"Yea, choose anything you want. I'm going back upstairs to get ready to sleep."
When I woke up the next morning, I found numerous extravagant and uncomfortable dresses, shoes, and accessories in my closet. The outfits screamed 'Luke' when I looked at them. Maybe letting Luke choose everything yesterday was the worse decision that I ever made. I should've just chosen everything myself as I knew Luke's tastes by now.
Ahh. I should've just sacrificed a few hours of sleep that day. Now, I'm stuck with these outfits for a week! After closing my closet in despair, a maid knocked on my door.
"Miss Rika, we're here to do your hair and makeup."
I sighed as one maid busily tried to make my hair presentable while the other maid painted cherry lipstick on my lips.
"How about this hairclip Miss Rika?" A maid asked.
"It's fine," I answered with no energy.
"What about this shade of eyeshadow?" Another maid asked.
"It's fine," I repeated myself with the same amount of enthusiasm as before.
I struggled to walk down the stairs in the uncomfortable dress and shoes. I searched the first floor as I couldn't spot Luke in the dining room from the top of the stairs.
"Where's Luke?" I asked the butler when I couldn't find him inside the house.
"The young master is already outside waiting for you, Miss Rika."
Luke greeted me with a frown inside his hover car, "We're going to be late Rika."
"We're not having breakfast today?" I asked while pouting.
Luke handed me a chocolate bar, "We're going to eat breakfast at our first social event. But just in case you're really hungry, I prepared a chocolate bar."
I grabbed the familiar chocolate bar and started eating. From my experience, I wasn't going to be allowed to eat much anyways since food was considered to be a decoration at these events.
"How many events are we going to anyways?" I asked Luke while hoping that we were only attending one event today.
"About two to three events per day?"
"Maybe even more if the events end early?" Luke mumbled.
What! It was basically torture to go to two to three events in this attire for the next week. I already had enough trouble walking in these dress shoes from the heels that were usually missing from my dress shoes I wore for school.
"Did you possibly make this schedule?" I asked while my hatred for Luke increased.
"My parents did."
Well, I had nothing to say then. I have never met Luke's parents while Luke had never met mine. However, I always thought of them as very strict as Luke always had amazing grades and habits. I guessed Luke was much of a victim as I was. Wait. It's Luke's parents that scheduled this for him!
"Why do I have to follow him?" I accidently mumbled out loud from complaint.
"It's because you're my partner and partners have to attend these events together." Luke answered naturally.
Meaning that partners suffered together. I sighed as nothing good ever came out from being stuck with Luke. When our conservation had come to a conclusion, I looked at the scenery outside the window.
A great sprawl of mansions with their own private gardens and forests made it seem less like a futuristic district and more like a park. Maybe the first district had even more wildlife than the third district as there were no such things like highways as everyone travelled by hover cars and buses.
When the hover car descended onto the platform of the large mansion, I knew this was the first location.
I wore a puffy navy silk dress with a large bow at my hips. Ignoring the uncomfortable large hair clip pinned onto my hair and the tight rose choker on my neck, I looked at the glossy marble floors of the ballroom.
I knew that today would be a big struggle when I already struggled to walk properly in Luke's mansion where its floors were not polished. But these floors looked very slippery from its great shine as it looked like it was very finely polished.
I grabbed onto Luke's arm for my safety before he abandoned me to greet his friends once I sat down on a chair. I looked around the ballroom to find busy waiters serving drinks to the guests while there was a buffet table barely touched by any of the participants in the event as they were busy socializing.
Maybe some business deals were made or great connections were established today. However, I couldn't take my eyes off the delicious strawberry shortcakes on the buffet table. Luke was still far away from the buffet table with Alex and his other friends in other schools in the first district. This meant that I had a chance to eat that cake unnoticed from Luke.
I took off my annoying dress shoes and walked towards the buffet table while barefoot. I grabbed a tiny plate from the table and started to stack cookies and cakes on the disappointing small plate.
To not attract attention, I looked around to see if anyone was looking before crawling underneath the table. Thankfully, the long table was covered by a white silky tablecloth, making it a great hiding place. I smiled as I took a bite of the strawberry shortcake near the bottom of my plate.
'So Good~!' I immediately thought.
After finishing all the desserts on my plate, I continued to stay underneath the table so I didn't have to socialize with anyone at the party.
"Kya!" A waiter screamed when she found me underneath the table, failing to get out the box beside me.
"Slush!" I whispered to the waiter.
Unfortunately, I became the center of attention as the guests suddenly stopped conversing to stare at me trying to silence the waiter underneath the table. I got up with no other choice with my hiding spot now discovered.
I lifted up my empty plate, "I dropped my plate and I was looking for it under the table."
None of the guest believed my pathetic excuse as some guests started to chuckle and others started to look in the other direction. I hoped that Luke would also look at another direction, but I found him smiling stiffly towards my direction with his friends.
"Isn't that your fiancée Luke?" One of Luke's friends asked while chuckling.
"My cousin's fiancée is a bit unique," Alex tried to help Luke.
"If you would excuse me," Luke excused himself from his friends.
Luke attempted to look composed as he walked elegantly to where I stood.
"How about you join me and my friends?" Luke stiffly smiled.
"No, I'm really-"
"Rika Roselia Shanes." Luke interrupted me with a great frown.
Seeing that Luke was really angry, I followed him to where his group of friends stood.
"Yes, she must be truly exceptional." Another friend of Luke commented when he noticed I wasn't wearing any shoes.
Luke looked absolutely speechless as Alex tried to cover for Luke, "Where are your shoes Rika?"
I pointed to the shoes I abandoned in front of an empty chair near the entrance of the bright ballroom.
"Why don't you get Rika's shoes?" Alex suggested to Luke to give him time to collect himself while getting my shoes back when I stood there unmoving from my spot.
"I'm honored to finally meet the most rumored person at our school," One of Luke's friend greeted me.
"Are we in the same grade?" I asked him as part of a formality.
"I'm in the other class. I am known as Cillian de Auclair." Cillian introduced himself.
Cillian looked like the typical elite of the first district wearing a fancy navy blue tuxedo that matched his azure blue eyes and blond hair.
"I'm sure it's due to the small classes in our school," I nonchalantly replied back.
"It's just that you're the leader of series of unapprehended incidents since the founding of our school," Another friend of Luke added.
"My name is Henry de Blanc," Henry introduced himself.
Henry appeared just as good-looking as Luke and Alex. His piercing emerald eyes indicated he knew exactly what he was talking about. His confident smile complimented his midnight black tuxedo that matched his straight jet-black hair.
"Here's your shoes Rika," Luke handed me my dress shoes.
Instead of putting my shoes back on, I placed them onto a chair, right behind where we stood.
"I'm not going to put them on until I leave the banquet anyways," I quietly mumbled for Luke to hear.
Unfortunately, it looked like all of Luke's friends had good hearing as their eyes widened from surprise.
"Are you sure Rika?" Alex indirectly threatened me with his sudden bright smile.