Qiang Shen is in this classroom?

After Qiang Shen and Jiang Chen left the house, mama and papa Qiang remained talking. "Tell me, dear, what is your opinion regarding what is happening?" asked papa Qiang "At first I really did not know what to believe, but after the events of yesterday, I believe everything that little Shen told us, just remembering the face he gave us when he told us everything he lived for the last fifteen years, my heart aches, I can not imagine all the pain that our son has had," said mama Qiang, as she started to cry. Papa Qiang remembered the expression that his son had when he remembered what his wife was saying to him "don't worry dear" he said while he was hugging her "this time we will protect him, it's our duty as parents". After a while, Qiang Syaoran went to work while Qiang Xia communicated to his work to warn that he would not go to take care of his son.


Qiang Shen and Jiang Chen were on the roof of the third building of the Fourth South Middle School of Beijin during the lunch hour. Qiang Shen was going to check the element with which Jiang Chen had more affinity. "Bro, sit in a lotus position, read this spell and try to feel the flow of mana inside your body, it should be similar to the feeling you had yesterday" said Qiang Shen.

"Shikai no yōso o suberu ō kitare waga tamashī o daika ni musubishi meiyaku ni shitagaite Haruka ke ki kita no daichi, minami no umi, azuma no kazan, nishi no harikēn"

Jiang Chen did as Qiang Chen told him, however nothing happened. He tried again and again and nothing happened. "Do not rush, remember the feeling you had when you finished seeing inside your heart, try not to despair". Jiang Chen again began to meditate, to try to remember the feeling he had felt the previous day. For a moment, he felt as if something made a connection between his brain and his heart, but it was only a moment and he thought that he had imagined it.

After he opened his eyes, he was about to give up but was interrupted "bro, how do you feel?" Qiang Shen asked. "Well, although I didn't feel anything, maybe..." "What do you feel right now?" Qiang Shen ask again while he interrupt him, "I feel warm, almost as if I am facing a bonfire" Jiang Chen answered.

"Fire" said Qiang Shen, "the element with which you have more affinity is fire" he repeated. Qiang Shen did not know whether to laugh or cry because of Jiang Chen's past with his father. "How do you know it's fire?" Jiang Chen asked almost angrily. "It's because of the feeling you have" "How is that?" Jiang Chen responded more and more angrily. "You told me you felt warm, that's a reaction to fire, if you were a water element you would have felt cold, tired if you were an earth element, light if you were an air element, a lot of happiness if you were an element of light and a lot of sadness if you were an element of the darkness "replied Qiang Shen.

Jiang Chen had conflicting emotions. He hated fire because it was what took his father away. Qiang Shen knew this, but he also knew that fire magic was combat oriented. During his past life, he had met all kinds of magicians, sorcerers, summoners, spiritualists and alchemists, and had much knowledge of magic, then when he managed to make a pact with a spirit, he investigated all the information he could about magic.

"Do not get discouraged, magicians can use all the elements, but the further away from your affinity, the harder it will be to use them, your element is fire, so once you master the level of fire magic in which you are, then you can continue with the closest ones, which are the magic of earth and light, then the magic of wind and darkness and finally the magic of water.You can learn all or just a few, as long as you manage to follow that order. So if you want to learn water magic, you have to learn earth and wind or light and darkness," explained Qiang Shen.

Jiang Chen was thinking for a few minutes "Ok, I will try" finally answered.


While Qiang Shen and Jiang Chen were on the roof, something happened in the classroom of the previous one.

"Excuse me, do you know if Qiang Shen is in this classroom?" When the students who were in the room heard that voice, an uproar was made. "Goddess... the goddess Yin Shue is talking to me..." was the first thought the boy had. "So... sorry, can do you repeat your question again?!" replied the boy. "hehe, sorry, I asked you if you know if a boy named Qiang Shen is in this class!!" Yin Xue said. It had been almost all lunchtime looking for Qiang Shen.

How did she know that the boy she had been in love with was named Qiang Shen? Because that same day when she met him, she returned home quickly, searched the directory for the name of her elementary school and called by phone. She able to locate her 2nd grade teacher and ask about the boy. "Oh, you mean Qiang Shen?" Teacher asked "Qiang Shen?" answered Yin Shue "Yes, that is a difficult child to forget, because he always spent drawing and said that he was going to be an artist dedicated to art, and that his look was very pure, sadly he had to transfer from school, but because questions for him? " The teacher asked. "For nothing in particular, it's just that I found an old photo of the second grade and when I saw it, I realized that I did not know it, so I called to say hello and take the opportunity to ask for him" lied Yin Shue.

After knowing his name, Yin Xue was looking for Qiang Shen for all the third-year classrooms. "Qiang Shen? Ah, the painter! No, he is not currently in the classroom, I think someone came to look for him and they left" he said "w... why you are looking for him?" the boy asked "for nothing, I just wanted to give him thanks for helping me in the morning" said Yin Xue. Upon hearing his response, all the boys felt calmer however, the boy who was asked, saw how a small smile was drawn on the face of Yin Xue, the typical of a girl in love "I know what class you are in" he reached to hear that she was murmuring.