[34.1] Bit Ol Jack - 1

Jumping into the fray of the magic circle...

There was no sudden light of show nor sound for his arrival. Jack Sawhand merely found himself within the cave.

A tall striking figure, his face bravely smiling and his right eye covered by a black eyepatch, a brown pirate hat resting atop his azure hair--with the image of a skull printed at it. He wore an overcoat of dark blue lined with gold, and under that, a simple plain pale blue shit and light brown cotton pants with a makeshift rugged belt of the same color. His curved sword rested against his right shoulder, his hand, which was covered in a thin black wrist less silk-like glove, grasped the golden hilt of his blade.

Rough brown rocks surrounded him in full. The area wasn't dark even though it was clearly a cave, a strange occurrence...though, the further he looked on, the less he saw, the more darkness encroached.

'Where is that lass?' He couldn't help but think, his left hand lightly stroking his chin as his blade rested upon his shoulder.

He looked backwards...nothing more than a wall.

'The little lassy could only have delved deeper...'

Sticking to his nature, he shrugged his shoulders.

"Ima delve deeper as well then~" He whistled lightly and walked forwards.

He could finally see the source of where the light within the cave came from. Glowing white crystals etched amidst the roughed top of the cave, brightening his path lightly with every step he took.


"Ein't that something?"

It seemed out of place if anything, though, what did he expect when he jumped along into a magic circle in the middle of nowhere? That little lass had said she felt a calling...he had been a bit late on the matter but he still followed after.

Dusty green, as small or maybe even smaller than the averagely sized goblin. Its ears curved pointed upwards, and its pupils silver gray. It was thinly built, its rib cage clearly showing. Not even the one pair of clothing it wore, its brown and long dirtied shorts, could enhance its image. This being before him, this being looking up at him, was nothing short of a troll. A being almost identical to a goblin in every way....except for one important thing...their ability to speak.

Eying the troll...


...he pointed the tip of his blade at its pointed nose.

"Have you seen a young lass around here, eh?" He tilted his head.

Truly, Jack Sawhand was a carefree man. Which man had ever tried asking a demonic beast of all things a question? Certainly, if this type of men existed, there weren't many.

The troll seemed to eye him directly in his eyes.


Its expression seemed to indicate a slight understanding. But, was this troll a nice troll? Maybe...

"Me...food..." It spoke up.

Jack's eyebrows twitched. It wouldn't answer for free?

He scoffed in slight annoyance. Taking out, from within his space ring, a loaf of stale bread and holding it dangling in front of the beast.

"Ya want this lad?" He asked.

The troll's eyes were glued upon the swinging food, Jack could have sworn he heard the rumbling of its dry stomach. And he was even more certain when the beast licked its lips.

He shook his head lightly.

"Eat it then. All yours." He tossed the meal forwards.

It caught it, there was a slight nod.

Jack waited a bit impatiently as he watched the troll eat...

One bite each second...

A minute passed.

It looked up.


Eyebrows twitching, his teeth clenched tight as a low growl escapes his throat. Unable to control himself, his left hand flew forwards as he effortlessly picked it up by its neck.

His frigid eyes glared.

"I just need an answer you fool! Didn't the damn bread fill you up? Ya want more, eh?!"

He dropped the creature onto the ground, grabbed another loaf of bread, and shoved it into its mouth in a fluid and smooth manner.

"Here! Have at thee!"

Jack looked down upon it as he watched it swallow the loaf in a single gulp.

"Tell me if ya have seen any young lass round here!"

His time was precious, he had no idea what could be happening to Stella Dridge as he continued to waste his words with this troll.

The troll looked up at the furious man.

"Me...Hangil...girl...enter gate...can take you...kindness?"

Jack frowned lightly, he pointed his gleaming blade at the troll.

"If ya do any sort of trick, lie to me or try to murder me in some way, I'll bloody kill ya! Ya understand?!"

There was a small weak nod.

Jack sighed, his left hand shot forwards picking it up by its head and letting it stand.

"Lead the way." He spat.

And thus, Jack confirmed a guide as he paced behind the troll and allowed it forwards.




There were three paths before them; left, middle, and rightway. Jack knew naught of which to take.

He looked towards the troll that stood to his left.

"Which is it?"

Hangil pointed, "Eyes...left..."

Yet, Jack still eyed the troll in suspicion. No matter how lax he was as to ask a beast for help, he wasn't all too keen on fully believing its words...after all...demonic beasts did feed on life.

He placed the back of his blade upon the trolls back, and slightly pushed it forwards.

"Go ahead then. Show me the way. Better be leading me to the right path or,"

He crouched and leaned closely to its ear, whispering, "You will die upon my very sword. Ye don't want that, do you?"

It nodded, a bit weakly, and limped forwards with the clearest of expressions.

They walked along the chosen path and soon came upon another encounter.


A squared grid of rows upon rows of alternating black and red tiles leading forwards. No matter how far he looked, Jack could only see the tiles, so the option of avoidance was truly none.

'Did the little lass really pass through here?' His suspicions were numerous and continued to pile upon each other through every waking moment.

Hangil spoke, "Trap...step...red..."

Seeing this 'test' and hearing the beast's words, Jack held a certain thought...

'Is this a manmade dungeon?'

It wasn't impossible, there had been tales of man-made dungeons within the past...though, most of those tales were falsified...and none could even be gleaned as true. However, some had said Merlin himself may have crafted a few small-scale dungeons on his own.

He frowned slightly and looked towards the troll.

"What ya say?"

Hangil spoke once more, "Trap...red tiles...no step..."


Ah, Jack held a moment of clarity. However, he still had a brain to use.

"Fine, ima listen to ya, but ye best come along with me; if any arrows fly at me, ye going to become my shield."

And thus, he dragged the troll with him forwards.

His leg came into contact with a black tile.


The ground beneath the two instantly exploded as it caved inwards.

There was no choice in the matter, they fell.

The two were instantly engulfed into the unending darkness below them.


A pain shot through his cheeks as his eyes opened up in an instinctive motion.

The troll was looking down at him.

"Master...alright...?" It tilted its head.

Fury burned into Jack's eyes, before even taking a moment to recognize what happened, he had already stood up and grasped the head of the troll.

"You lied to me!?!" He screamed in anger, his blade having already been placed at its throat.

Hangil shook his head, there was a trickle of blood at his neck, "Me no lie.."

"Trap...change...last arrows...red tiles...now...black...boom..."

Breathe in, breathe out.

He stood up and backed away a bit.

"You don't know how much I just want to lop off your head right now..."


"Yet, I might as well check."

His eyes burned into the troll.

He activated his auxiliary skill.


He had to know if this troll was fooling around with him or not.

There was a mix of emotions. A bit of loneliness, some slight awkwardness towards him. Yet, above all, all Jack felt from the troll seemed to nothing more than innocence...as if a newborn baby...it didn't even seem to hold within it any intent of hurting another...

He frowned lightly...he hadn't expected this.

"Wait...how long have ya been alive?" He squinted his eyes.

The troll tilted its head, "Long...?"

Okay, so it didn't understand the concept of time.

Jack frowned and ultimately sighed.

Believe the troll? Or was it a master of acting?

He dusted himself off and glared at the troll.

"You better not lie to me again. Or I will kill you without any sort of remorse next time."

He looked around at the space.

"Where could that lass be...?"

There was a crack. Jack looked below his feet.

Pristine white bones stacking upon one another. He and the troll stood atop a mound composed of these such things...bones...

He was already in the midst of knowing something was wrong when he heard the growl...

He looked ahead...

Four crimson red blood eyes, two at each side of its face. A body reminiscent of that of a tiger's, save for its sheer largeness mixed with the lengthenly thickened tail and its ash white lightly furred skin. Its 'neck' area seemed composed of 'gills' and the innards of those 'gills' burned with unwavering flames.

There was a gulp...

Jack watched as its mouth opened, rows of sharpened teeth and a long tongue dripping with saliva....it was definitely ready for its next meal...

He stared dumbfoundedly for a moment.

"Shiver me timbers..."

Jack turned around in one smooth motion, easily picking up the troll, his legs carried him forwards...

Yet...the beast lounged forwards just the same.

[Author's Note]

Sorry for the short chapter? Just started school back, entered the supposed hardest year of my high school, my brain's been occupied and I haven't thought much of writing in actuality. In fact, I didn't want to write period....however, I realized I did have a side story of sorts that I had saved and hadn't fully expanded upon yet. Seeing that I could at least do this much, I decided, why not?

And, yes, Jack is an important character within the plot of the main story. This bit of side stories could probably be counted as a backstory of sorts before he shows up. Also, likewise, this location he is currently in is quite special~

Hopefully, I'll be able to get back on track in due time. Though, my chapters probs wouldn't be as long as before as my free time isn't much anymore.

Lastly: Frostlitwolf, thanks for your support~