Gaia (Part 2)


After Lu QingShan finished reciting the spell, he began to feel as if he was starting to fly and when he opened his eyes, he saw how his spirit had just left his body, he could see everyone inside the room, including his body.

After the shock of having seen his own body, he began to feel how his spirit was attracted by a strange force and began to ascend. First he saw his house, then he went away and saw the city of Beijin, the Forbidden City, and as he went away he saw towns, mountains, cities until his soul was far enough away to see the whole planet, it was a spectacle that he had never seen.

While he was contemplating the beauty of the planet, he began to hear strange noises.

[Er tsa brumtsom crapoal strail destrem]

[Er tsa brumtsom crapoal strail destrem]

Lu QingShan started to hear some strange words but could not understand what they were saying, from what he could hear, he could hear voices of men and women saying the same, however when he heard for the third time, he felt how his heart began to hurt what it was strange because he was a spirit, and that pain began to spread throughout his body, then began to hear those same words for the fourth time.

[Er tsa brumtsom Gods, it is time for you to wake up!]

[Creature that you have inherited the blood of the Gods, it is time for you to wake up!]

"I understand!? Can I understand what those voices are saying?" Lu QingShan thought.

[Son of Gaia, you who have invoked his power, awaken the memories printed in your blood!] Said the voices. At that moment, he saw how the Earth began to change until he saw it disappear and began to know the history of the world.

[In the beginning, the earth did not exist. One day, a woman of extreme beauty appeared, that woman was pregnant, that woman was Gaia, the Primordial Goddess, nevertheless she was completely wounded and when her daughter was born, the baby died instantly causing Gaia to take the decision to deliver her daughter half of her life's essence making the baby live again and named her "Gea". When the baby came back to live, I was completely asleep, millennia passed and the baby did not wake up but the fact that the baby lived, was happiness for the Goddess. A few million years later, Gea had taken the form of a planet but seemed completely dead, then, one day believing that her daughter was going to die, Gaia started to cry over her and from her tears came 8 spirits.

Those spirits to see the melancholy of its creator, decided to inhabit Gea and use the power they got at birth so that Gea could wake up and it was then that the 6 elements were born: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Light and Darkness as well as their Representatives, Mountains, Oceans, Volcanoes, Hurricanes, Day and Night. However, even with all their power they could not create life.

Seeing that her daughter was being taken care of by the spirits, Gaia created the 8 Primal Gods, beings to whom Gaia granted them the power of creation. These Gods descended to Gea and together with the spirits they managed to create the first form of life within Gea: the vegetation, thus achieving that Gea could awaken.

When Gea woke up, Gaia was so happy that she blessed the spirits and the Primal Gods, thus giving birth to more natural spirits and more gods. The Primal Gods were given power over each of the elements and each one was given a name: Terra, Oceanus, Ceres, Volnar, Lux and Tenebris. The last two Gods who were born as twins were given the name of Vitais and Morte.

Terra created creatures that lived on earth. Oceanus created the beings that lived in the water. Ceres created the beings that lived in the Skies and Volnar created the beings that lived in the Fire. Lux and Tenebris gave each of the beings created by the other gods abilities of their element. Beings that could live during the day and beings that could live during the night. All these beings were created with the help of the elemental spirits making each one of the creatures have a spirit inside, this so that they always remember where they come from. Vitais and Morte ruled over life and death, each one alternated the spirits between them. Vitais gave life and when it was time, passed that spirit to Morte causing the creature to die. After a while, when the spirit remained beside Morte, he returned it to Vitae's side, thus creating the cycle of reincarnation.

Gea, seeing all the things that the Gods had created, decided to have children that lived on her, so that they would never leave her, that was how the first humans were born. Being descendants of Gaia, humans did not need to communicate with each other, because they had the language of Gaia, however that did not happen with other beings so to get all the creatures to communicate, from the Primal Gods were born the Primordial Gods, responsible for teaching and guiding the children of Gea. This is how agriculture, blacksmithing, art, sewing and cooking were born.

With the help of the spirits, humans learned to control the elements, and that is how elemental magic was born.

After Gaia saw how her daughter and her creations lived in peace, the Primordial Goddess left her daughter and went in search of Gea's father, who had been fighting against the God of Calamity so that Gaia could escape and Gea could be born. .

Meanwhile, Gea was increasingly happy while her children more and more played and lived more places. The spirits multiplied thus generating the lakes, rivers, meadows, deserts, forests, jungles. With the combination of the power of several elemental spirits, the thermal waters, snow, ice, lightning and several other elements were born.

When humans lived quietly while being led by the Gods, in a village a girl was born. That girl when she grew up was skilled with magic and was loved by the spirits and appreciated by the Gods. The name of that girl was Lilith.]