Huaxia's Four Protective Units

It had been several months since Qiang Shen had returned to the past, and finally that day he had achieved the first step to change the future, in addition his parents were improving their learning of magic and his brother was already showing the first results of his cultivation.

That night, after a long time, Qiang Shen decided to sleep, although he did not sleep anymore because he spent the night cultivating, for the first time he decided to rest that day.


At the moment when Qiang Shen fell asleep, a voice was heard in the empty space of his room.

"It seems that you really have the talent, but it seems that you are starting to take pride in your ability, you need to remember to be always alert"

At the end of saying that, the silence returned to dominate the room as if it had always been so, without anyone noticing those words.


While Qiang Shen was falling asleep, his parents were preparing to rest, they had been talking about their training, the achievements of their children and as good parents, they hoped that their eldest son could introduce them to a girlfriend, whom they would take care of so that she may become his daughter in law, however after a slight silence papa Qiang changed the conversation completely.

"Dear, how have you been at your job?" mama Qiang asked, "we have improved," replied papa Qiang. When his son had gone to Mt. Heng to train, although he had told him it was cultivation, papa Qiang decided to expand the knowledge that his son had told his coworkers but he did not know how to tell them. If what their son had told them was true, then he would need all the help he could get. When he first explained to his friends at his job, it was because one of them said that he had taken his children to see a magician in the circus.

"It's true, my children were very excited when they saw the assistant cut the wizard in two inside that box," said Chen Tao. Then Qiang Syaoran decided to reveal his secret to them. "Ha, that's nothing, the real magic is that where you can fly, throw fireballs and also invoke fantastic creatures, if you like I can give you a demonstration of that kind of magic" he said with complete confidence. When they heard it they did not believe him, and they even thought he had gone crazy. "Bro, are you okay? Are you sure you did not hit your head with something?" They Asked. Fortunately, as at that time Qiang Syaoran had already mastered the first invocational spell, he showed his magic to his companions. In almost an instant, Qiang Syaoran managed to connect his mana heart with the mana brain to manipulate the natural energy with the mana of his body, and began to recite the spell to search the memory of his bloodline and so he managed to invoke a dagger, leaving his colleagues shocked.

After they recovered from the shock, Qiang Syaoran's companions bombarded him with questions and explanations but after a while, he managed to reassure them and started telling them what had happened and how he got his magic. "Several months ago we met a certain person" began to say Qiang Syaoran, "it is better to say that he looked for us and why were we, we still do not know, but when he introduced us he told us that he came from the future" when he said this , papa Qiang saw the face of his companions, it was a combination of doubt and surprise as if they were saying "are you kidding?".

"I know what you should be thinking," he continued, "that was the same reaction my wife and I had but I assure you it is true, and as you can see, he taught magic to me and my wife," said Qiang Syaoran. His companions did not want to believe him, but seeing that demonstration of magic before their eyes, they had no choice but to accept what his brother was saying.

"So your children are also learning magic?" asked another of his companions. "No," he answered, "my children are practicing ancient martial arts, he said they had talent to learn, I think he called it cultivation or something like that." They did not believe what they were hearing, it seemed taken from a wuxia novel, however when they wanted to ask more, they received an immediate warning.

Qiang Shen knew that his father worked in the government and always believed that it was an office job, but that was what Qiang Syaoran made his children believe, only his wife knew the truth. Qiang Syaoran was a member of the special forces under the direct control of the president. It was very difficult to enter these special forces and he was in the Black Turtle unit "Xuan Gu" and was the third unit of Huaxia's four protective units. The special protective units of Huaxia were Qing Long, Bai Hu, Xuan Gu and Xu Que.

The Qing Long team was responsible for the protection of the emperor, currently is responsible for the protection of the President and several important figures of politics in Huaxia. His captain had the title of Qilin. It currently has 30 members.

The Xu Que team takes care of any internal danger that could endanger Huaxia. When an organization or individual becomes sufficiently dangerous and undetectable for the Bai Hu team, this team deploys. His Captain has the title of Luduan. Its members are kept in absolute secrecy and only the top officials of the country know of its existence.

The third team was to which Qiang Syaoran belonged, Xuan Gu. It was the team in charge of protecting the country from terrorist attacks. They usually work in conjunction with the Bai Hu team. His captain has the title of Shishi. It currently has 15 members.

The Bai Hu team is the largest and is responsible for the intelligence of the country, both in cyber attacks and invasions from abroad and also in designs of complex military tactics. His captain has the title of Xiezhi. Currently has more than 70 members.

When the incident with the dark attribute wizard occurred, the Xuang Gu team was sent to investigate with the support of the Bai Hu team in the cyber space in case they could discover something. When they learned that the teacher of Qiang Syaoran's son was involved and someone described Qiang Shen at the scene of the accident, Qiang Syaoran asked permission to go see him, after knowing who was the guilty by word of his son, he had problems pass the report.

Now that Qiang Syaoran wanted to tell his teammates about his new powers, but an emergency just happened and his team was being requested.