The Little ice flame knew that it had vastly improved and as of now, it felt it had become a "lifeform" and a superior one at that. Basically, it had evolved to a higher realm, since it was able to assimilate and grasp everything around it, literally.

If the little ice flame of the past was a "spirit" with some consciousness that could only move about and possessed some negligible intelligence then the little ice flame of the present was a "soul" with immense consciousness and higher level of intelligence than that of its past self. its consciousness could no longer just be used by itself to move, it in itself was a force to be reckoned with.

As little ice flame had just become a soul consciousness, along with the leap in its consciousness and intelligence it had vaguely glimpsed at the laws of heaven and earth. unknowingly, the little ice flame had already vaguely seen "Dao", which even a few sages and powerhouses of martial worlds would kill to see and unbeknownst to it, a few traces of "Dao" had assimilated itself in its consciousness.

having taken a glimpse of the laws of heaven and earth, the little ice flame immediately grasped all the essentials and skills of being a soul consciousness.

These essentials and skills were nothing but the "abilities" of a soul consciousness.

Suspended above the ground, little ice flame looked at the ancient ice casing which had trapped it inside here for so long, it was truly in a very joyous mood because after suffering an eternity of pain, it could finally be what it was now and was "confident", a sensation where it completely knew itself. And this confidence came from the fact that its "abilities" would easily help him to get out of here !

one of the basic abilities of a soul consciousness was that it could assimilate with its surroundings.

This meant that it could turn incorporeal and easily phase through things and this was just one of its many abilities.

If the little ice flame wanted to interact with its surroundings, then it would just have to bring out its powerful consciousness and through it, little ice flame could control and grasp anything that was encompassed by its consciousness.

As the little ice flame brought back all its powerful consciousness inside itself, it assimilated with the surroundings, it disappeared completely from sight but was still present at the same spot where it originally was.

little ice flame looked around itself and found that it still looked the same, the only difference was that it felt more "connected" with its surroundings.

The little ice flame looked upwards, It felt extremely excited and immediately flew directly upwards to the outside world.

As it left with high speed, all it left behind was a cold wind.

Upon reaching the surface and being suspended in air, little ice flame looked everywhere around it with extreme curiosity and all that it saw was a land of white.

It extended out its consciousness and hundreds of kilometres of area was immediately encompassed by it. The little ice flame could sense that many kilometres ahead, there were many "lifeforms" or beings that possessed soul consciousness.

little ice flame immediately flew towards that direction, very soon as it reached the area, it took a good look at these lifeforms.

These lifeforms were very peculiar to the little ice flame, as they were completely different from it and they also possessed "physical bodies" and it seemed that their soul resided inside it.

These lifeforms were in fact penguins, but to the little ice flame they were but strange lifeforms that had their souls inside a physical body which they controlled to move around.

The little ice flame stayed around and looked at these peculiar creatures from a distance, it observed that these lifeforms mostly stood in one place or moved around slowly and it soon came to the conclusion that their intelligence was quite low. Although it had already sensed their low intelligence from afar, it was nonetheless still careful and curious.

Soon it took the initiative to try and come close to them.

Ling feng was a small one-year old penguin. Although it was a penguin, if one looked deeply inside its small black eyes they could see traces of intelligence.

This was because ling feng was not a normal penguin, It was a reincarnation of a highly intelligent beast from the dark realm.

It was only recently that when ling feng was playing around with other one-year old penguins that it slipped and fell down on its head and this blow remarkably helped it to awaken itself.

After ling feng awakened, he regained some memories regarding a demonic beast cultivation technique.

Since that day, ling feng's intelligence had increased and it disdained itself from ever involving itself with other penguins.

It quietly cultivated the demonic cultivation technique in solitude, although the "demonic qi" present in this world was very less, It trained in the cultivation technique arduously because from its memories, ling feng knew that it was not even a demonic beast, at best a small animal.

from his memories, ling feng knew that by cultivating this demonic technique, it would soon become a demonic beast and from there its real journey to reach the peak of cultivation would begin. other than the cultivation technique, which remained clearly in his mind, there were other vague memories, in which ling feng had seen many huge demonic beasts with immense powers that could cover the heaven and earth.

Just the thought that maybe if it could become like those demonic beasts by cultivating this demonic technique got ling feng's heart racing.

The only thing that made him disappointed was the tiny miniscule levels of demonic qi present in the air.

The little ice flame went around those group of penguins and moved around them as it observed them in close-detail, the penguins couldn't see the little ice flame as it was currently incorporeal.

After a few moments of observation, little ice flame had a sudden urge to see those penguins reactions when they looked at it.

so as it willed, it suddenly let out its consciousness and was now able to be seen by sight, as it did, vast amounts of soul pressure was exerted onto those group of penguins. Those group of penguins only saw a strange fist-sized white flames before their visions turned dark and they fainted.

Upon seeing those fainted penguins, The little ice flame didn't know what to do.

It only knew that when it released its consciousness, it had uncontrollably released some fluctuations of its soul and these fluctuations when came into contact with the weak soul consciousness of the penguins, the latter had immediately fainted.

little ice flame had actually wanted to try interacting with these lifeforms but since they had fainted, it looked around for more of them.

The little ice flame could see one small lifeform which was similar to the ones which had fainted, a bit far from these group of lifeforms.

seemingly curious, little ice flame quickly proceeded towards it.

At this moment, ling feng had just finished circulating a tiny amount of demonic qi which it had generated through great efforts, in a cycle inside its body.

But for some reason, today it felt that it was going to meet a certain catastrophe.