Now there is also a magician?

When they heard Mama Lu at the entrance of the room asking them to leave, the 3 were completely silent without knowing what to say and they only saw her as she screamed at them completely angry.

"Mom, calm down, they were not cursing our family !!" Lu QingShan said as he tried to reassure his mother, "Do you want me to calm down? You did not hear what they said?" said mom Lu to QingShan.

Seeing that Ms. Lu was very agitated, Qiang Shen realized that little Shan's mother was breathing more and more agitatedly so without hesitation he approached Mrs. Lu and the knockout. Before Lu QingShan could say anything, Qiang Shen took Ms. Lu to the bed of little Shan while explaining why he did it. "Do not worry, your mother is unconscious, I just made her faint because her breathing was shaking, I'm going to spend a minimum amount of internal energy for her body to calm down," Qiang Shen said.

When Lu QingShan's father heard his wife's screams, he went up to see what was going on, only that he didn't expect to see his wife prostrate in her son's bed while she was unconscious. Before he could ask for explanations, his son approached him. "Dad, let me explain everything that happened, what Lu Yue has and the world your son has entered." said Lu QingShan.

Seeing the serious look of his son, Lu De didn't know what to say, just nodded and went to see his daughter.

After a few minutes, Mama Lu woke up and remembering the last thing that happened before fainting, she left her son's room, went downstairs and came to the room looking for the young people who had wished her family ill. When she entered, she saw her son in the middle of the other two young people and her husband sitting in front of them, seeing that her husband had a serious look, she didn't continue with the discussion. "Mom, it's good that you woke up, please sit next to dad and listen to what we have to say" Lu QingShan told his mother. "I apologize for the rudeness of my actions before" said Qiang Shen as he bowed to apologize.

Seeing her apology, Mama Lu said nothing, only remained silent as she sat next to her husband and watched Qiang Shen sit down again.

"First I'm going to tell you everything we know, just don't get us wrong, what we are going to tell you is how things are, we do not say it with bad intentions, we will present each other as what we are. I am Qiang Shen, 15 years old, third year student in the 4th South Middle School in Beijing, I am currently a cultivator in the third realism, my cultivation technique is the Celestial Dao Technique ". When he finished introducing himself, Lu's parents were surprised, they expected something else when they saw the young man formally introduce himself, but cultivator? Was not that pure fantasy thing?

After Qiang Shen finished presenting he sat down again and the one who got up this time was Jiang Chen. "I am Jiang Chen, 15 years old, I am also a third year student in the 4th South Middle School in Beijing, I am currently an elementary magician with fire attribute alignment and I just entered level 1 magic." This is what Qiang Shen had told him he should say.

"Now there is also a magician?" Lu QingShan's parents thought after they heard Jiang Chen introduce himself. After Jian Chen sat down again, both parents thought that they were going to explain what had happened before but they were surprised to see their son get up from his place. "I am his son and I am currently starting my training as a spiritual type magician," said little Lu.

Listening to his son refer to himself as a magician's apprentice, the mind of mama and papa Lu were in a frenzy, "wizard, what kinds of things have you been saying to our son!" It is not enough that they have seen our daughter in that state who now also want to ruin our son!? " they both thought.

Seeing the look of shock on the parents of little Lu, Qiang Shen went back to talking. "It seems they still can not believe us and it's understandable but we can show them that what we say is true, bro, set your hand on fire!" he told Jiang Chen.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen raised his right hand, connected his mana heart with the mana brain and began to concentrate his mana on his raised hand, with that, the natural fire energy began to gather around the hand of Jiang Chen and it started to catch fire. Seeing this, Lu QingShan's parents opened their eyes as much as they could of surprise. It is as if everything they were told throughout their lives was a lie. Then they watched as Qiang Shen grabbed a piece of paper and began to fold it into a small paper boat, then watched as Jiang Chen approached his burning hand to the paper boat until he reached it and saw how it started to burn while the fire disappeared from the hand of the young man

They had not yet come out of shock when Qiang Shen spoke to them again. "As you can see, the magic exists, and what Ms. Lu heard was the condition that I saw in Lu Yue. Little Yue has a curse..." Qiang Shen started telling them about Lu Yue's condition.

After having finished explaining to the little Shan's parents, Mrs. Lu began to cry intensely "why!? why the heavens hate our family!?" she started to say. "There is a spell that can give us time" started to say Qiang Shen "this spell will not eliminate the curse but could stop it for a period of 6 months, ending this period of time, the curse will be activated again ending the life of Lu Yue but if we try hard we can eliminate it before that happens" "then we can save little Yue !?" ask Papa Lu. "mmh" Qiang Shen agreed, "everything will depend on the effort that little Shan makes but if you are willing to take the risk, we can perform the spell right now to seal the curse" "please do it" Lu De said with more determination.