A Prank?

I didn't have the chance to respond when another person interfered with our conversation. She dressed in a black dress with a mask of a fox grasping a katana as she jumped towards the girl holding the scythe.

The girl with the scythe dodged the other girl's attack and deflected most of her continuous attacks with the tough metal blade she carried. She grunted from the impacting force as the katana was a better weapon choice for defending rather the scythe that was better for offense.

She fiercely pushed her moves to the limit by running whenever they clashed to put more force under her attacks. However, the other girl trained with the katana didn't lose in terms of agility.

'Run!' The one with the scythe mouthed when she appeared to be in a losing position as she struggled to fend off the last attack where her katana almost scraped her neck.

I sprinted without caring about the direction to get away from that place as far as possible. When my feet started to ache from the dress shoes I was wearing, I threw them off my feet.

When I couldn't run anymore, I found myself in front of a church. I tried opening its large wooden doors to find it unlocked.

Its glass windows were really beautiful with the murals dazzling with beauty. However, there weren't that many places to hide with the benches and statues that sparingly covered the space.

'Maybe... maybe that statue would be the best place,' I decided as I made sure I wouldn't be seen.

'Thank you,' I whispered to her while knowing she wouldn't be able to hear me.

I couldn't be mesmerized by this place in this situation when she had offered her life to save me. Somehow this place was hypnotizing like it was somewhere familiar to me.

It was like I remembered hiding behind that statue before. I decided to trust my gut and continued to calm myself behind the statue.

However, I knew my luck was never the greatest. It was confirmed when the girl in the black dress was holding both the katana and the scythe as she broke the wooden doors to enter.

From what I saw, the other girl must have sadly lost. I started to panic what would become of me. She carefully looked through every space between the benches while taking a brief view of her surroundings to look for any changes.

I covered my mouth with my trembling hands to keep myself from screaming. My whole body started to sweat unstoppably while shivering in terror as her sounds became louder and louder.

I regretted hiding behind the statue, as it seemed was an obvious place to find someone even to me as she slowly walked towards me. When I carefully peeked again to see how close she was from killing me, I suddenly couldn't see her anymore.

"Ri-ka~" A voice whispered inside my ear.

She softly said my name inside my ear. The scythe was suddenly pressed against my neck and my body responded with my bright orange eyes widening up in fear.

As she pressed the scythe harder and harder against me, a light streak of crimson blood hurled down leaving a slanted line on my pale skin.

The young girl wearing a black lace dress holding the scythe that was slowly digging into my neck, softly whispered while bending down to speak into my ear. "You know this wouldn't have happened if stayed far away from him. You should have learned to stay unnoticed in your rightful place or else-".

"This inevitable situation would have been preventable."

"Who are you talking about?" I asked with my faint voice that asked for air.

Before she could answer, the girl with ash brown hair with her school uniform in a disastrous state yelled, "Sister! You shouldn't do this!"

"This is only a game amongst us to decide who is the heir for father's company. Just because you're jealous of that girl who is the partner of the Roselia family who you're trying to get support from that hasn't been responding to your messages you shouldn't-"

The loud clang of a dagger thrown towards her neck interrupted her remaining words. She pulled out the dagger from the stone brick walls and surprisingly threw it back with a shockingly accurate aim.

The dagger landed on her arm and the grip she had on me loosened from the pain as she scowled. Knowing this was my chance, I quickly escaped from her grasp and ran towards the other backdoor of the church.

I recounted the events inside my head as I dashed with the adrenaline that kept me from fainting. Mana was only to be used in emergencies. If I didn't use it now, I would likely be killed. From what I knew, this was an emergency for my life.

I knew I didn't have that much time left as I had to decide what attack I could use without attracting much attention.

The lovely church exploded into flames as the girl with ash brown hair was unconscious under a large load of bricks with blood spilling from her stomach. It was obvious it was caused by the girl with the mask as she smirked at the barely living body.

Soon the fire would swallow her up as it spread fast like a disease. The girl in the black dress put her mask off in victory, which revealed her ash brown hair that glimmered in the moonlight.

'Twins- .' I thought.

Trying not to get distracted, I focused my mana into an energy that would enable me to have a weapon similar to a water gun.

When I shot the straight line of pulsing water into the church, the fire vanished within a second. I knew my control of mana wasn't good as the forest resembled more a lake with tall trees inside.

"What incredible mana," the girl in the black dress softly whispered as her eyes widened in surprise.

So, they already knew about mana in the first place. Meaning they were from the second or the first district. She immediately looked like she feared something after she was surprised.

She stared at me with awe before she quickly ran towards the collapsed church to pick up her sister.

When she whispered a code of words that formed a basic mana spell that would make them disappear into 'thin air', I knew they were using space-time magic.

Now, I was the only person inside the forest with the silence that surrounded me except for the noises of the small residents who occupied with hiding from me.

I had to clean up this watery mess to make sure it wasn't discovered by the people in the third district or else I may get in trouble. "Revert!" I chanted out loud.

This was the only trick I had mastered recently. Without it, I would be getting in trouble from practicing mana in school all the time for the damages.

The water instantly vanished and the church was restored to the point it looked like it was recently built.

The forest returned back to its original splendor and I collapsed to my knees from exhaustion.