the group, "I wish y'all luck."

"Thanks," Maria nodded.

Yet, before finally departing, her eyes turned a trace of gold and glanced at this girl.

[Name: Weiss Steel

Strength: S-

Speed: A

Mana: S

Skills: Spatial Fold (U), Swordsmanship (S)

Overall: SS ]

[Spatial Fold: Leave a mark upon an item or entity; can instantly jump to the location of such an item when needed.

-Only Five marks may be active at once.

-Each use draws from your mana.]

She stared at the small iron ball between her fingers.


She was still in deep thought about the 'Sacred Text' of the interesting person know as Weiss Steel when she suddenly realized where they were. Her hand closed as a flash of light stored the item into her own storage ring. Her feet momentarily stopped in track as she immediately surveyed the area in thinking.

The first noticeable feature would be the wide spanned area filled to the brim with peddlers lining both sides and opening a centric road through their covets of placed rugs, carts, and vendors out in the open. Many adventurers crossed the area; from ones walking back and forth, ones looking at the wares of the vendors, to ones simply sitting at a booth, either catching a quick lunch or snack. Quite noticeable, there were also small actual shops with labels pertaining to their wares. Overall, there was a bellow of constant talking the mingled with the intrinsically dressed people around the area.

However, if she had to describe this, she would pick the word 'crowded' to do so. In fact, she couldn't stop for even a single moment as she began walking again, following the small sea of people. Ais and Ashe just right behind her.

The trek wasn't long, nor was it short. The so-called dungeon entrance was located directly less than a block away from the adventure guild, simply turning rightly after departing the building and one would find the area within a few paces.

It took awhile, but, delving deeper into the special area known as a 'Dungeon Entrance', Maria finally saw the gathering place.

There was a circular region, ring-like in shape, that seemed cut off from everything else. And before that region were blackly armored guards stationed. Finally, at the helm was a booth of sorts. It was easy to experience but hard to get a handle at describing.

And finally, before that booth was a relatively long line of people with many more enrouching around the area even if not within the line. Seeing all this, Maria couldn't help but glance left and right ever which way.

However, just as she did so, someone walked towards her direction.

She was definitely taller than Maria and reached to be just below Ais's height. She held mid-length dark blue hair that draped to the base of her neck with two bangs that Chancely fell to the side. Her sapphire blue eyes stared at the group with a calming smile across her pale, but healthy nonetheless, features.

Her overall attire looked much like a nicely fitting suit of black, save for the fingerless gloves at her hands and the metallic black boots she wore, she looked the definition of stylish with the added purple scarf like cotton circling across her neck. Finally, to top it all off, she wore an overcoat of black that dangled into slitted sides at the back of her legs and revealed the dark blue coloring of its innards. Though, it might be a stretch to call it an overcoat as it seemed to be attached to her outfit.

Reaching their group, she finally spoke.

"Hello," She smiled lightly, "I couldn't help but notice that you were all looking around the area--a usual thing for newbies."

"Anyway," She finally reached her point, "I'm a 'Level 1 Dungeon Guide', would you guys need any help maneuvering along the first floor?"

At the end of her statement, she brought out her adventure card in a small flash of light, flipped it, and gently tapped on the image at the back; It looked like the outline of a tower in white, however, out of the ten floors or gaps, only the first one was filled in white.

"Although I can't get you far, as I myself haven't fully explored the second floor, I'll get you through the first floor for 5 gold." She stretched out her hand into the air, opening her palm to reveal a full set.

"I can get you through at the fastest of 2 days and the slowest of 3 days."

"So? How about it?" She awaited an answer as she stood calmly in a stance, her right hand to her hips and her left within her pocket. Even though she wore fingerless gloves of black, her wrist where still in view thanks to her folded shirt arms.

Maria's eyes glimmered gold.

[Name: Shell Chrome

Strength: B

Speed: B

Mana: B

Skills: Momentum Negation (U)

Overall: A]

[Momentum Negation: Allows the ability to instantly negate your own momentum and immediately begin another act without a forcefully extended stop in motion or requirement to rebuild momentum.]

Her skill didn't seem as if it was anything special, yet, Maria had long come to realize the value of one's ability was left to their imagination.

She nodded, smiling lightly, "Thank you, that would be helpful."

"Consider the job already done. My name's Shell Chrome, what's you guy's?" She looked over the group.

"Maria Springfield."

"Ais William."


Shell scrunched her brows for a moment in deep thought, her hands folded as her right palm rested below her chin, "Maria Springfield...Maria Springfield...Springfield!"

Her eyes traced to gleam her features.

"Hmm...peach blonde hair, pinkish eyes, obviously high-quality clothing..."

Her fingers snapped in realization as she faced down at Maria, she widened her eyes for a moment.

"You're the princess!?"

"Yes," Maia replied.

"What are you doing entering a dungeon then!?" She finally asked a relatively good question.

She had heard the royal family was a group of weirdos, but she thought that was only nothing more than a myth. In all honesty, who was willing to believe that the person that ruled the kingdom was nothing more than a daughter-complex having man that had trouble even remembering the faces of his counselors? And now....here...the very princess herself was in the very nature of entering a dungeon.

"A mission, mainly for my own curiosity, however."

Curiosity she says. Who enters a dungeon for curiosity? At that moment, Shell Chrome decided to give up.

She sighed, "Doesn't matter anyway, I'll still do the job."

"Yup," she nodded to herself with folded arms and turned right around.

"Let's get in line."

And so, just like that, they walked towards the line.

Yet, at that moment, Maria could sworn she heard the voice of her brother.

"Wait up!!!" The loud yell bellowed through the crowd.

Hearing her name, she momentarily swerved around to see the figure of her brother in a mad dash; his legs moving in craze with his two arms like propellers. Behind him, several guards in white and blue were chasing after him.

She wouldn't lie, there was a mental facepalm.

"Run!!!" His voice reached her ears once more, "The dungeon portal!!"

Maria looked left and right, her eyes crossed with everyone within the group; Ashe, Ais, and Shell.

"Don't tell me..." Shell had a bad premonition.

There were no words spoken.

"...." Shell was speechless as she watched the group break out into a run. Her eyes momentarily turned to stare left and right. She sighed.

An instant later, her body propelled forwards at breathtaking speed. Her momentum had been instantly ignited.

Arthur ran as if he was running for his life, there were many yells along the line of something about cutting the line, but he didn't care. There was some kind of boot to check the adventure card and make sure you were strong enough to have a chance of survival, but he simply passed right through. There was some type of guards that crossed their spears to block his part, but he simply skidded right under. Finally, there were the royal guards behind him in continued yells for him to stop and return to the castle.

However, only one thought was in his mind, and that was...


He jumped into the magic circle in rising light just the same as the rest of the group entered.


"Ugh." His head ached with pain as he began to weebishly stand-up.



He couldn't help but take a glance downwards as he felt the surface he was on squirm.

There was the glaring face of Ashe staring right back at him. No smile was placed on her lips and her face was currently devoid of any expression other than the built rage of a glare.

They were currently in a most certainly unnerving position. The palm of his hands were placed by the side of her head and his left leg tucked between her black skirt, pinning her and entirely stopping her motion.

Arthur naturally produced a smile as a hollow laugh escaped his lips.

However, the girl below him wasn't buying it as her teeth snapped into grits.

"Get off." Her voice resounded with blood.

"Yup," Arthur quickly scurried upwards, "will do."

He turned around in a bid to run.

However, he wasn't in for escaping, she was much faster than him after all. As soon as Ashe stood up, she had immediately grabbed his collar.

He raised his arms in protest, "Hold on..."

Yet, her fist was already hurling towards him.

"Wait, you two, stop fighting for a moment and look around." The voice of his sister suddenly traversed into his ears.

At that moment, Arthur could not help but thank her within his mind as he saw Ashe did just what she said.

He too followed suit...


The first noticeable thing would be the grand sky overhead with the shining rays of the sun gleaming through. Now, why was this noticeable? Obviously, when he thought of a dungeon, the sun and sky was the last thing within his mind.

Next was certainly their location.

They were high-up, really high up, however, not to the point of a mountain but still quite tall. The ground below their feet was dirtied brown and it stretched circularly before dropping down into a forest below. Everything within sight was green, green, and green. The whole area surrounding them was a forest. If he had to say, it looked a bit surreal to have a singular mound of earth within a forest. But, now gleaming a bit, with eyes narrowed, he certainly spotted several structures periodically placed.

A mountain even taller than their location, having that bit of extra white snow at it's top. Several small stone like tower structures that seemed to stick out from time to time within the greenery, not in no way ever imposing, simply taller than the trees by a bit.

"Welcome to Goblin Forest." A voice grabbed his attention.

He looked forward to see the dark haired girl facing the sun in a natural stance, Maria standing behind her, and Ashe simply staring.

"Though, although it's called that, there are many more beasts than just goblins. However. Goblins are the most famou-."

There was a short pause, or long depending on a person's patience.

"Wait..." Shell suddenly turned around as a realization settled in.

"You guys did bring food to last, right?" She asked.

"..." Maria.

"..." Arthur.

"..." Ais.

"..." Ashe.

"..." Shell.

For a moment, only the sound of the harsh wind and echoing roars could be heard.