After my hard commute to get away from my house, I found myself in front of the towering entrance of the largest library in the country I was in.
I was thankful that my bank account in the third district accumulated to a great amount in my savings since I didn't get the chance to spend my money.
That was how I was able to buy my bus and train tickets quite easily. Although, the total amount still cost around $280.
I searched for the manga and light novel section on the map in the grand entryway of the building.
"Sorry, big sister!" A young boy who looked like he was in early elementary school bumped into me.
"Are you ok?" I wiped off the dust that landed on his clothes when he fell onto the ground.
The boy innocently smiled as he nodded. He started running again to join his group of friends that came here for a field trip.
How cute! Young children actually had the luxury to play around here. Maybe that was why their expressions didn't look forced as much as the children in the first district.
In order to appear 'ladylike' or the 'young master' of the prestigious families in the first district, young children were strictly taught to interact with others in a certain way to not sully the reputation of their households.
"Lift your chin up straighter," Luke scolded me when I casually ate my sandwiches in the cafeteria.
I ignored Luke as I wanted to enjoy my time while eating the spread of food in front of me.
The other students started to whisper and stare with curiosity as I grabbed two sandwiches in my right hand and three in my other hand.
Shelly and Ellen elegantly ate their food with a knife and a fork as they enjoyed the same variety of sandwiches in front of me.
Their backs and chin were straight like a fine 90 degree angle, which resembled all the other students eating the cafeteria that had proper posture.
Luke brilliantly smiled as if he was warning me that our study sessions would get longer.
Our study sessions mostly comprised of the material we studied at school, but sometimes, Luke would annoyingly lecture me for hours about the importance of having perfect manners.
And it wasn't like I could stop going to the study sessions by force as my grades would fall which would cause us to suffer from a lack of points.
I recalled how hard life was in elementary school when you didn't have enough points as I sighed.
Not wanting to waste any more time, I headed to the section of the library with the books I wanted to read.
After I grabbed the book, I found some big bean bags perfect for relaxing.
I sank in the bean bag when I leaned into the chair.
This was way better than those hard and tough king-sized beds I regularly used in the first district.
I knew that soft beds were bad for your back, but they just felt really comfy~.
* * *
"Rika!" Someone kept on yelling my name like a clear ringing bell.
I woke up while wobbling from a young boy with long silver eyelashes staring back at me while shaking my shoulders fiercely.
"What?" I asked while being clearly irritated as I started to gain more awareness of my surroundings.
The bright sunlight that once lit up the library was gone and replaced with dim yellow lights produced from the strongly charged light bulbs.
A faint hint of moonlight showed that it was already deep into the evening as the streetlights overwhelmed the light of the natural starry sky.
I leaned back as I stretched to get up. I noticed that I was still laying on the bean bag when I sank even further into the chair.
"Is the library closing already?" I asked before correctly identifying the person who shook me awake.
Luke pulled my arm to get me out of the comfy chair as I groaned from leaving its softness.
Wait. How did Luke find me here?
"How? Why?" I unintentionally voiced my thoughts out loud.
Luke brightly smiled as he just used his mana to teleport us back to my parent's house when he determined that no one was near where we were when he scanned the area.
Luke never used his mana in other districts. I knew that whenever Luke's smile got more bright or dazzling, it meant that he was really angry. However, I never thought he would use teleportation, one of the most noticeable ways that someone may discover the existence of mana.
We were currently in the living room in my house. I knew my parents weren't in the house when I couldn't find their work shoes in the entryway.
I took out my marble to check the time by habit as I wondered when my parents would get home. I knew that Luke could not lecture me as much when my parents were here compared to the first district where we spent most of our time together with only the two of us.
The projection coming from the marble indicated that it was four-thirty a.m. on July 8th of 3020.
But there was no way that it could be four-thirty a.m.!
I clearly remembered going on the bus at this time after I escaped from the house.