Recovering (4)

My grip on the sword tightened as I finally noticed an opening. There was space between the door and where Alex stood. I charged in with no hesitation, knowing I was done for if he closed the door. There was no way I could stay still in my bed when there were malevolent fireballs heading towards this mansion.

Although I felt a bit apologetic to Alex since he had no weapons, I knew he wouldn't get hurt with the amount of training he had. But unexpectedly, my eyes widened as a familiar sword appeared out of thin air. It was the same one he used to fight the monsters, the golden and silver lilies surrounding the crowned handle.

With one powerful swing, he was able to fling my sword out of my hands and into the back of the room. If I wasn't used to the frequent sparing he had with Luke, I might have wondered how he appeared like a master swordsman with his thin and lanky arms. Having no chance to think about what to do next, I continued to charge out of the door and make a run for it. But I couldn't help sulking in the process as the sword would've made a good weapon even though its edges were terribly dull.

I waved away Olive's face that crossed my mind as I still couldn't forget the day I was hung on a stake because of her. I coughed as a brunt force caused me to pull back into the room as Alex grabbed my wrist. I winced as his grip was always tight and unrelenting in letting go. And before I could attempt to escape from his grasp, I watched the door close, erasing the chances of getting out.

Of course it would be too easy if I was able to escape under his watch. Before I tried to switch my approach with attempting to convince him with words, Alex immediately pulled open one of the drawers beside my bed. I curiously watched the items inside as I have never bothered to check. When I noticed it was full of more bottles labelled with different kinds of medicine, my shoulders dropped down in disappointment.

What else did I expect from this room? But what I didn't expect was how Alex opened the bottle as he walked until he was in front of me and poured the liquid on my hand without any prior notice. I instantaneously collapsed onto the floor and screamed from the pain. I looked up to glare at him before I was confronted with his cold eyes.

I rammed the floor with my punches, begging to make the pain fly away as Alex continued to pour the liquid over me. He was merciless, unlike Luke and Shelly who gave me some breaks to recover. I knew Alex had always hated me to a certain extent. I was the person who was making his lovely cousin's life harder. I had the same miserable relationship that I couldn't break with him like I did with Luke.

"As long as you don't bring it up on your own, I won't tell Luke about this," Alex's words were the opposite of his actions.

I almost choked as even Alex was being nicer than usual today. Usually, he would tell Luke with no hesitation with his never-ending loyalty to his family and friends. The only reason why he wouldn't report this to him if it would bring a disadvantage in some way or other forms. But I didn't question him as it was better that Luke didn't know about this failed attempt.

Even though I didn't know how things could go more downhill from here, Luke always had creative ways in proving me wrong. He did come up with that contract a few months ago that was almost impossible to terminate. As my vision started to waver from the extreme pain, I heard Alex's last warning, "If you don't want things to get worse, you better stay put in this room."

Alex walked out of the room and closed the door as I crawled on the floor. Unfortunately, the door that had its paint and edges chipped away were perfectly restored in the process. My hard work in breaking the door to escape was all gone. Even the sword at the back of the room had disappeared all of the sudden.

But there were still many useless decorations that could be used to break the door. I deliberated on which ones to use next before another round of sharp pain ran through my mind. I could never get used to the sudden hits of pain even though I was sure I went over it more than hundreds of times. My vision started forming large black spots that increased as the pain got worse.

My head felt heavy as my body rocked left to right until it fell onto the soft carpeted floors. Was I going back to sleep again? I didn't want to go back to sleep when time seemed so precious. Up to a few minutes ago when my mind was clearer, I could feel the fireballs coming a millimetre closer to the house with its huge energy.

My body didn't listen to me as I heard the door being unlocked again. But what could I do with a paralyzed body? I felt my consciousness slipping pass my grasp with each additional second. Until, I landed in the realm of nothingness with no pain.