Dark Magician

While Qiang Shen was in shock, Jiang Chen and Yin Xue watched as the old man was destroying those zombies while he was laughing. "I feel like I'm seeing illusions," said Yun Xue. "Oy, bro, is this real?" Jiang Chen said but received no response.

After a moment, Qiang Shen reacted and saw how the old man was cutting those sombies. "Hey, brat, look for the source of that dark energy, can someone in your cycle do it or not?" the old man shouted.

Immediately after hearing what the strange old man told him, Qiang Shen sat in the lotus position, and began gathering energy within his dantian to then release that same energy out of his body. The energy that was absorbing was the essence of the earth, not energy of the earth element, so when it releases that energy, it releases it in all directions seeking alterations in the natural energy.

After Qiang Shen performed this search method, he realized that in the center of the park there was an abnormal increase in natural energy that generated an abnormal amount of elemental dark energy. "I found you," said Qiang Chen.

At that time Qiang Shen got up "I found the source of this phenomenon, I would ask them to stay here, it seems that that old man can protect them, but I do not want to risk so better accompany me". he told them.

After walking for 5 minutes in that dense fog, they saw a person sitting in one of the park benches. She was a woman, she looked about 30 years old, she was very thin and her skin looked pale.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha" she began to laugh "it seems that three curious people have managed to escape from my little trap, but do not worry, soon you can forget all your problems because you are going to die here" he said mockingly.

"He, it seems that a cockroach that got a little power is believed superior but do not worry, I'll see to it that you do not suffer when you die." Qiang Shen replied in the same way.

"A little power ?! ha, it seems that someone here thinks he can beat my slaves, how stupid. Come my servants, finish with these annoyances that are in front of me" yelled the magician. Immediately after giving the order, several zombies began to appear.

"You think a class 2 mage who invokes a bunch of class one monsters can do something to me, Bro, I need to create an array to protect them," Qiang Shen said as he pulled a marker out of his backpack. Immediately afterwards he began to draw a small five-pointed star surrounded by a circle of strange letters, he pulled a small jade stone from his backpack and put it in the center. Then he began to draw small characters of the fire symbol at a distance of approximately 1.5 meters aligned to each of the points of the star. "Bro, sit in the center and start practicing the mana heart, when you get it, imagine that you are burning each one of those characters" Qiang Shen said. "Bro, you know I can't do it, it's complicated and according to you I do not have enough mana to invoke magic," said Jiang Chen worried. "Don't worry, the internal array is a mana amplifier and the external one is a magic manipulation training, it will not be a nuisance for you and it will also help to protect Yin Xue." said Qiang Chen confidently.


Jiang Chen did immediately as Qiang Shen instructed him, sat down on the inner array and began to practice his mana heart to feel the natural energy of the earth. It did not take more than twenty seconds for him to begin to feel it.


The moment Jiang Chen began to practice his mana heart, the small jade stone began to shine, it was a faint but still noticeable light and moments later the symbols began to shine with an intense red and a link was formed between the five characters. It looked like a circle made of incandescent coal with Jiang Chen in the center. Fortunately, Yin Xue was inside the external array without knowing what to say, she just followed what Qiang Shen ordered him.

In the moment that the magic array arose, Qiang Shen began to go towards the zombies that were between him and the magician.

"It seems that we also have a magician here, hehehe this is going to be entertaining ... Seeing the array that you raised, I suppose you are a fire magician" said the dark magician. Qiang Shen said nothing and went to fight against those monsters. Releasing his fighting aura and releasing his power, he began to destroy the zombies one by one. Since he had already fought with that type of monster for many years, he knew completely his weakness and with the use of his forces, he decapitated them and destroyed their bodies.

It had already been several minutes and Qiang Shen did not see the zombies diminish. "Gyaaaah !!!" he heard Yin Xue scream and turn around to see a little scared if something had happened to his friends but then he calmed down to see that the magic array was working, when the zombies went through the external array, they disintegrated and became ashes instantly.

"Ok, I think it's necessary to finish this quickly," muttered Qiang Shen.

Qiang Shen began to gather wind energy into his dantian while releasing his power little by little, and with a single blow, released all his stored energy. The zombies that were within Qiang Shen's attack range began to disintegrate, it seemed as if they were cut with millions of blades and then pulverized by the pressure, reaching the summoner killing it helplessly and causing the zombies that were attacking Jiang Chen will begin to disappear.

"It seems that he manages to eliminate that magician" With the death of the invoker, the creatures lose their mana resource and can not remain in this world anymore. After the last zombie disappeared Qiang Shen told Jiang Chen that he could finish channeling his mana, causing the two arrays to stop, however, the jade stone disintegrated into dust.

"Tch, that stupid Ethan failed the experiment to invoke Zeit and leave witnesses alive, now we just need to eliminate them" it suddenly heard while the three friends tried to rest.

At that moment, Qiang Shen began to feel how energy began to gather from the earth and reappear as fire. "Shit, a cultivator is near," said Qiang Shen. "Ho ho ho, this looks entertaining." Unwittingly, the elder who had given Qiang Shen the cultivation method of the Heavenly Dao appeared in front of them, wrapped them in his aura and disappeared while in the park an explosion can be seen.