Chapter 0: Prologue

"Young man, do you want to be saved?" Asked the voice from the darkness.

"Saved? Maybe, but who will save me, you? Pfft, you make me laugh, hiding in darkness and speaking about salvation." Answered arrogantly young man while his long golden hair danced around him, his dark gray bloodshot eyes were staring into darkness in front of him.

"Me? No, I won't save you." Answered the voice with a laugh.

"Then who?" Questioned young boy while his pale face stiffened up.

"Oh, I wonder really, who would save someone like you?" Asked the voice obviously mocking.

"You mock me? Show me your face so I can remember the face of a fool who dared mock me."

Light footsteps were echoing in the darkness as the man slowly walked into the light, he looked like he was in his forties, his long black hair was tied neatly and his emerald green eyes were staring at the young man in front of him. He was dressed in jet black suit with a red tie.

"You called me boy? I'm here to offer you a deal, are you willing to listen?" Asked the man as a smile formed on his face.

"A deal? So you are a devil then, those devils sure love their sweet little deals, I'm listening old man, what can you offer me?" Asked mockingly young man.

"A devil? Don't insult me youngster, I'm far, far worse than a mere devil, but I do have a deal for you, I think you might like it."

"Stop spouting nonsense old man, you are boring me, I might kill you if you continue."

"Oh aren't you a sweetheart, but it takes power to speak such mighty words young man, I admit you are strong, maybe strongest of all mortals, but that's all you are, strongest mortal."

"Oh?! An ascender, immortal, a god? What are you old man?" Asked young man as he started smirking.

"Does it matter? I'm here to offer you a deal, are you interested?"

"You are right, it doesn't matter, so tell me what deal do you have in mind, I'm all ears."

"I'll offer you a deal so tempting you can't refuse, nor will you be willing." Answered the man as darkness slowly enveloped both of them.