The Trio "Perfection"

The following day, finishing the last day of classes of the examination period, Qiang Shen, Jiang Chen and Lu QingShan went to the house of the last one so that Qiang Shen could create the array that will help in his magic training to Lu QingShan.

After the events that took place in the bank the previous day, Qiang Shen focused completely on his cultivation reaching the pinnacle of level 1 of the third realism, so his sensitivity to the water element increased.

When they arrived at the house of little Shan, Ms. Lu greeted them with teary eyes because her daughter's appearance had returned to normal and she only needed to wake up. After seeing that Lu Yue was fine and that the seal of the curse was still working, everyone went up to Lu QingShan's room to see how Qiang Shen created the environment so that QingShan could practice his magic. First, in a place near the window, he cleaned the place, took out a pen and began to write some patterns until creating a circle. Jiang Chen immediately recognized those patterns, it was the same pattern that Qiang Shen wrote when he taught him to feel the mana within his body and the natural energy in the environment.

ᛑᛂᛋᚴᛆᚿᛋᛆ ᛂᚿ ᛔᛆᛋ ᚴᚮᚿ ᛚᚮᛋ ᛂᛋᛔᛁᚱᛁᛐᚢᛋ ᛑᛂ ᛚᛆ ᛐᛁᛂᚱᚱᛆ ᚤ ᛂᛚ ᛋᛁᛂᛚᚮ

(Rest in peace with the spirits of earth and heaven)

After finishing writing, he asked for the Quartz Geode and a knife, and when they gave him the Geoda, he hit on the floor with force causing it to break into several pieces leaving a mark on the floor to the surprise of others, then grabbed 5 pieces and with the knife began to write different characters in each one.






After finished writing them, he arranged them around the circle forming a pentagon and in the center of the circle he drew the symbol of the Taijitu.

When he finished drawing the spell array, he made Lu QingShan sit on the Taijitu symbol and had the quartz remains saved. Then he instructed QingShan how to activate the array without help.

"It is necessary that you concentrate, when the formation is activated it will look like a kind of fog and at that moment you have to start your meditation, try to create a connection between your heart and your brain, when you achieve it you will feel as if a small seed will appear inside you, that is your mana and when you manage to identify it you will feel like a different energy begins to expand in your body "explained Qiang Shen.


Not all people are as skilled to feel the mana inside the body as Jiang Chen was. It had been 4 hours since little Shan started her magic training and he had just felt the mana in his body and when try to manipulate that tiny amount of mana, he fainted.

When everyone saw that Lu QingShan had fainted, the first one to approach him was Qiang Shen, and from his backpack he took out several needles and inserted them into the acupuncture points of the QingShan body, causing the natural energy within the formation to enter the body. his body through the needles causing QingShan to regain consciousness. Qiang Shen had started studying medical acupuncture a few days ago and had improved quite a bit to the level master. This type of training with little Shan followed during the following 8 days.


The day arrived when the summer holidays began, the school ranking had changed completely leaving Qiang Shen in first place, Yin Xue in second and Jiang Chen in third place in ratings, in addition the popularity of the three had increased significantly. Qiang Shen was the "charming prince" of whom all the girls wanted to have as a boyfriend, he was handsome, tall, intelligent, athletic, artist, well-defined body, always kind and smiling if they spoke to him. He was the perfect man and they believed that the temperament that he had shown before was just an illusion. No one believed that a junior in middle school could be so perfect.

Yin Xue had become so beautiful that all the men dreamed about her, besides her notes were almost as perfect as Qiang Shen's and her sports skills also improved. There were people who classified it at a level similar to Helen ofTroya and Cleopatra, this was due to an incident a few days earlier where several known delinquents from different high schools went to school and tried to declare themselves to Yin Xue making them meet at the entrance and They began to fight, preventing the students from being able to return to their homes, so the school authorities had to call the police to stop the fight. By that time, Yin Xue had achieved a breakthrough and managed to enter the second realism of her cultivation technique by making the impurities of her body leave her.

Jiang Chen was not as popular as the previous two but still had his legion of fans, this because thanks to his training in mana control he learned that he needed more resistance to control more magic, and magic in the element fire made his body look more robust, making the girls look at Jiang Chen as someone serious and tough of the wild type but with a kind heart, this for being the best friend of the "prince"

However, nobody expected a fourth person to stand out among the second year. It was a young man that until recently nobody knew he existed until he started to excel in the classes and because he left every day with the trio "perfection", but the most surprising thing was when they asked him what relationship he had with Qiang Shen, without hesitation, he replied that it was the Qiang Shen's disciple that made him start to gain fame. As an old saying goes, "gossip can improve or ruin a person".

However, it was a relief that the holidays had just begun and that they were going to be able to train during that time. As people always said, 1% talent and 99% effort and this was proven by Lu QingShan, although he did not have the talent to understand magic as Jiang Chen, the achievement in a week to control his mana to a level in which was going to be able to perform his first spiritual spell.