"I will politely decline your offer," the prince bowed in return of a apology.
"What! Why?" I yelled at him.
"You look like you are about two years younger than me. In addition, you may negatively impact the pre-war negotiations if it is known that I have helped you to escape as it seems your guardian must be an important noble of the empire with the extensive search party sent out for you." the prince listed reasons why it wasn't feasible.
"Number one, I'm just a mere commoner mistaken for the runaway noble. Number two, I'm willing to give you free advice and it's up to you whether you can take it or not." I countered back.
'There was a reason why people came up with the idea of a free trial. After offering the sweet piece of goodies to the new customer, the possibility of them actually buying the product afterwards goes up,' I praised myself for the plan I came up with.
The prince offered me a chair to sit down as if he was giving me the chance to show that I had something valuable to offer him.
I naturally sat down elegantly with proper posture drilled in from a young age from the constant scoldings from Luke.
"Instead of war, you can ask the empire for help in exchange for taking on debt." I started off.
"What if the empire chooses to demand the debt to be fulfilled by giving up the territory of the kingdom?" The prince asked as if it was a foolish idea.
"After your fields become more fertile while the empire struggles from eventually the same problem, you can fulfill the debt by offering them food. It's all in what you put into the contract." I concluded.
"What if our fields never become fertile?" he questioned.
"If you put specific words in the contract that the debt shall only be fulfilled through the exchange of the same service, then it will not matter. Of course, the empire may request an unconditional alliance and loyalty when the empire enters into a war with the other great powers." I responded confidently.
This kind of stuff was ingrained into me ever since kindergarten.
'The hell-like education system in the first district is finally becoming useful,' I thought again.
The prince looked impressed as he stayed silent with glittering eyes of hope instilled within him as he started to plan how to put more things in his country's favor during the negotiation.
"Then what if-"
"You'll have to help me escape the palace," I cut him off to remind him of my proposal.
Before the prince could answer, he suddenly stiffened as I felt a warm hand on my shoulder from a person behind me.
"Thank you for looking after my younger sister," Lucius greeted the prince politely.
"You must be mistaken," I shoved Lucius' hand away from me.
"No, I'm sure I have the right person Rika." Lucius faced me as he greatly resembled Luke at this moment.
"My sister seems to be very tired, so if you would excuse us." Lucius didn't wait the prince to respond as he dragged me back to the waiting room that Robert locked me in.
Once Lucius had locked the door behind him, he sat on the armchair in the living room as he gestured me to sit across from him.
"Luke doesn't like to talk about you during our family reunions at home." Lucius started off.
'So what?' I thought as I crossed my legs.
"Image is really important in the first district so Luke tries to cover for you even though we already know all the rumors that have been circling around in our inner circle."
"And you are telling me this because..." I tilted my head from Lucius' strange comments.
"I want you to know how Luke, Belle and I were really worried about you during the last few days," Lucius smiled with grief.
"The situation has gotten worse as the rebels are taking action that greatly heightens the emergence of a civil war on top of a war with the desperate Crugan Kingdom." Lucius explained the situation of the fifth district.
I couldn't face Lucius' sincere worry from the guilt that I helped the rebels come up with the idea of a civil war.
However, seeing the poor conditions that the rebels lived in, I didn't regret giving hope to the rebels for a better life that what they currently suffered through.
"We feared that you were captured by the rebels if not even worse people in the fifth district." Lucius waited for me to answer what I was doing while they were busy looking for me.
"I just explored the carnival... I was bored staying inside the castle with nothing to do," I looked down.
"I know you were at the carnival, but I was wondering what you were doing afterwards," Lucius eerily smiled back in response.
"You know this wouldn't have happened if you let me explore the fifth district instead of confining me up in the castle," I avoided his question.
"Of course I would like you to explore the fifth district if not for the dangerous circumstances," Lucius looked annoyed that he wasn't getting through to me.
Suddenly, there was someone knocking on the door.
"The emperor requests you to attend an urgent war meeting," the messenger announced through the door.
Lucius groaned as he summoned a full army of knights before going off to the meeting room.
"Please escort my sister to my house," Lucius commanded them quickly and sternly.
When Lucius couldn't keep the emperor waiting any longer, he entrusted the knights to keep me from escaping the carriage going back to Belle's castle.
Robert, as the captain of the royal knights, grabbed my arm.
"Let's get going, lady Rika." Robert rudely dragged me to the carriage.
'Did he really have to summon a whole army of knights!' I thought with utter amazement of the pure distrust Lucius had for me.