Recovering (2)

"I've been telling you that accepting food from others has something to do with power play in the first district," Luke answered the first question.

Since this was reasonable, I nodded to him to continue about reading my comic books in secret without letting anyone know.

"What about reading my books in secret. You know when no one in school is with us or see us?" I asked when he looked like he wasn't going to continue.

"You know how I don't like you reading those books. But I let you hide them inside the dorm room," Luke showed off his generosity.

Now this was where it was starting to become a problem. Luke didn't like me doing anything he didn't approve of.

"Well you can't expect me to be your puppet and do everything you want. In fact, I think this is the root of the problem. I do admit that I overreact to things sometimes, but that's only because you're the one trying to restrict both my public and private life to the point that I feel suffocated. If you want an example, it's the little things like not letting me read the doctor report last time," I explained.

If he didn't burn my comic books, I would've never attempted to escape from his mansion. Actually, all I wanted from him was the little freedom that ordinary people got to do. I desperately hoped he would understand now as I stared into his eyes that showed contemplation.

Luke shook his head, "But I do give you the freedom? I let you join the neutral fraction and visit that café."

I sighed as it really seemed that Luke didn't understand. I guessed this was the problem in the partner system that Ellen miserably talked about. Luke thought it was natural to have this control over me since his family was more powerful than mine. It was a pity that it seemed that this conversation looked like it wouldn't be going anywhere.

"How would you feel if I didn't let you practice the sword since I don't like you doing it?" I decided to take a different approach.

"It wouldn't matter since you don't have any power over the decision," Luke appeared genuinely confused.

I started to get frustrated as nothing seemed to get across to him and this was the second time that we had this conversation. I guessed this was the only point where Alex was better than Luke. Even though Alex did appear more arrogant than Luke at the first glance, he actually respected Shelly's opinions. Not once have I seen him directly trying to control what she could and couldn't do.

Although they fought a lot, it was better than having no input at all. Fighting meant you were on somehow equal grounds. At the same time, I realized how Luke was still a child who was never taught these kinds of things from his parents. All he knew was the necessary etiquette and knowledge required to possess as an elite. Since Luke always seemed so mature, I have never considered this fact until I started to rationally go through my memories.

"Well, with that mindset, nothing is going to change," I turned away from him, disappointed.

Luke needed to realize that as human beings, everyone needed some private time on their own. We needed to do stuff that we enjoyed that didn't affect our public part of our lives. When I took a brief glance at his face, Luke's disappointed face reflected into my eyes. It was like he was wondering why I wouldn't understand his point of view.

"And this isn't only us, but everyone in the partner system. We need to properly start listening to each other and make decisions together while respecting one another's private time. In fact, I'm willing to make the effort if you are too," I reached out my hand to offer him a deal.

Instead of taking my hand, Luke tried to slip my hand back into the blanket, "if you show results of listening to me first, maybe I'll try making some effort'."

Ugh! I gave up. Nothing was working. Why try on something that was never going to work out? I felt like this was the perfect timing to resolve everything since Luke seems nicer than usual since I was a step away from my deathbed. Before I could shake my head from hitting a dead end, Luke had already walked out of the door.

As my mind became clearer, I needed to desperately move my body and convince myself I wouldn't die from frustration. The fact that I couldn't just die like this hit me hard. There was no way I would also leave this life full of regrets. Thankfully, I was able to move my body again when I sent some energy to the rest of my limbs.

Whatever side effects from the medicine Luke used was starting to wear off. I grabbed onto the headset of the bed as I tried to stand on my own. But a blinding light prevented me from walking any further. Both violet and grey gases mixed together to create another version of the fireball I was familiar with.

And it was slowly heading towards the mansion, dooming all of us to our deaths. When I crawled to the window with my feeble strength, I noticed the humanoid slowly taking a step toward the mansion as if time slowed down. I tried to open the window to get a better look, but I wasn't surprised when I soon figured it was locked.

I betted that door was locked as well. It was just like Luke to cage me inside a room that he could control.