
Nothing happened as Luke sighed as if he predicted that this would happen.

'If the first bomb didn't work, maybe the next one will work' I thought.

I instantly produced ten nuclear bomb simultaneously to drop down onto the barrier.

This time, the bombs contained five percent of my mana each as fuel for its destructive power.

Luke's eyes instantly widened as he realized what I was about to do.

Luke's mouth opened to yell 'stop', but before he could say so, I dropped the bombs with no hesitation.

The amass of power within the bombs stook the whole neighbourhood. I instantly soundproofed my ears for protection as a great storm of fire erupted before my eyes.

Luke instantly soundproofed the small area that was encompassed around him as he followed my warning.

Sparks of red and blue mixed together to produce the most beautiful fireworks rather than doing any damage when the first few bombs were dropped.

It was a festival of the lights as the energy created from my mana displayed the colours of the rainbow as it touched the unbudging barrier.

But, there was no scratches to the barrier to my surprise.

"Maybe I didn't put enough mana into them," I reflected on my mistake.

Luke stayed silent as he was immersed in studying the consequences.

Luke suddenly grabbed my hand to lead me to a hiding place in the servant's building.

We ran up to the second floor and found the perfect hiding spot.

There was a closet in one of the unlocked rooms with a stained glass window near the top while its other parts were constructed from light-weight metal.

The closet was big enough to fit both Luke and I even when it was full of maid uniforms.

I checked the status of the barrier as I looked outside the stained glass.

Fortunately, when the latter bombs dropped, a crack within the barrier was finally formed.

'One more left,' I thought as I clasped my hands together in prayer.

The last bomb dropped as it immediately shattered the barrier with its impact.

The sound of the barrier crackling down was like glass being shattered onto the ground, but on a much greater scale.

Even though I used my mana to soundproof the surrounding noises, I was unable to prevent myself from hearing the faint noises of the bomb due to its great impact.

I got rid of the soundproofing spell of both Luke and I with a snap of my fingers after all the bombs dropped.

"We can escape now," I whispered to Luke.

Step. Step. Tap.

William opened the closet doors as he brightly smiled.

I hugged myself in surprise as I wondered how Luke's father was able to immediately find us after all the bombs were finished dropping down onto the barrier.

His silver hair tousled down as it slightly touched my face when he offered us his hand to help us come out of the closet.

I refused his hand as I got out of the closet on my own.

[Teleport] I instantly thought to get out of this place as I shivered from imagining the consequences of breaking the barrier in a dynamic way that shook the whole neighborhood.

"Cancel," William waved his hand in the air as the teleportation spell was cancelled.

"I have to admit that I was pretty impressed," William welcomed us into his arms.

I trembled in his arms as Luke stayed frozen with his expressionless face.

"It was a experiment," I answered to hide my fear.

William studied us as he finally stopped when he concluded we were not injured from the bombs.

"Well, I am glad you are not injured," William warmly smiled.

"Here's the new schedule," William gave us our new schedule through a projection.

* * *

"What's with this noise!" Joanna stomped her feet as she invaded into William's study.

William's study was messy with unfinished work piling on his desk and the floor.

The documents littered the tables and luxurious couches for guests to sit on.

This was not work that anyone could finish within a day. William's study was actually a time-space room where time slowed down.

Without this feature, there was no way that William would be able to finish the work within a day. His parents gave him a toppling amount of new work every single day.

William feared that he would someday die from overworking when his work got piled up from the previous days of slacking off even if it was just a little bit.

The study rumbled from the great noise from outside.

William stood up to look outside the window to find out the reason for this great commotion.

Both Joanna and William found bombs coming down onto their mansion.

The noise was from the bombs crashing onto the barrier surrounding the estate.

They both frowned when they traced the mana back to the young girl standing beside their son.

"See! This is what happens when they have just a little bit of energy!" Joanna screamed at William.

William instantly regretted fighting with Joanna after breakfast today as he wished he had listened to her.

"You can't give them this!" William argued with Joanna after breakfast.

The hell-like schedule was laid out in front of him. This was even more intense than what was given to Luke before he entered kindergarten.

'Even if his son was able to endure this, how would that fragile girl go through this as well?' William couldn't accept Joanna's method of raising children.