Hero saves beauty ... again?

The moment Zhen Lin heard the screams of the monks, she decided to return to the meditation room to hide. Meanwhile, the Hanging Temple entered a state of emergency, evacuated the tourists who were visiting the temple and all the disciples began the search for the thieves because they had stolen the treasure of the Temple.

While the thieves had separated to create chaos in the Temple, the Temple Master was at the core of the Temple where the Temple treasure had once been.

"Damned thieves!" he said as he began to use his spiritual energy to restore the energy of the Temple. Without knowing it, the thieves had stolen the Treasury that kept active one of the 10 spiritual pillars that kept stable the seal of the China region.

When Zhen Lin was waiting for the monks to arrive to get her out of the temple, the entrance opened suddenly and she saw a man dressed in black coming in. "Hee! It seems I found a little hidden animal I think I'm going to have fun playing with you tonight!" said the thief while watching Zhen Lin. When she heard him she wanted to escape but when she saw that there was no other entrance she tried to scream but before she could do it, the thief hit her leaving her unconscious.

After the thief kidnapped Zhen Lin, met with his companions and with climbing tools, they escaped from the Hanging Temple by climbing Mt. Heng. "Bai Long, why did you bring her ?!" said the leader of the thieves. "Hehehe, I think I can have some fun tonight" replied the thief who had the nickname of Bai Long. Everyone saw the malicious look that Bai Long had because they already knew about that hobby. He liked to kidnap beautiful women, give them some hope and then abuse them and lead them to despair to finally torture them to death.

After escaping through Mt. Heng, the thieves decided to keep moving until they were far enough to rest.


"Why does this have to happen to me ?!" Zhen Lin was lamenting. After waking up, she saw that she had been kidnapped and did not know what was going to happen to her. "Be quiet beautiful, when we get to a safe place we will let you go" said the kidnapper who took it. For Zhen Lin, that look eliminated all the hopes he had for survival, that man had the same look and the same smile as the crazy man who almost killed her in his dreams when he had the accident in the park.

After putting the camp, Bai Long tried to comfort Zhen Lin but seeing that he could not make her relax, he ran out of patience and decided to start his feast, so he put it inside his tent and began to strip her of their clothes. When she saw what he wanted to do to her, she started to resist and Bai Lon, seeing that he could not contain her, pulled out a dagger and made a small cut on her arm.

Seeing that the thief had hurt her, she started screaming louder for help so the thief climbed on her ready to have a feast.

"Noooo!! help!! help me!!! someone!!!" shouted Zhen Lin. When half of her clothes had already been torn off, she completely lost her hope and unconsciously started asking for help from the person who least expected it. "Nooooo!!! Qiang Shen!!! Qiang Shen!!! Save me!!!" She shouted. "So are you asking your boyfriend for help? very bad that he is not here hahaha, shout more!" he said, why she was shouting his name? she knew he was not there but she kept shouting his name, maybe she hoped he could miraculously save her.

"What are you doing to my teacher?" Suddenly both heard a low and cold voice, enough so that it came from behind them. Before Bai Lon could turn to see who had spoken, he felt like a pair of hands grabbed his head and before he could scream, his life was extinguished.


Qiang Shen was completely surprised to see that the nurse at his school was kidnapped. After he saw the thief enter the shop with Miss Zhen, he decided to wait a bit to be able to rescue her, but almost immediately after they entered the tent, he began to hear the screams of his teacher. "Noooo !! help !! help me !!! someone !!!" he listened. At first he tried to hold back the anger that was forming inside him, it was his teacher and it was the second time that she had been in a situation where her life was in danger and he was involved, but that did not last for long because moments later he started to hear that she was calling him. "Nooooo !!! Qiang Shen !!! Qiang Shen !!! Save me !!!" He listened, then could not resist more and decided to act, first eliminated his presence and approached the tent.

When he entered the tent, the image that saw him paralyzed him and enraged him more than he was so without wasting time, he interrupted them and immediately grabbed the thief's head and killed him by breaking his neck with force.

After killing the thief, Qiang Shen grabbed Zhen Lin and tried to get her to react. "Miss Zhen, calm, it's safe" he told her. When she heard the voice that comforted her, she calmed down and when she looked back, she saw her savior "Qiang Shen !! Qiang Shen !! buaaaah !!" she hugged him and started crying uncontrollably, and the only thing he could do at that moment was to return the hug to reassure her.

"Miss Zhen, we must escape quickly, we can not stay here," he said in his ear. After listening to him, she calmed down and nodded. So that they could escape quickly, Qiang Shen grabbed Zhen Lin in her arms and with speed escaped from there. The moment they escaped, the leader of the thieves felt the energy of Qiang Shen and left his shop calling his companions. "Bai Long, Lan Long, Hei Long, Tian Long, Hong Long, Zi Long, Zhui Long, Dé Long, Kong Long, Huo Long, Mú Long, we have an intruder" after calling all his companions, the leader of the thieves realized they were all but Bai Long "Bai Long, what are you doing, leave your toy and get out of there" said one of the women but nobody left the tent Bai Long. When they looked into the tent, they saw their partner's corpse and could not find the woman.

"Sh*t, someone found us, find them and eliminate them" shouted the leader of the thieves.