Miniature Cafe (2)

My clothes shrank until my clothes didn't slip off my body anymore as Charles remained still in Miliana's arms. Miliana shrieked in surprise when Charles suddenly sat up with fire in his eyes. His face twisted into a scary smile as he laughed in the middle of nowhere.

"Oh, you're dead Rika," a younger version of Charles oddly repeated over and over again.

"Oh please, what can you do?" I softly mumbled.

Charles picked up a needle on the table beside us and stabbed it into my arm before I could dodge. I screamed as my body felt like it was being struck by lightning. The electricity made my skin crawl up in the air and my body throbbed immensely in consistent pumps.

"This is quartium, it helps people with mana deficiency," he sniggered like a villain.

This was war now. My body trembled from possessing too much mana as I found myself in the same child-like form before I carried out his transformation. I grinned with the power that whispered I could do anything.

When I was about to walk over to the same table Charles had picked out the needle, Luke had grabbed my wrist. My body pulled back onto the bed with his tight grip as he warned me to stay put. I stared at him with contempt until I realized I could repeat the same spell on Luke.

Before I could initiate my plan, Alex slapped Luke's hand off me as if he had noticed my plan. When my spell was done, instead of Luke, Alex was covered by a bright light while his height shortened to resemble Charles. Maybe quartium was too powerful as my appearance didn't change like it had when I placed my spell on Charles.

"We can have a mix between the cross-dressing café and miniature café now," I clapped.

Although it wasn't my plan, lolis and shounens were equally popular as cross-dressing in the otaku world. I was thankful that I didn't throw out my old elementary school uniform. It would be the perfect size for this appearance!

"What about our costumes?" Charles fumed.

"You can just borrow Luke's old clothes," I remembered Luke didn't throw out his elementary school uniform yet.

Our old uniforms were nicely placed in the most bottom drawer from each of our respective closets. It was almost like we forgot they existed since we never had the chance to organize our old clothes. Who knew it would ever become useful again?

"Isn't it better than dressing as a girl?" I reminded him of earlier today.

Charles stopped expressing his anger as he shifted into a moment of deep strategizing. It was to either suffer through another day of high heels and tight dresses or run around comfortably in a younger image of himself.

"Maybe this isn't too bad," Charles held out his hands for Luke's old uniform.

"We'll give you the costumes tomorrow," Luke pulled me into his arms to get ready to leave.

From the results of this experiment, it was clear I would return to normal soon. I clung onto his neck as Luke walked back to the dorm room. I immediately flopped onto my bed after pulling out our old uniforms and placing it on my desk.

The next day, the café was written as the 'Cross-dressing and Miniature Café'. The lineup had increased four more times than yesterday as the high school students cooed over Alex's younger appearance. His face with slightly more baby fat made him look cute like a soft, plushy doll.

Charles smiled as he cutely posed with the older guests who requested more photos than yesterday. No one suspected this happened by accident. I was sure the rest of the group ensured the accident remained confidential after Luke and I left the infirmary.

"It was only a cross-dressing café yesterday and today it has evolved," Ben looked at the sight in front of him.

"Things happened," I popped up with my short height.

"But you look sooo cute," Sienna pulled out her marble to take a picture.

"Can I hug you?" Sienna pulled me closer to her.

"Too tight," I groaned when Sienna wouldn't let me go.

I took a deep breath when I freed myself from Sienna. After getting sick from the milkshakes, my classmates didn't let me even go near the desserts anymore. Instead, I was in charge of writing down the orders and passing it onto them.

I wrote down the orders of both Sienna and Ben and passed the message to Luke with my marble. Instantaneously, Luke brought two slices of sparkling strawberry shortcakes with the same outfit as yesterday, but decorated with different accessories. I gulped as I stared at my favourite dessert passing by my eyes.

I had only eaten a tiny course composed of mostly salad for breakfast. For lunch, Luke brought me a healthy sandwich that tasted exquisite as usual, but boring compared to delicious whipped cream. I turned away from the table, unwilling to torture myself with the unattainable desserts.

"Would you like some?" A girl from a table behind me held a spoon full of splendid pudding.

I nodded my head and opened my mouth, waiting to be fed. My eyes sparkled as it became larger from a spoon heading towards my lips. I could already imagine the splendid texture of the creamy golden pudding only a few millimeters away.

However, Alex shoved me out of the way and ate my spoon of pudding. What was his problem? When I turned to mumble some complaints to him, Alex had disappeared and was nowhere to be seen inside the room.