Starting Middle School

I changed into my plain middle school uniform that was delivered to my front door inside a fancy box topped with a silk white ribbon. My mother passed me a letter and a box that sadly originated from the school a few days ago.

The uniform consisted of a white collared shirt with a beige and maroon plaid vest with a cute pleated skirt that landed right before the middle of my upper thighs. I twirled in the mirror after I put on my laced knee-high socks and my black dress shoes.

'The color is a bit too dull on me,' I thought while studying my reflection.

Even though I got to relax during summer break by spending time with my family and visiting the nearby library to read some manga and light novels, this district was starting to feel a bit inconvenient. Staying in school meant for elites in the first district was starting to spoil me in a different sense.

I felt irritated and annoyed when I couldn't find my familiar tablet in my hands whenever I needed something. I sighed when I had to visit physical stores when I couldn't order them online.

I glanced back at my modest house one last time as I strolled into the car owned by the school. I was glad that I wouldn't have to engage in an awkward conversation with the driver since cars from the second district had no drivers.

The school sent a nice inked letter to my parents that they would pick me up today. Although, the school sent me an apology through my marble due to not sending me a hover car like the rest of my classmates. I quickly forgave them after reading the message as I agreed that the hover cars from the first district would cause chaos in the third district.

I yawned as I enjoyed the scenery through the journey between the districts. When I arrived in front of the school, I closely listened into the conversation a short distance away from me.

"She doesn't know yet," Luke whispered to Alex.

Alex shushed Luke as they noticed me walking closer to their direction. I wondered what was so secretive about their discussion before my thoughts were interrupted by a tall youthful man.

The grand doors were opened by a youthful man that appeared to be in his early twenties.

"Welcome!" His eyes lightened with classiness and great stride.

"My name is Daniel de Whemms and I will be your instructor for the next three years for the class of six people." His deep voice resounded through the area with an amplification spell.

Both Shelly and Ellen who arrived later than I did, hurriedly rushed out of their hover cars that slowly glided onto the ground. Once they pulled their luggage along with them onto the firm courtyard, the hover car drifted back into the air.

"Let's go in!" His voice boomed as Shelly and Ellen ran towards the entrance.

Daniel gave us a grand tour of the middle school section of the school. I passively listened into his explanations as it was basically the same layout and structure as the elementary section of the school.

I regained a sense of my surroundings once our group of six were led to the typical wide classroom as I sat down in my usual seat in the front row.

I liked the window seat and I knew that the teachers would move me to the front row anyways even though I chose the second row beside the windows.

"I'll be giving you an assignment every month to test your practical skills, but I'll give you the first assignment one week from now to let you settle in!" Daniel announced at the podium in front of the class.

I wondered what the teacher meant by 'practical skills'. Weren't we already applying our knowledge through application and critical thinking questions on our exams?

Luke tugged me towards a clean room with two beds and two private bathrooms while I blindly followed the teacher.

"This is where you and your partner will stay for the first week," Daniel gestured to Luke.

Daniel knew I wasn't properly paying attention to the entire tour and decided to address Luke instead.

I was instantly bewildered that we weren't thrown into a medieval room this time.

"Will this last forever?" I asked while admiring the room we were given.

"It's only for the first week we don't have to worry about points," Luke sighed as we settled into our room.

This was why I slammed the table as I stood up in shock after the week I immersed myself in the luxurious world where I didn't have to worry about the amount of points I needed to survive.

"For the next month, you guys will be switching partners. Meaning you will switch partners every two weeks until you are paired back with your original partner. Additionally, we will be implementing the point system now. So that means you will be led into a new room with your new partner. The point system will be the same as elementary school so I'll be announcing the new pairs for the next two weeks." The teacher gathered all six of us into the classroom.

I elegantly sat back down under the pressuring stares of Luke and Daniel as I pretended my blunder did not happen.

'OMG. I was finally liberated from Luke for the next month!' I leaned back in my chair.

Being partnered up with Luke wasn't so bad with his genius like capabilities, but because he had high expectations of me that I had to follow, I was restricted in terms of what I could do.

Luke didn't let me rest if I didn't get a certain grade and dragged me to these hell-like study sessions ever since kindergarten. I couldn't utter a complaint especially starting from elementary school because he was doing this so we can afford to buy our daily necessities. However, when I overdid studying on my own, I would get severely lectured by Luke for hours.

I groaned every time in complaint as I was never the type to study unless I really had to. I didn't have any weekends and holidays because Luke simply had a habit of making me study so that I didn't slack off. Sadly, whenever I complained it was too much, Luke would increase the amount of studying I would have to do. I grumbled but could not disagree because I knew I would slack off without him.

At first it was because we had to accumulate more points, but later on it simply became a habit to attend those hellish study sessions. In addition, Luke added another level of lecturing on of how I should behave whenever I slouched to relax.

When I asked why he cared so much, Luke replied, "It's because you're my fiancée and you have to act accordingly to match the standards of the Roselia house in the future."

It was more like Luke was trying to brainwash me to absorb some good habits. Sometimes I was lucky enough to occasionally escape from Luke's radar as I went to Shelly and Ellen to go complain my heart out while drinking some tea. I didn't get to indulge with games, TV shows or other forms of entertainment since I wasn't allowed to go home. I cried within my heart as I had to entertain myself with talking with Ellen and Shelly with how our days went.

Recently, I got a hold of some manga and light novels and secretly brought them to school. But I sighed as I was only able to sneak in about ten of them into my vest.

'How was I able to sneak in ten? Don't even ask. It was hard enough to keep them hidden from Luke with both my secret stash of junk food and the books. That's why I wasn't getting a proper amount of sleep lately,' I pitied myself.

"I'll give you guys thirty minutes to pack up your stuff from your rooms to come back to this classroom. The thirty minutes starts - now!" Daniel proclaimed.

I quickly ran to my room while ignoring Luke's warning. I grabbed my stash of books taped on my bed frame and more piles of junk food taped underneath one of my drawers in my closet. I brought out a box that I brought with me from the third district which contained more junk food and books hidden at the bottom with the clothes I bought from the mall on the top.

I walked around the room to check off the list of my personal belongings to make sure I didn't miss anything. I almost cheered when I safely walked out the room before Luke was about to open the door.

"I already finished packing my things," I said to not look suspicious.

Luke nodded his head as I started to head towards the classroom to wait for the rest of my classmates with my luggage. The room was full with many suitcases of luggage compiled from all six of us. When everyone settled into the crowded room, Daniel projected a hallow screen in the front of the classroom.

"I will now announce the new pairings for the next two weeks. Helena will be with Luke, Rika with Allan, while Michelle and Alex will remain the same until two weeks later." Daniel declared while observing our reactions.

I opened my marble as I instantly received a message after the announcement.

[Your accommodation will be the level one room in the basement. Please earn more points through missions given by the school to upgrade]

"I think we're staying in the medieval-like room," I complained to Allan.

"It can't be helped," Allan shrugged as we walked towards our miserable room.

I carefully unpacked my box and luggage full of my collection of junk food, light novels, manga and clothes from the mall.

My impression of Allan was that he was pretty laid back, which was in turn pretty advantageous for me. I wasn't under the pressure to hide my things as I busily hid the items I knew Luke would confiscate. I couldn't handle Luke's massive disappointed face which made me filled with guilt while I passed over my precious collections to him.

Allan momentarily appeared shunned as I jumped onto the straw bed as I took out a light novel and a bag of chips to start slacking off.

Unfortunately, I read the fine print in the message that the points and upgrades would reset after two weeks when I would have to switch partners again. I instantly lost all my motivation to study and decided to treat this as a mini vacation since it wasn't worth it to try hard to lose everything so soon.

"Don't mind me," I casually flipped another page as Allan continuously stared at me.

I would never behave this way if Luke was here, but since it was Allan, I decided to do whatever I wanted to do. Even though Allan grew up to be a decently attractive child, he couldn't compare to the inhumanely beautiful appearance of Luke who enchanted you into doing whatever he desired.

I was instantly immersed into my new light novel as I ignored Allan's presence in the room. I stayed quiet for the rest of the day and went to sleep after finishing the first volume as Allan chose to leave the room due to my indifference.

The next day, I gave Allan a good glare to threaten him to not tell Luke what he saw yesterday when he headed towards Luke. I guessed indirect warnings were effective with the first district where everyone noticed subtle cues as Luke didn't come to me during break time.

However, during the last class before the next break, Daniel announced, "We will be giving out the initiation exam tomorrow so study hard to get some points! Starting from tomorrow, we will not be giving free meals after the exam."

At this point of time, I didn't care about upgrading the room or getting more points for meals because I already had my stash of junk food with me. I didn't plan to study when I knew most of my efforts would be for naught two weeks later.

I walked back to my room alone to read my next light novel while everyone fiercely studied for the exam tomorrow during break time.

When I got back to classroom in time for the next class, Allan came up to me and asked, "Where did you go during the break?"

"I just went back to our room to resume the same things as yesterday," I shamelessly replied.

Allan's jaw dropped from shock, "You're not going to study for tomorrow's exam?"

"No, I don't feel like studying today," I indifferently answered.

Allan reluctantly returned to his seat when the next class was about to start before he could say anything when I pointed to the clock.

However, he rushed to my desk while I was in the midst of packing up my stuff.

"Are you sure, you're going to be okay with not studying today?" Allan appeared to be worried with some anxiety present in his wobbly voice.

"I'm sure I'll do okay," I confidently answered as I planned to just pass the exams.

However, the next day, even I was shocked with my marks from not studying for couple of days. When the results hovered over my exam booklets, it was stamped with some 30s, 40s and one 50 and 20.

'At least I passed one subject. The exams here are just like the master's level in university from my past life where my cousin kept on complaining about the difficulty level,' I pitied myself.

Before I could somewhat hide my marks, Allan's jaw dropped in shock when he took a small glance at my marks. When I took a sneak peek at his exam booklets he held in his hands, they were mostly 80s.

I sighed as we were in quite a pitiful situation. I knew that we were going to get minus points when it all balanced out. But I cheered myself up as I reminded myself of the secret stash of junk food in my dorm that I could share with Allan.

'At least we won't suffer from hunger,' I thought as Daniel projected the overall results on the translucent screen.

[Michelle and Alex : 70 000 points]

[Helena and Luke: 95 000 points]

[Rika and Allan: - 100 000 points]

My eyes widened as I stared at the results.

-100,000 points. By the time I was able to take my eyes off the screen, Allan had already fainted from the shock. When I looked at my other classmates, they couldn't hide their surprise which included the teacher!

I walked back to the room while dragging Allan along on the floor while the others were still frozen inside the classroom. I ran away from the mess as I slowly put the event behind me while thankfully unnoticed by the people around me.

'What an eventful day today,' I exhaled.