Cross-dressing Cafe (1)

A large crowd gathered around the classroom. Miliana apologized to the guests who had to wait outside as there was a long lineup that went for miles. Inside the room, the guests who sat in their chairs couldn't stop staring at a group of gorgeous girls that dazzled their eyes.

Meanwhile, the girls chattered over the charismatic styling of Shelly, Ellen and I. I nimbly served the guests their drinks and desserts with the shoes that Luke had picked out for me. It was no wonder that Luke never thought about needing running shoes. His shoes had a similar effect that supported his feet even without the lack of cushioning.

"Can I take a picture?" A guest from the high school section hesitantly asked me.

"Sure," I smiled.

We ended up taking a picture together before I took their orders. Once the others saw they could take a photo of any of us, they started to request photos to Luke, Alex and Charles. Charles shot me a look like he was going to kill me later for this while he brightly smiled with over ten consecutive guests.

"I can't believe what I'm seeing is real," Delia lightly slapped her cheeks when it was her and Sienna's turn in line.

"Aren't they works of art?" I gave them the menu.

"I'm taking a picture with you," Sienna took her marble out.

I winked and put out hearts with my thumb and index fingers crossed together. The other guests had liked this since they thought it was innovative. Sienna smiled when she checked the photo before admiring the sight in front of her.

Luke's hair in two ponytails dripped down like a waterfall in the colours of a rainbow in the sunlight. His waist appeared thinner than mine from constantly training while his slender frame seemed delicate to the point it would break any moment. His long feminine eyelashes fluttered at all the guests in the room which complimented the flowery pink dress.

I remembered to add the signature roses to his neck as a collar, and bracelets and anklets made from tiny frozen roses wrapped together. Since I spent a long time arranging his entire outfit, he appeared as a celestial fairy from another world. It was the first time where our roles were switched.

I had to admit it was fun when I wasn't the one in that position. Since the base was already beautiful, it was easy to accent more of his features. If I were to compare my appearance to Luke, he was definitely comparably more gorgeous when we both dressed up. Shelly also made sure Alex was almost on the same standing as Luke as she confessed how much time she spent on his makeup.

Miliana on the other hand was worse than all of us. Apparently, it had taken her several days to get Charles to appear much more exquisite than her. She changed his accessories in front of the mirror for days and changed his makeup several times. I could tell she had many grudges against Charles. Maybe even more than I did to Luke.

Ellen, on the other hand, was easy on Allan as he was able to ease into his role faster than all of them. Besides his heels, Allan was able to breath in his clothes. The room was filled with flashes from people taking photos with the three of them. They quickly became the king of all the hosts in the room with their overwhelming popularity.

"This is the first time I have ever seen an event hosted in middle school to be this popular," Ben appeared amazed by their transformations.

"Well, we are talented," I considered Luke's current look as my pride.

Many piled grudges had helped with this vicious makeover. Beauty always did come in exchange for pain. There was a tight corset that revealed his back full of pulled ribbons that almost killed me last time I went to a fraction party. He walked more cautiously than usual to prevent himself from tripping from the smallest thing.

"But, this is overwhelming to take in," Jules came with Ben.

"You should take a picture too," I told them when they couldn't keep their gaze away.

"I'm sure your cousin won't mind when he already took many photos, in fact, here's a limited-edition photo of him standing near a tall window," I elbowed Jules.

Jules immediately paid for the photo as he hid it deep in his inventory once I transferred it over. He then stared at both Alex and Luke while ignoring my presence. It did make sense it was hard to look away at such beautiful pieces of art. This was why the line was so long. Nobody wanted to leave so we had to set a time for how long each guest could stay.

Plus, after they heard about the event from the earlier visitors, they all wanted to come experience the same thing. Since the room was bustling with guests, none of us could afford to take a break like Sienna and Delia. Everything we earned during this event was donated to the many charities in the first and second district.

This was how I managed to make photo cards of the three of them. Although, they didn't have to know I kept a few for myself. I made sure they were hidden deep inside my inventory just like Jules. I turned when a guest kneeled in front of Luke when he took his order.

"Will you please marry me?" The boy nervously looked up at Luke.