The true purpose of the Dragons

Kong Long was not sure if she was going to be able to defeat her opponent. After analyzing it and observing Qiang Shen well, she realized that he was already in the Third Realism while she and Dé Long were in the Second Realism, besides that Dé Long was already out of combat and she had minor injuries but she was tired

"Before continuing the fight tell me, for what purpose did you steal the relic of the Hanging Temple? If you tell me, I may probably be able to spare their lives," said Qiang Shen. When listening to the offer of Qiang Sjen, Kong Long hesitated to reveal his plans or not, it was until she heard the moan of her partner that she decided to tell him the truth "maybe if I tell her our purpose, he will join our cause" she thought.

In the present, the great majority of the people in the world do not know the history of the creation of the world, or of the war of the Primordial Gods and Primal Gods against the children of Lilith and only a small portion of the cultivators and magicians were those who knew some parts of the whole truth and who knew the full story were only 10 people around the world, which included Qiang Shen and Lu QingShan.

"Our purpose is to invoke the supreme in this world!" she said with confidence. "The Supreme?" said Qiang Shen "What do you mean by "the Supreme?"" "They are the original rulers of this world!" said Kong Long "The original rulers of the world? You mean the Ancient Gods? The Primordial Gods and the Primal Gods?" Qiang Shen asked again, upon hearing their questions, Kong Long frowned, "those impostors who call themselves rulers? ha, do not make me laugh, the Supreme ruled this world but they were sealed by those impostors!" she said more and more annoyed. "Impostors? sealed?" Qiang Shen thought.

Seeing the state of fanaticism in which she was, Qiang Shen try to keep trying to get information, "How do you know they were the rulers of this world, who told them ?!" Qiang Shen kept asking. Seeing that her opponent was interested, she decided to tell him the whole truth to convince him to join them. "It was the Big Bro Astaroth, he told us that he was an envoy of the Supreme and that we are children of the original mother" Lilith ", he showed us his power and since that day, we have dedicated each one of our spirits and wills to free the Supreme and become the rulers of this world, what do you think, would interest you unite us? " Kong Long saw that Qiang Shen did not say anything so he thought he was considering it, "do not worry, if you do not want to join our organization, there are still others, all with the same purpose of free the supreme and when we get it, we will be the rulers of this world together with them! "

After Kong Long finished speaking, she thought that she had convinced him. Someone with his strength would be of great help to them, however after a few moments she began to feel a killer instinct and a pressure that almost made her vomit.

"So it was you guys !!" Qiang Shen began to say in a voice full of hatred and anger, "so it was you who made me live fifteen years in hell!" The mere fact of remembering his last fifteen years of his past life, made Qiang Shen suffer, even today every time he slept, dreamed often with those fifteen years, all his suffering, all his fear and all the people important to him and that they were dying in front of him without being able to do anything, and now they were in front of him the people responsible for all that suffering. He knew that they were not the only ones responsible but knowing that they had taken part in creating that hell was enough for him.

Before she reacted, Qiang Shen started attacking her again, this time with all her strength managing to cut one of her legs causing her to lose her mobility, "you said that if I told you our motive you would forgive us" she shouted . At that moment she realized that the wound on her leg was hurting more and more and when she turned to see Qiang Shen, she saw that on her sword there were traces of elemental water energy, "if he is not a magician, then he must to be a cultivator who uses the Dao of Water "she thought as she tried to suppress the pain.

"Stay away!!!" she screamed as soon as she saw Qiang Shen approaching her. Never in her life had she felt as much fear as in that moment, had never felt a murderous instinct so full of hate. "You wonder why you're going to die ?!" he said in a cold voice full of hate "it's simple, anyone who tries to destroy the spiritual seals of the Earth and try to free the children of Lilith, is my enemy", after saying this with his sword, cut an arm of Kong Long and before she could react, he buried his sword in her heart killing her. "You are pathetic, believing in an ephemeral promise and becoming a simple disposable object for the God of Calamity", those were the last words that Kong Long heard before dying.

After he finished with her life, Qiang Shen focused on his other opponent, "then it's time to eliminate the other scum that is here," he said in a voice full of hate. Dé Long seeing his partner being killed he knew he would not survive, "Hahaha, it does not matter if you finish with us, the plan is already in execution and it is not long before the Supreme are released from their prison" he said . Qiang Shen to hear him, again full of anger decided to torture his opponent by injecting his internal energy of element Water in the body of Dé Long. "Aaaaaaaaagh, stop!" the scream as his breathing accelerated. "Why are you doing this, you are supposed to be a cultivator of the path of virtue, you should not use torture or affect your cultivation" he continued shouting.

Qiang Shen only approached him and with a movement of his sword, he crossed the heart of his opponent leaving him completely lifeless.