I felt a piercing stare from the back of my head as Luke tried to keep me in his sight for the entire day to check if I wasn't overexerting myself.
I sighed as my studying wasn't efficient as before since I felt that jabbing gaze from Luke even after I wrote the exam few days ago. It wasn't like I didn't understand because I knew he an eye on me ever since I ended up going to the infirmary.
But still, it was too much!
That was why I was happy to meet my classmates after the weekend was over. It was tiring to be stuck with only one person all the time even though he was like a mannequin doll.
But strangely, I stared back at a small group of four children in the wide classroom.
"I thought there were a total of twelve people in our grade?" I asked due to the small class.
"Yes, but in order to enhance the students' learning, we decided to split the class into two to make smaller classes" Christopher explained.
Twelve people already seemed small enough, but maybe it was too big for a kindergarten class.
'Young children did indeed need more care in their early childhood.' The two girls who stood before us smiled as they started to introduce themselves while I lost in thinking about the class size.
"Hello, pleased to meet you! My name is said to be Michelle de Locast." The elegant girl with silken black hair curtsied.
"And my name is Helena de Nicole." The lovely girl with platinum bronze bob gratefully introduced herself.
" My name is Allan de Krista and this is Alex de Monete." The boy with gleaming navy blue hair gestured towards Alex.
"And as some may already know, I am Luke de Roselia and this is my partner Rika Shanes." Luke naturally replied back in the same formal setting.
I instantly noticed that everyone's names had 'de' before their last name. Did everyone in the first district have the same characteristic?
"Why does everyone have 'de' in their names?" I subtly whispered into Luke's ear.
"Everyone from the first district has 'de' in their names if they're from a clan that has high status and power." Luke whispered back.
Everyone here were elites except for me. I wondered why I was here at this school with Luke as I now knew the partnering system wasn't a truly a lottery system like he had previously mentioned.
Although I would understand Luke attending the school as he seamlessly blended in with the group of highly educated children who had elegance ingrained within their bones.
"Now that everyone has finished introducing themselves, everyone has free time for the rest of the day today to have time to interact with the new transfer students." Christopher announced to the class.
Since Luke didn't seem to be willing to explain the partner system anymore as he immersed himself with Alex and Allan, I decided to ask those two girls that were right in front of me.
"Will you be willing to drink some tea with me during our leisure time?" I tried to replicate their graceful manner of speaking to Helena and Michelle.
"Of course," Helena answered.
"But how about we go to the cafeteria to have our discussion?" Helena suggested.
I nodded my head as I soon found myself holding a beautiful glass teacup alongside the doll-like children.
When half of my cup was empty, I started to ask some questions to break the silence, "Do you think the partner system is a lottery?"
"I think? We're matched with someone with a similar amount of mana and the rest is uncertain from what I know." Helena replied with abundant knowledge.
"Why is there a partnering system in the first place?" I tried to figure out the origin of the concept.
"I'm not sure. But I think it's because it's easier to form relationships with other people with similar status that way?" Michelle questioned herself.
Hmm. These four-year olds had more knowledge about the situation than I thought they would. As expected from the highest-ranking school in the first district.
"I'm sorry for asking. It's because Luke wouldn't tell me about these things because our relationship is strained lately." I flawlessly lied.
Luke didn't answer any of my questions simply because I didn't ask him any. He usually answered every question I had quite simply.
"It's the same with Alex as well. He just keeps on telling me to study to accumulate more points! Helena has it lucky with Allan. Allan doesn't tell her to do anything." Michelle complained while pouting.
"It's more like I have to take care of Allan so that he doesn't get make us lose more points than he already has," Helena grumbled.
Of course, points were everything to these children. Without points, you lived a miserable life where the way of living resembled the middle ages.
"Are children from the first district usually very capable like Luke?" I asked due to their highly-educated upbringing.
"The Roselia and the Monete family are well known in the first district for their strict upbringing in their children from a young age," Michelle answered.
Ahh. Both Alex and Luke was special case in the first district as well. I figured.
While we got closer to one another from talking about our partners, the day deepened into the evening.
Time quickly passed as I graduated from elementary school with the same classmates.
I know that there's a huge skip from kindergarten to before middle school, but let me fill in the gaps.
After getting close with Helena and Michelle. I eventually got more familiar with their pairs, which were Allan and Alex.
Another thing was that Luke and I eventually upgraded our room so that we got to live quite decently in kindergarten. Since I already learnt most of the things while studying for the SATs, getting more points wasn't a struggle as long as I didn't mess up on the minor details.
We proudly passed smoothly onto the next grade and eventually graduated from kindergarten to enter a prestigious new elementary school with the same people from our class of six people.
At this rate, there was no way Luke and I would be dropping to a lower ranking school with Luke's capabilities and my motivation of earning more points after being dumped into a medieval-like room. After getting traumatized by that room, I obediently studied with Luke even without his bribes of stockpiles of luxurious desserts.
Sadly, I only ended up meeting the adolescence girl at the other side of the glass wall one more time where she would give me helpful tips about how to handle the life here. Surprisingly, she gave me lessons on how to "train" Luke. However, I never got to know her true identity as she was determined to keep it a secret.
After entering elementary school, our schedule remained the same as kindergarten except that we had longer classes that were more theoretical based. At this rate, I knew we were learning about stuff we would learn in university from my past life so my grades never went up after kindergarten.
However, the worse thing about entering elementary was that the accumulated points that we piled up got deleted and we had to start from scratch. I almost cried when we started from that medieval-like room again except that this time we weren't provided any meals. I was shocked because this meant that we had to get our meals by using our points which left less room to upgrade our room.
This was when I discovered they were going easy on us before because we were 'young'. After starving very occasionally to get a decent room again, Luke and I started to get a constant flow of points that led us to live peacefully for the next five years.
I felt really sorry towards Luke at first because I was making him starve since I didn't exactly get the decent grades ever since I started to learn the new material. However, I was feeling grateful towards him because he never once complained or got mad at me for bringing him down. Instead, he worked hard at tutoring me at the stuff that I was weak at to bring my grades back up.
At this rate, how would I survive without Luke?
Today was the graduation ceremony at my elementary school. Last month, Luke and I got a decent mark to get into another prestigious middle school, so I wasn't worried about getting in a decent middle school anymore.
However, ever since I came to this world, I was never able to take a summer break to accumulate more points (or else Luke and I would have the potential of losing points the next year). But, this year was a bit special! I was going to get a well-deserved summer break!
This meant that I would finally be allowed to go home! Ever since I entered that hell-like kindergarten, I never got to meet my parents. I was way too busy studying during my holidays! But now, I had an entire week of free time before entering middle school!
I bowed gracefully while retrieving my diploma from the elementary school dean. I elegantly walked back to my seat beside Luke ingrained from my etiquette lessons.
I stared at Luke's familiar handsome face that was blooming into a beautiful flower as he grew older.
His ocean blue eyes sparkled from the sunlight with his silver hair swaying from the gentle breeze. As he lost more of his baby fat, his features started to get more distinct with his high bridged nose and slender jaw-line. His looks resembled a very good-looking child model from my previous life that would later on gain fame as an prominent actor in their life.
A pure visual to feast upon the eyes.
Maybe it was because I was staring at his face for a long time, Luke asked in a soft tone, "Is something wrong Rika?"
"Nope. It was just that I was reminiscing about the old days," I reminisced about the old days.
The ceremony soon finished while I drifted off in a film of my memories from the long speeches. I greeted everyone their farewells as I soon got into the school's car where it would drive me back home.
When I arrived at the cozy house that I have missed for six years, I open the door with the keys that my mother had passed onto me before leaving me alone in kindergarten. "I'm home," I yelled.
However, since both my parents were still working, I walked into the empty house to hear my yell resounding in the house.
'I guess I'll wait in my room until they come back.' I disappointedly thought.
I opened the door to my room to see that it was left exactly the same as before. There was the same canopy red bed in the pink walled room with the pink furniture.
I jumped onto my bed as I stuffed myself with the pillows on my bed and sighed. I wondered what I would do in the next few days as I eventually fell asleep with my tiredness washing over me.