"Today, what I'm about to announce is your next exam that's going to start tomorrow. However, you will be given a one week time frame to complete your first ever practical exam in the third district." Daniel announced to the class.
'Did God finally hear my prayers for the first time? It looks like he's actually doing his job for once!' I sighed with relief.
It was hard to try to cram all the class materials to avoid being busted by Luke during the past week. I went to the library every day, but what was impossible from the start was deemed to be impossible even though I put in all my effort in.
Luke's eyes flickered with suspicion when he glanced at my cheap meals. The extravagant meals he ordered for the first few days instantly stopped as he copied my cheap meals.
"You will be going to schools in the third district to teach one subject to the students in your grade for one week. Those who have students who score higher than other classes will get more points, but it can also go the opposite way. Good luck everybody! Details will be given tomorrow and you'll get time to get ready today." Daniel picked up his stuff and left.
I hoped that I didn't look too excited. Teaching people in grade six with the level that is similar from my past life was way easier than writing exams in elementary school. This was the easiest exam I ever had in this life!
I had to prevent myself from smiling as I tried to think of sad things (which was mostly studying in this hell-like school).
"Let's go to our room to prepare for tomorrow's exam Rika," Luke grabbed my hand to pull me towards our room.
'Why not? This was an easy way to earn points anyways,' I shrugged.
I found some items from the third district already placed in nice new packages on our desks. A flat screen smartphone, a special school uniform, pencil case and the other typical stuff.
Was this even needed?
I observed my surroundings inside the limo to see the typical middle school like my past life. The students wore a nicely tailored uniform that consisted a blazer, plaid cotton skirt or pants with a white shirt.
It was a great contrast to what I was wearing, which was a silk white blouse with a plaid pink and white ribbon around my neck. My soft baby pink pleated skirt that swayed along the middle of my upper thigh glittered from the sunlight as it was made out of lace and silk.
My shoes weren't any better as they were shiny pink dress shoes that had small heels. It was like I was going to a banquet rather than going to teach at a typical middle school.
However, Luke's uniform was not much better. He wore a fancy pale blue tuxedo made out of silk that matched his ocean blue eyes.
Since we were both coming out of a car that resembled a limo from the third district (but was actually a self-driving car from the second district), we were gathering a great amount of attention from our surroundings.
I wondered what the teachers at our school were thinking to send us in these eye-catching uniforms.
"I thought the school would send us a typical middle school uniform from the third district," I voiced my thoughts out loud.
Luke's forehead creased with his usual frowns that accompanied it, "Of course the school can't send us in those kinds of clothes! We're supposed to be representing the most prestigious school in the first district!"
'Of course. We were supposed to be one of those 'typical first class elites' who had to 'maintain' their reputations. At this rate, this was similar to the whole family name thing that Luke was over conscious about.' I nodded my head.
A teacher from the school came to greet us at in front of the school gate while I was absorbed in my thoughts. We were escorted into the principal's office as the teacher soon excused himself to prepare for his first class.
When I was about to sit down on the couch where the principle sat, Luke dragged me toward the other couch that was facing the principle instead. I tried to keep myself from staring at the snacks and tea in principle's beautiful teacups as I sat down where Luke gestured me to sit.
When everyone was settled in, Luke started to speak while lightly hitting my hand that started to reach out to some delicious looking butter cookies on the wooden table.
"Pleased to meet you, my name is Luke de Roselia and this is my partner Rika Shane."
"I'm your point regulator for the next week, you can call me Ms. Tachamichi for the time being." The principle studied our faces.
"We were told that you would give us further details about our practical exam." Luke plastered a fake, polite smile on his face.
"How much do you know?" Ms. Tachamichi raised a brow like she was testing us.
Luke beamed as he confidently replied, "We know that we are each supposed to be teaching one subject in one classroom for one week and get out points based on our student's averages."
"That is correct, I was told to tell you that you will be in charge of teaching chemistry while your partner is in charge of math."
Math was one of my stronger subjects since kindergarten so I wasn't feeling that nervous anyone as I started to reach out towards the table to grab a cookie again.
Unfortunately, Luke flicked my hand again while I sulked that Ms. Tachamichi's goodwill would go to waste.
Maybe Luke wouldn't be stringy about drinking some tea. I started to reach out to my teacup as Luke shot me a threatening glare.
I gave up on eating those delicious looking tea and snacks as two teachers came into the office.
"This is the homeroom teacher of year one class five: Mrs. Hilda who teaches chemistry. The other teacher beside Mrs. Hilda is Mr. Suzuki who teaches math and is the homeroom teacher of year one class two. They will escort you to introduce yourselves to their classes and you'll start teaching after lunch."
Mr. Suzuki walked towards me, "Shall we get going?"
Drops of rain landed on my face while I dashed towards the cathedral as if my life depended on it. The building was quite a mystery with its white brick exterior and dazzling stained glass that reflected the particles of water.
Ding. Ding. Ding.
The grand sound of the church bell resounded against my heart to reaffirm my purpose of why I came here in the first place.
I quickly tried to pry open the deteriorating entrance as to my relief wasn't locked.
When I looked around the interior of the building, I found the place was empty with its typical wooden glazed benches and cross near the front behind the statue.
The pure white statue was big enough to cover my eleven-year-old body. I decided to hide behind the statue as I prayed for my fragile life.
A lovely girl slammed the door open with sounds of holding a long scythe trailing onto the floor. Its sharp metal blade left a scar on the floor as she brilliantly laughed.
The girl was someone that I knew. She known as a person who attracted many people who wanted to spend their time together with her just to see her smile.
She had a great sense of justice and unwavering sets of beliefs that gave her an unbelievable amount of charisma. It was like nature made this beautiful doll that was to be put on the pedestal for admiration.
Unfortunately, no matter how much human beings tried to deny it, every person had some kind of fault laid underneath the masks that they wore when interacting with other people.
The girl with murderous eyes had put her mask off to reveal a hideous smile and more laughter to accompany it.
"Rika! Where are you~?"
"Rika~ I know that you're here so you can come out now." She impatiently tapped her foot.
"Come on Rika!" She screamed.
I covered my mouth with my trembling hands to keep myself from screaming. My whole body started to sweat unstoppably while shivering in terror.
I regretted hiding behind the statue as it was an obvious place to look while she slowly walked towards me. I should've hid in one of those benches!
When I carefully took another peek to see how close she was from killing me, I suddenly couldn't see her anywhere.
"Ri-ka~" A voice whispered inside my ear.