Second level of Human Realism

The morning after Qiang Shen returned to the past, his father went to work early and his mother entered the room to wake him up after the normal time at which his son wakes up for almost twenty minutes.

"Little Shen, did you wake up?" ask mom Qiang. "I do not feel well, my head hurts and I feel dizzy" replied Qiang Shen.

"It seems you does not have a fever but your face is a little pale, let's prepare a soup with Xing Su San(1)"

When mama Qiang left the room, Qiang Shen quickly got out of bed and kept her paint palette at the back of the closet. Since he was a child, Qiang Shen had the dream of being an artist, so his parents bought him vegetable paintings to support, what they believed, was his hobby. With his memories completely fresh and with the experience of his past life, Qiang Shen woke up early, prepared the painting and put it on his face and hands to look sick.

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After mama Qiang left the soup with Xing Su Sang on her desk and went to work, Qiang Shen washed his face and hands to remove the paint and then removed his clothes leaving completely naked to sit on the floor and began his cultivation training.

According to the method that Chen Qiu taught him, the first step was to go into meditation to absorb the natural energy of the earth, deposit it inside his Dantian, combine it with his own energy and then expand it to his body to expel all the impurities, however the first time is a very painful process because it opens all the pores and awakens all the meridians of the body. The first time Qiang Shen tried this, it took an entire month to complete level 1 of human realism, however on this occasion the speed at which he began to absorb the natural energy was almost instantaneous so when he started releasing the energy to his body, almost two minutes had passed and the intense pain, which was like being buried with needles all over his body, surprised him so much that he opened his eyes and lost his meditation posture.

"What the hell was that?!!!" Shout Qiang Shen. He remembered that this pain was exactly the same pain that he had felt the first time he started cultivating in his previous life, only that he had felt that pain five days after starting to cultivate. "Probably a genius !!" He think, but that thought leave him almost immediately "no, it's probably because I am at my optimum age to start cultivating, besides this is already my second time doing it" he said.

Again he began to practice, this time prepared for the pain, but this time it was faster to start feeling and while he endured that pain he told himself that with that he could protect his family.

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While Qiang Shen was cutivating, inside his parents' room a jade stone was beginning to shine but as it was still daylight, nobody noticed the unusual brightness that came out of that room.

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After a while, the pain of the purification of the body finally disappeared, Qiang Shen slowly opened his eyes and almost fainted from the terrible smell that came to him. When he noticed that the floor of his room was flooded with a gray and odorous liquid while the muscles of his body were all red, his muscles were already fully formed and proportioned as if he had played sports for a long time. He was no longer the skinny Qiang Shen, he was now full of well-defined muscles, his face had been cleaned, his look had changed from a quiet young man to a wild man, he was still thin but radiated a masculinity that could captivate anyone.

"EH? Could be? Second level of human realism! Reach the second level of human realism !!! But as it is possible, not even 2 hours have passed and after reaching the second level, it really is a big difference to start cultivate when one is young when one is an adult."

"Aaagh !! What a horrible smell, what is all this stinking liquid?!!" Qiang Shen remembered the stinking liquid that apparently was the impurities that came out of his body, "it's all dirty, I'll have to deep clean to remove the smell."

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After taking a bath, he was cleaning the floor for approximately 2 hours to remove the odor completely.

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"At last I could remove the smell, really my body had too many impurities but I feel completely light" Qiang Shen did not feel any discomfort because he was already used to his body that way. "I think I should go back to bathe"

After bathing again, Qiang Shen was going to start to cultivete again but he heard the door of his room open. He quickly went to bed and pretended to sleep but his senses were alert not to be discovered.

"Dàgē (2), are you asleep?" Qiang Xun asked while looking out the door. "Little Xun?" Qiang Shen got up from the bed when he heard his brother, when he saw him, he ran to him and hugged him while resisting the urge to cry. The previous day he had not been able to see his brother because he stayed at a friend's house since that the previous day, they did not have classes and the last memory he had of him was the same day his parents died. That day, when the monsters attacked them, the fallen angel who had murdered their parents, had mentioned something about a farm and pointing to a group of random people, activated a magic that made them disappear. His brother was among those people.

"What do you have Dàgē, you're too weird!" said Qiang Xun.

Qiang Shen did not answer him, just hugged him while saying to himself "In this life I will not let anything bad happen to little Shun !!"


1- Powder of Prunus persica and Perilla. It is a concentrate that some doctors of oriental medicine use to treat the fever induced by the Wind-Cold.

2.- Big Brother