Control of the Skill

"What's going on…?" Baffled, Ben Kox asked in a low voice the same question most spectators were asking in their minds.

"T-Thorn wins!" Quite flustered, Lenna Zelu stuttered.

The northern seats.

"F-Final-Star Control of the Skill?!" Lurep Village Mercenary's Guild Branch's Branch Head exclaimed in disbelief, his entire body trembling.

Arger Dal wasn't the only one reacting that way. Ramph Zelu, Cley Alch, and even Delia Adver herself were having a mini heart attack.

Such shock was to be expected. Everyone knew that the difference between Final-Star Use of the Skill and Final-Star Control of the Skill was just like the difference between a common soldier and a mighty emperor. After all, Final-Star Control of the Skill was the widely acknowledged highest understanding degree in the world. It was the level nearly every single cultivator dreamed about attaining, but won't reach in their lifetimes. Only the peak powerhouses of the world had reached such heights. Even Delia Adver, the strongest person in the hall and a princess candidate for Guild Master of the Adventurer's Guild, had just recently stepped into the Third-Star Control of the Skill.

"This little rascal…What kind of idiot is she? To show off her potential to reach the apex just for the sake of some little face…" Delia Adver muttered frowning. Her confusion was evident on her normally calm and confident expression. (I cannot discern her actual age, but she is definitely very young. Then, why do she have that level of understanding? I wonder if she is really that smart… But again, the only way to reach such level is by becoming that smart. So, why would she do such a foolish thing?) She examined Thorn's entire body carefully. (It seems like she isn't even a bit afraid of the possible consequences of her acts…)

The public seats.

"Can someone explain to me what is going on?" A goblin, unable to suppress his curiosity anymore, asked looking around in search of a knowledgeable cultivator.

"Hahaha…" Rose laughed smugly at this question. "Let me enlighten you. It's just as Thorn said, he has the Wind Element Awakened Skill. What makes him able to do what he just did is his Final-Star Control of the Skill understanding degree! As you might know; at Control of the Skill, one can use one's Awakened Skill at long range. Taking advantage of this, Thorn used the Wind Technique: Wind Glide to move Ben Kox. The reason why there was no 'Boom!' when Ben Kox was moved is because, at Final-Star Control of the Skill, Wind Glide is used so efficiently that the waste of Complex Energy becomes insignificant."

This information left everyone who heard it utterly dumbfounded. They were shocked by the fact that there was such a great expert at just a few meters in front of them, they were flabbergasted by the fact that there was a cultivator with the highest understanding degree and was still in the Second Level Intermediate Awaken stage, and finally, they have been rendered completely speechless by the fact that such a lofty expert had enough shamelessness to participate in this tournament of novices!

Still filled with complex emotions, Lenna Zelu called out: "Rey Luss!"

Soon, a young male elemental elf, who had green hair, stood up and walked toward the platform. He was unhurried and even had a carefree smile on his face. His Aura was at the Second Level Advanced Awaken stage.

"*Sigh*…" Thorn couldn't help but sigh at this sight. (How am I supposed to defeat this guy…?)

After Rey Luss took his position on the arena, Lenna Zelu shouted: "Fight!"

It wasn't even necessary for Rey Luss to reveal his Awakened Skill. The color of his hair and eyes, and the fact that he was an elemental elf made it evident that he was a Wind Element Awakened Skill user.

Thorn tried to move Rey Luss with Wind Glide, but the wind just passed through Rey Luss' body and clothes as if dealing with a ghost or an illusion.

(As expected, it didn't work…) Thorn lamented seeing this scene.

Due to their Racial Skill, Elemental Physique, the elemental elves couldn't awaken a Special Awakened Skill or an Arrogant Awakened Skill, they could only awaken an Elemental Awakened Skill or a Special Elemental Awakened Skill.

And there were just ten elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Darkness, Light, Shadow, Crystalloid, and Energy [It was Complex Energy for civilized races and Mystical Energy for monsters].

But in compensation for this restriction, the Elemental Physique Racial Skill made elemental elves immune against the element of their Awakened Skill.

While Thorn was deep in thought trying to come up with an effective strategy to beat his opponent, Rey Luss was already punching at Thorn.

(Geez! I got distracted!) Thorn cursed, and, in his panic, invoked a powerful wind barrier around his body.


Despite the barrier, Rey Luss' fist landed heavily on Thorn's face unhindered. It was evident that the wind barrier was utterly useless against Rey Luss' Racial Skill.

The punch sent Thorn flying away.

"Ouch…!" He moaned as his head spun in dizziness and blood sprayed out of his face, yes his face.

Somehow, relying on his Awakened Skill, Thorn barely managed to stop his body from getting off the combat area.

It was at this moment that he realized something. (Fist… Yeah, I can use that too!)

Seeing that his attack didn't finish the job, Rey Luss kicked the floor and controlled the wind to move as fast as he could to follow up with a second punch. He didn't even try to directly assault Thorn with his Wind Element Awakened Skill. He understood very well that, with his low level of understanding, his wind wouldn't be able to represent a threat to Thorn.

Just when that punch was about to reach him, Thorn disappeared and reappeared seven meters behind Rey Luss.

Feeling Thorn's Aura behind him, Rey Luss revealed an utterly shocked expression; and before he could turn his head to cast a look at his opponent, he felt two fist on his back.


The reverberating sound of Rey Luss' body colliding against the floor off the arena was heard throughout the entire hall.

Hovering in midair, despite his bloody broken arms, Thorn smiled satisfied.

"Thorn Wins!" This familiar phrase echoed out once again.


"That girl is just unstoppable!"

"Even an elemental elf with the Wind Element Awakened Skill couldn't defeat her?!"

"Is she really planning on being the last standing of the second phase?!"

The spectators grew emotional after seeing Thorn's amazing performance.

"Cure Song!" Called out Lenna Zelu.

Cure Song was a dullahan, his pitch-black smoke had the 'V' shape. He wore heavy armor of black B-class zenanium, and was in the Third Level Advanced Awaken stage.

(At last! Someone who is trembling in fear.) Thorn was elated to see how nervous his next opponent was while walking toward the arena.

Once on the arena, Cure Song shakily slipped off his armguard which had covered his entire hand and forearm. "I have two Special Awakened Skills. The first one is No Color: it enables me to become invisible." As he spoke out, his hand turned transparent. He then continued while putting back on his armguard: "The second one is Berserk Speed."

Double Essence, the dullahan's Racial Skill, was a passive skill that forced its user to awaken two Awakened Skills instead of one; however, both Awakened Skills obtained through this Racial Skill were of the same class.

The Awakened Skill classes in order of rarity were: Elemental Awakened Skill, Special Awakened Skill, Special Elemental Awakened Skill, Arrogant Awakened Skill, and Ultimate Awakened Skill.

Lenna Zelu: "Okay! You two, fight!"



In the next instant, Thorn's ribbons cracked and his entire person flew away.

Cure Song had just now come close to him and punched him in the chest. He had done that so quickly even the four individuals on the north gasped in astonishment.

An increment of ten times one's strength could allow one to fight in equal terms with someone at an entire cultivation stage higher than oneself, but an increment of ten times one's speed could allow one to catch up to someone at two entire cultivation stages higher than oneself in a race!

Spitting up loads of blood, Thorn got so flustered he didn't hold back the strength that came from his dual cultivation and Final-Star Control of the Skill to stop his body in midair, barely avoiding getting off the combat area.

(So, you were pretending… to be afraid.) Thorn stared resentful at Cure Song.

On the other hand, Cure Song was absolutely flabbergasted.

(There is no way he could have stabilized himself before exiting the combat area! My punch just now wasn't weak at all. It not only contained all my psychical strength, but also the impulse of the movement speed of a Third Level Energy Core Evolution stage cultivator!) He thought as an intense pain assaulted him and the blood from his broken right arm gushed down.

At that moment, Rose sighed deeply in relieve. (Thorn's strength wasn't evident, it looked just as if Cure Song's strike wasn't powerful enough.) She couldn't help but shot an approving look at Cure Song. (Such strike! Such speed! He almost defeated Thorn for real this time.) Closing her eyes, she continued thinking: (Luckily, Thorn's reaction was beyond ordinary. I wonder if it has something to do with his Mystical Energy cultivation. Monsters' instincts and reaction speed are a match for civilized races' understanding degree and intelligence after all…)

High above the arena, Thorn observed how Cure Song evaded every single one of his attempts to move him out the shield-shaped platform. The dullahan was just too quick. Thorn could feel Cure Song's Aura on a certain place, and when he tried to use Wind Glide, he felt that his opponent wasn't on that place anymore, but on another instead.

For quite a while Thorn was feeling helpless, until a thought flashed through his mind. (There's that funny thing I can do now!) He then ceased his futile actions and began to gather his Complex Energy in a single point at the center of the arena.

*Swiffff…!* *Swiffff…!* *Swiffff…!* *Swiffff…!* *Swiffff…!* *Swiffff…!* *Swiffff…!*…

Wind from all directions flowed like thousands of streams toward that point noisily and visibly.

Seeing such a scene playing out, Cure Song stopped in his tracks and cursed inwardly: (Oh fuck.)


The wind explosion generated by the powerful pressure of the gathering point left Cure Song with no escaping path. The explosion mercilessly and coldly blasted Cure Song out of the combat region.

"Thorn Wins!" The master of ceremonies once again loudly declared Thorn as the winner.

"W-was it the legendary Wind Explosion?! The same technique only a few worldwide famous experts can unleash?!" A spectator asked in bewilderment, his voice quivering.

"It actually was!!!" Another spectator answered, eyes filled with reverence.

The public then made an uproar. There were no exceptions, it had been everyone's first time seeing with their own eyes the Wind Technique: Wind Explosion.

Basked in the amazed expressions of the public, Thorn descended onto the center of the arena. (It really worked!) His face showed how pleased with himself he was. But then, he wondered quite confused: (Why does he wear heavy armor…? That doesn't suit his combat style at all… Oh well, he must be just an idiot.)

"Jeremiah Tusk!" Lenna Zelu pronounced the name of Thorn's next opponent.

Jeremiah Tusk was a slim and handsome male, his ears were pointed, his eyes of a sparkling cyan in color, his skin was light pink white, and his hair was golden and long enough to reach his waist. He was an elf. Regarding his equipment, he sported a dark golden light armor and a pair of golden swords.

When he reached the arena, he said dispiritedly: "Energy Element Awakened Skill." His attitude showed clearly the null confidence he had in his possibilities of defeating Thorn.

Although an elf and the Energy Element Awakened Skill were a perfect match made in heaven thanks to the elves' Racial Skill, Noble Physique, which allowed them to replenish their Complex Energy extremely quickly; Jeremiah Tusk knew it was useless against Thorn and that he would lose within a second.

"Fight!" Lenna Zelu commanded.

And just as Jeremiah Tusk had predicted, he appeared out of the arena in the blink of an eye.

It couldn't be helped, Jeremiah Tusk needed at least a pair of seconds to materialize his Complex Energy. Time he hadn't had. What depressed him the most though was the fact that he hadn't had the opportunity to show off what he really was capable of, this had completely buried his hopes of passing to the third phase.

Lenna Zelu announced the winner of this match, and immediately after said: "Everyone, let's be witnesses of the last match of the second phase! Berean Drunnel, come here!"