Giving the feeling of disappointment

Liu Jie can still feel Meilin's emotions and even the conversation going on between the guy assisting him and her. He is spiritually awake but her physical form is in such a bad form that ended up reacting as sickness.

When Meilin left him in the terrace, he wandered off the campus and then goes back to his spot where he waits for her. He tried meditating but due to his low spiritual power, he can't awaken his natural form. He tried another one but just the second time left his body really weak.

After several more steps, they reached the infirmary and there she realized the student who helped her was actually the nephew of the school's director, Zhao Xi Feng! She only knows his name and never knew his face because she's too busy for working and more stuff.

"So, who is he to you?" Xi Feng asked after telling the designated nurse about Liu Jie.

Meilin didn't hear his question and immediately asked, "Shouldn't he need to go now in the hospital? Will the medicine really work in him?"

Xi Feng looked at Meilin's face and worry was written all over it. He dismissed the question he told and answered, "He just need a bit of a rest. The nurse said it was due to fatigue and the new environment. Is he a foreigner? He looks the same to us but quite different. Mixed race, maybe?"

"He… he is my friend from Country K. His parents and mine we're friends, so, they asked me if I can show him around since it's his vacation there already," she lied without batting an eye that she praise as a miracle.

Xi Feng nodded and Meilin sighed in relief.


The next morning, Liu Jie woke up in the same bed he put Meilin off yesterday. He never thought after many years of living he will need a sleep in order to maintain alive.

In his previous years, even a three minute nap is enough to recover from fatigue because he is entirely powerful in terms of spiritual power. Now, he needed an entire night to recover from a simple fatigue.

When he looked around, he saw a basin with cold water and towel hanging on the bed side. It seems Meilin took care of him even though he doesn't consider themselves as friends. Colleague, maybe.

When he looked at the lamp there was a yellow post it attached.

"If you're awake there's a congee in the table. Just reheat it in the microwave. I put an instruction there. Eat that and sleep again. I have a class later and work, so, I'll be going home late. –Mei


Change your clothes. I only change your shirt. The clothes are in the bed."

Liu Jie looked at his body and only the bottom part was not really change. He did see the clothes Meilin prepared for him, so, he immediately put it on. He then walked out of the room and saw the bowl of congee in the table.

He tried finishing it all even though he is not used on how he needs to eat this much. He doesn't want to see the disappointed face of Meilin once she knew he didn't finish the food she did. After eating, he tried tracing the emotions of Meilin but it looks like she was… calm. She was focused but also not.

Liu Jie chooses to ignore it and get to sleep to recover faster. He needs to find a judge to cut the pairing off. Just as he thinks of the judge his mind wanders once again to Meilin.


Meilin have been giving the professors the feeling of disappointment ever since this morning. One of the greatest feelings for a professor like them is when a student is eager to learn. They really like Meilin because her curiosity put them into debate with an interesting topic. Many students know what kind of character Meilin has, so, even them was quite shock on how silent she is.

There was one time that she asked the very strict Philosophy professor, Prof. Lao Xun about the importance of learning philosophy. Many students have this class not because they like it, but because it was part of their school system.

They took the one hour period with a debate about its importance. Until, the bell rang this exclaims that classes should be done now. As the debate was never really that "important", since, it was Meilin trying to troll her professor, it left quiet an impact to the students that her curiosity can put them a good show.

That was when she was a freshmen in T University. Meilin is now a fourth year, and will finish in Computer Engineering.

"Oh, God, ever since this morning, Mei Mei never raised her hand for a question!" one of the students whispered.

"This is dilemma! A dilemma!" another student said as Meilin still continues to remain silent.

"Without her constant curiosity I will never understand this lesson!"

And just like that, Meilin ended her day without asking any question to her professor.

When she passed the door from the other class, Xu Feng was there. When he saw Meilin pass by, he immediately run off and hold her hand.


When she looked, she still has an absent minded face, "Ah. Xu Feng, thank you for hailing the cab yesterday."

"It's nothing. How is he?"

Worry again covered her face, "I think I did a big mistake."