Red, White and Black

"I need dad to sit in the middle of the four statuettes, and try to feel the mana inside his body like we did yesterday, this time you will not enter a blank space, try to feel that little energy with your heart , this time it can not be so difficult, when you manage to feel the mana, recite these words: "

Kreatur, die für mein Wesen bestimmt ist, zeige deine Kraft und zeige dich

"I will see if I can do it, I try it during the morning at work but I couldn't" said papa Qiang, "don't worry, when you get used to doing it with help, the moment you try it without help it will only be easier" Qiang Shen said .

Papa Qiang took a few minutes to learn the spell, then stood in the middle of the statuettes and began to concentrate, by that time Qiang Shen had already given Yin Xue the next step to cultivate, to try to absorb the spiritual energy of the earth in her body and she did it without hesitation.


After several minutes, papa Qiang managed to activate the mana heart and as soon as he began to feel the natural energy of the earth, felt as it began to run out of energy quickly and began to recite the spell he had just learned. When he was about to faint, he opened his eyes and saw the expression of shock that everyone had in the room but when he wanted to ask, he fainted completely.


When papa Qiang began to meditate, several minutes passed without anything happening and when they were about to tell him to stop, they saw how the tiger figure began to move and walk towards where papa Qiang was. When the tiger figurine reached papa Qiang, it began to shine. The brightness of the statuette was a light green color, which left almost everyone present in shock and when papa Qiang opened his eyes, the glow disappeared and papa Qiang fainted.

"What was that?" Jiang Chen asked. "That was a beast taking possession of the statuette and since what moved was the tiger, then dad is an summoner of ground beasts, as the brightness was green then the attribute of those beasts is wind" Qiang Shen replied.

"It's already getting dark, it would be better to take little Xue home, it hurts that your father fainted, little Shen, you and little Chen take her to the bus stop," said mama Qiang. "That's what I was going to say, it's necessary to wait a while for the magic inside the statue to disappear completely, anyway Yin Xue needs to practice his initial cultivation," said Qiang Shen.

When the three of them went to the bus stop together, Jiang Chen asked his friend "bro, why did Yin Xue let him start his cultivation while little Xun told him to practice his posture?" After Jiang Chen finished his question, both Qiang Shen and Yin Xue stared at him as if they did not believe what his friend had asked them. "I do not know if you know this" started to say Yin Xue "but you know I'm popular, right?" "Of course I know, according to the ranking of school beauties, you are # 2" replied Jiang Chen "bro, that everyone knows but you know why else Yin Xue is famous?" Qiang Shen asked "In fact I do not know, why?" Jiang Chen replied. "Yin Xue is famous for being the Ace of the gymnastics team, in her last tournament she won the first place" Qiang Shen told him while he looked at him as if to say "I even know that".

In Qiang Shen's previous life, he knew Yin Xue because several of his classmates asked him to draw pictures of her. Although he had never spoken to her, he had several opportunities to draw her during his practices in the gym, but not to be accused of being perverted, he had to hide in order to make the drawing.

"Me too, I never knew that a childhood friend could be so close to me" Yin Xue said while smiling.

The three of them talked until they reached the bus stop and saw that the one who was heading to the area where Yin Xue lived had just arrived. "Take care, see you tomorrow" "See you later" she said goodbye.

After Yin Xue left, Jiang Chen asked him "bro, why did not you tell him you're a reincarnated person?" "I just felt it was not the time to tell her, call it intuition!" he answered. "Besides, what are you going to do with Ms. Zhen?" Jiang Chen asked in a more sarcastic tone "why did not you tell your parents that you saved her?" "What did you want me to say to them, that I had to save her kissing her or that her son gave his first kiss to a woman 7 years older?" Qiang Shen replied while his friend let out a laugh.


When they returned to Qiang Shen's house, they continued with mama Qiang. "Mom, when you get the same as dad, you should say these words:"

Debes sapio debes ibi multa miseria tua retro calamitatis habes aputo felicitas

Ubi es inpedis terra e tempus anteactus sapies eo quam erant cadaveris infinitatis

Specta mortuus specta si denuo desiderium sapies habebis tueri sanguinem brachi pedis rubus

After a few minutes, Mom Qiang managed to learn the words that her son told her and began her meditation just like her husband.

After a few minutes, mama Qiang had the same reaction as papa Qiang, both were without energy and fainted, however, the magic reaction was different, on this occasion the statuette did not move but shine. The brightness was of several colors, or to be more precise, there were three: Red, White and Black. .

"What does this mean?" Jiang Chen asked. "The colors represent the kind of medicine and weapon that the alchemist can make, the red color is for medicine that increases the strength and the fire attribute, the white is for healing medicine and it increases the attribute of light and black is for poisons and improvement in the attribute of darkness" Qiang Shen said.

Qiang Shen was relieved that his mother was skilled in various attributes. "Let me take mom to her room to rest," said Qiang Shen.

After he returned from leaving his mother, Qiang Shen realized that his friend was watching him but before asking anything, Qiang Shen heard him saying "see? I always told you that your mom was a little scary" Jiang Chen said jokingly. After hearing this, Qiang Shen began to laugh.