Little camp

[New quest generated!]

[Escape for 50km before they notice you are missing!

9h 27m 13s left.

Reward: 100 XP!]

"Oh 100xp, that's more than I got by killing all this time now, it should be enough for me to level up, status!"

[Name: Maximilian Age: 19

Level: 2 XP: 16/100

STR: 11 AGI: 19 INT: 10

+5 FA]

"Maybe I should start running now, let's see jail is behind me and castle is down further so let's head north east then, there is some forest over there and it seems hilly, there are probably bandits and wild animals there, good enough to earn some easy XP, let's get going then."

[Booting up finished, system Starfall initiated, A.I. helper provided, for further information please consult with A.I. using mental command Help!]

"Hoh this is new, let's try it out, help!"

[Hello I am, 131249628 but you can call me Sarah, how can I help you?]

"Um, hi, can you tell me where am i?"

[Of course, Sector Z1, Country Oshburn, county Marrel near castle Farnack.]

"Thanks…. That helped a lot…."

[I'm here to help you.]

"Wait you said sector Z1? That means I am in a southwest corner of a map?"

[Of course, every new player is generated at the beginners area at the end of map.]

"Are there any bandits or beasts on that hills?"

[Affirmative, there are bandits, robbers, wild animals, beasts and demonic beasts.]

"Is there difference between wild animals, monsters and demonic beasts?"

[Yes, wild animals do not cultivate and are regular mortal animals, monsters cultivate and form a core that has many uses and can be tamed, demonic beasts cultivate and form a demonic core that has many uses, demonic beasts cannot be tamed with normal methods.]

"And what are the methods used for taming demonic beasts?"

[There are multitude of methods used, most common methods are soul contract, spirit binding or blood contract.]

"Are there any requirements for those?"

[Soul contract requires pre-made contract which uses special materials to craft, spirit binding requires large amount of synchronization points to be successful and blood contract requires acknowledgment of demonic beast before start of forming blood contract.]

"I see, and taming methods of monsters?"

[Monster can be tamed the same way you tame demonic beasts or wild animals.]

"Are there difference in strength between monsters and demonic beasts?"

[Same stage monster and demonic beasts have similar strengths, the difference being demonic beasts focus more on cultivating their element and monsters focus on cultivating their physique.]

"So brain or brawns kind of thing, that makes some things simpler, well our destination is set then, I can check my inventory and the map on the way."

As he said that Max started rushing with even pace towards the forested area closest to him, even though the closest area is still over hundred kilometers far away.


With a though a new box opened in front of Max with assortment of items listed through it, the problem is that inventory only had 20 slots available and most of them were already filled with things.

"Let's see, couple trashy chainmail's, trashy swords, some bread and water, odd looking crystals, coins, plated boots, gloves, helmets, chest plates, oh look at this a forging hammer, hey Sarah are there requirements for crafting professions here?"

[Player can have limited amount of crafting professions depending on their combat profession but having large amount of them may slow down cultivation time and is strongly advised against.]

"I see, so I can just start forging whenever I want?"

[Player needs special tools for most crafting professions, without tools certain actions are impossible, upon start of crafting process new skill will be created and graded by the system.]

"Aye-aye Captain Obvious, hey Sarah what is the name of that forest I'm going to?"

[Godfall mountain area. ]

"Oh that sounds cool, might even have some fun there, is there any way to increase my inventory?"

[Most common methods are by using spatial stones or with the help of special equipment.]

"So nothing for now, hey Sarah what are these weird looking crystals in my inventory?"

[Life spark crystals, player have more information on them if he focuses on particular item in question or by taking the item out of inventory and inspecting it.]

"Hoh life spark crystals? I'll leave that for later then. Hey I see a small camp further in front of me, do you know anything about it?"

[Camp identified as "Small camp" miscellaneous spatial skill used by players or hunters.]

"Yay, I get to make new friends, I hope they are players, hey Sarah is it easy to differentiate between NPC's and players?"

[Info frames for players have different framing from natives of the world.]

"Are natives aware of players?"

[Affirmative, depending on the identity of natives they have different attitudes towards players.]

"Can you tell me if that camp is made by a player or a native?"

[Negative, too far away, please move closer for further inspection.]

"How close?"

[Maximum range is 100 meters.]

Max continued with his running pace while deep in thought as he ran toward the camp in the distance. After some time passed he finally arrived before the camp, big golden words appeared hanging above the camp.

[Fallen God's Inn.]