The air trembled as a monster that appeared the most human to date punched the barrier a several miles away from us. The only difference between that monster and a normal human being was its skin tone that resembled all the other creatures. The same ashen grey that smelled like the dead.
One punch caused an entire barrier to shatter like it was made of fragile glass. The thought of surviving through the next thirty seconds crept into everyone's head. For the first time, Alex appeared like he wanted to punch the buttons until they were broken. Meanwhile, Cillian and Luke soon switched positions when Cillian became exhausted.
Luke took the chance to pour more liquid over my head like I wasn't already freezing enough from the wet clothes. What more could happen when we only had two more barriers to pass? We all sighed in relief when we passed through the next one, meaning only one more pass until we were inside the most inner region inside the residential area.
"I thought they didn't exist anymore," Sienna whimpered.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Sienna is talking about the S class monsters, the humanoids," Shelly revealed they split the monsters into different levels.
Coming from a gaming background in my former life, the only levels more powerful than S class was SS and SSS if they ever existed. No wonder the atmosphere instantly became more tense after that monster's appearance. This monster was on a whole other level than the ones we directly fought before.
I couldn't help but flinch when another barrier was broken by the humanoid. That monster was now officially two barriers behind us. When things couldn't get any worse, the monster began muttering a long-distance attack like it possessed its own supply of mana. Before we could react, the spell punctured the energy tank.
And before panic could hit us, we immediately abandoned the hover car as we ran into the last barrier in front of us. But all of us knew we weren't safe until we entered Luke's mansion. We sprinted towards his mansion as we ignored the sounds of the barrier behind us shattering into pieces.
I have never felt so happy to be inside his mansion as its grand gates welcomed us inside. Strangely, instead of going inside, Luke immediately changed the time inside the barrier with his marble. I watched him slow the time as much as possible like he was trying to buy us more time before we attempted to escape back to school.
I shivered as it meant that Luke thought that even this place wasn't safe anymore. When I looked up at the towering mansion, I knew this one was where I visited Luke's fraction meeting for the first and the last time. When we were all gathered in the familiar lobby, Luke turned to announce our plans, "our goal is to recover as much as possible before using the teleportation gate to return back to school."
We all agreed that it was our best option as I began to walk towards my usual room before I was stopped by Luke. When I was about to ask him the reason why I couldn't go to my room, he lightly tapped my back and I fell into a realm of darkness, swallowing me up as a whole. The next time I opened my eyes, I was inside a room full of medical bottles neatly placed along the numerous shelves.
A gag was placed inside my mouth as Luke began pouring more bottles of liquid over every area of my body. A shot of pain directly made me scream through the gag as I knew Luke was trying to help by putting me to sleep so I wouldn't have to suffer through the pain. Unfortunately, I could see no signs of painkillers that helped like earlier as Shelly helped pass more bottles to Luke.
I noticed my hand wasn't covered by bandages anymore. Instead, black liquid oozed out of the wound like it was red blood that was infected. The bottles had to have erigent inside since that was the only other medicine that ever made me feel this amount of pain. But it was strange to not feel the clinging wet clothes attached to my body like earlier.
When I looked at my body from lifting my head, I discovered I was naked in front of my companions inside the hover car before. I also noticed that the boy was missing inside the room with Cillian. When I pulled on Sienna's sleeve, asking for an explanation, she knowingly answered, "Cillian is performing first aid on the boy in another room."
I nodded my head to tell her that I understood while Alex appeared to be bringing in an IV machine towards me. When my vision stopped wavering in and out, the room started to resemble the one I was confined inside after I was stabbed in the stomach. The bed was almost the same if it wasn't for the difference in colour.
The slight poke on my hand felt like nothing compared to the waves of pain coming in and out of my head with every bottle Luke poured. I almost screamed that the medicine was a scam since it wasn't making me feel any better. Instead, it was causing me to become dizzier and disabling me from controlling my body.
Maybe I actually screamed it was a scam, Alex finally looked at my face before letting me know, "the runaway who was the start of all this mess is recovering from the same thing in the next room."